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Created July 30, 2013 12:51
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#include <algorithm>//copy
#include <cassert>//assert
#include <iostream>//cout
#include <iterator>//iterator
#include <limits>//numeric
#include <memory>//shared_ptr
#include <numeric>//accumelate
#include <random>//mt19937, distribution
#include <sstream>//stringstream;
#include <type_traits>//is_arithmetic
#include <vector>//vector
extern void* enabler;
template <
typename T = double,//乱数の型
typename std::enable_if<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value>::type*& = enabler//Tが算術型かどうか判断する
class erlang_distribution
typedef T result_type;
struct param_type
typedef erlang_distribution<T> distribution_type;
param_type(T lambda, std::size_t dim = 5U)
: lambda(lambda)
assert(1U <= dim && "K must be greater than or equal to 1");
this->dim = dim;
bool operator==(const param_type& right) const
return dim == right.dim && lambda == right.lambda;
bool operator!=(const param_type& right) const
return !(*this == right);
std::size_t dim;
T lambda;
explicit erlang_distribution(T lambda = static_cast<T>(1), std::size_t dim = 9U)
: par(lambda, dim)
explicit erlang_distribution(param_type par)
: par(par)
std::size_t dimension() const
return par.dim;
T lambda() const
return par.lambda;
param_type param() const
return par;
void param(const param_type& par)
this->par = par;
result_type(min)() const
return static_cast<result_type>(0);
result_type(max)() const
return (std::numeric_limits<result_type>::max)();
template <typename Engine>
result_type operator()(Engine& engine) const
return execute(engine, par);
template <typename Engine>
result_type operator()(Engine& engine, const param_type& param) const
return execute(engine, param);
template <typename Engine>
result_type execute(Engine& engine, const param_type& param) const
typedef std::exponential_distribution<result_type> exp_type;
random<exp_type> rand(param.lambda);
auto it = rand.begin();
auto end = rand.end(param.dim);
return std::accumulate(it, end, static_cast<result_type>(0));
param_type par;
template <typename Result>
class random_iterator
: public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, Result>
typedef Result result_type;
typedef std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, result_type> base_iterator;
typedef typename base_iterator::value_type value_type;
typedef typename base_iterator::iterator_category iterator_category;
typedef typename base_iterator::pointer pointer;
typedef typename base_iterator::reference reference;
typedef typename base_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
//型消去(Type Erasure)というテクニックを使用
class rand_holder_base
virtual ~rand_holder_base()
virtual result_type operator()() = 0;
template <typename Rand>
class rand_holder : public rand_holder_base
rand_holder(const Rand& rand)
: rand(rand)
virtual result_type operator()() override
return rand();
Rand rand;
template <typename Random>
random_iterator(const Random& rnd, std::size_t max = 0U)
: rand(std::make_shared < rand_holder < Random >> (rnd)),
value = (*rand)();
bool operator!=(const random_iterator& right) const
return counter < right.max;
bool operator==(const random_iterator& right) const
return !(*this != right);
value_type operator*() const
return value;
value_type operator++()
value = (*rand)();
return value;
std::shared_ptr<rand_holder_base> rand;
value_type value;
std::size_t max;
std::size_t counter;
template <
typename Dist,//乱数の分布
typename Engine = std::mt19937//乱数生成アルゴリズム(デフォルトはメルセンヌ・ツイスター)
class random
typedef typename Dist::result_type result_type;
typedef typename random_iterator<result_type> iterator;
template <typename... Args>
random(Args... args)
: dist(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
iterator begin() const
return iterator(*this);
iterator end(std::size_t max = 10U) const
return iterator(*this, max);
template <typename... Args>
result_type operator()(Args... args)
if (0U < sizeof...(Args))
typename Dist::param_type p(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return dist(engine);
Dist dist;//乱数分布
Engine engine;//乱数生成アルゴリズム
struct fcfs
typedef std::size_t size_type;
fcfs() : s(0U)
void push()
void pop()
assert(!empty() && "!empty()");
size_type size() const
return s;
bool empty() const
return s == 0U;
size_type s;//待ち行列の客数
template <typename T>
struct typeof
typedef T type;
#define TYPEOF(value) typeof<decltype(value)>::type
template <
typename A, //到着間隔分布
typename B, //サービス時間分布
std::size_t X,//窓口数
std::size_t Y = UINT_MAX,//系内客数上限(デフォルトは∞、std::size_tの上限)
typename Z = fcfs,//サービス規律(デフォルトは先着順)
typename std::enable_if<1 <= X>::type*& = enabler//窓口数は1以上でなければならない
class simulation
typedef A arrival_dist_type;
typedef typename arrival_dist_type::result_type arrival_type;
typedef B service_dist_type;
typedef typename service_dist_type::result_type service_type;
typedef Z rule_type;
void operator()(std::ostream& os, arrival_type lambda)
arrival_dist_type arrival_rand;
arrival_type arrival_time = static_cast<arrival_type>(0);
service_dist_type serivce_rand;
service_type service_time = static_cast<service_type>(0);
rule_type queue;
decltype(arrival_time + service_time) total_time = static_cast<decltype(arrival_time + service_time)>(0);
typedef std::vector<decltype(total_time)> customer_type;
customer_type number_of_customers(DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE);
const double MU = 9.0;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIMULATION_TIME; i++)
arrival_time = arrival_rand(lambda);
if (X == 1U)
service_time = serivce_rand(MU);
if (queue.size() <= 1)
service_time = serivce_rand(MU);
service_time = serivce_rand(2.0 * MU);
if (queue.empty() || arrival_time < service_time)
total_time += arrival_time;
if (queue.size() >= DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE)
number_of_customers.resize(queue.size() + DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE);
number_of_customers[queue.size()] += arrival_time;
number_of_customers[queue.size()] += arrival_time;
total_time += service_time;
if (queue.size() >= DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE)
number_of_customers.resize(queue.size() + DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE);
number_of_customers[queue.size()] += arrival_time;
number_of_customers[queue.size()] += arrival_time;
for (auto& it : number_of_customers)
it /= total_time;
typename customer_type::value_type average = static_cast<typename customer_type::value_type>(0);
for (std::size_t i = 0U; i < number_of_customers.size(); i++)
average += i * number_of_customers[i];
os << average << std::endl;
static const std::size_t MAX_SIMULATION_TIME = 1000000U;//1度のシュミレーションの試行回数
static const std::size_t DEFAULT_VECTOR_RESERVE_SIZE = 1 << 8U;
typedef random<std::exponential_distribution<double>> M;
typedef random<erlang_distribution<double>> E;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (argc != 2)
std::cout << "argc != 2" << std::endl;
return 1;
double lambda;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << argv[1];
ss >> lambda;
simulation<M, E, 1> s;
s(std::cout, lambda);
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