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Last active March 12, 2018 16:52
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.eff fork+discard function for cats Arrow
//import scalaz._
//import scalaz.syntax.arrow._
//def eff[F[_, _]: Arrow, A, B](a: F[A, B])(effFn: F[B, Unit]): F[A, B] = {
// val z = Arrow[F].arr(identity[B]) &&& Arrow[F].arr(identity[B])
// a >>> z >>> effFn.second[B].mapsnd(_._1)
import cats.arrow._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.profunctor._
import cats.syntax.strong._
import cats.syntax.compose._
import scala.language.higherKinds
def effImpl[F[_, _]: Arrow, A, B](a: F[A, B])(eff: F[B, Unit]): F[A, B] = {
val forkedA: F[A, (B, B)] =
val effOnFirst: F[(B, B), (Unit, B)] =
forkedA >>> effOnFirst >>> discardFirst
def mkTuple[A](a: A): (A, A) =
(a, a)
def discardFirst[F[_, _]: Arrow, A, B]: F[(A, B), B] = {
implicit class ArrowEff[F[_, _]: Arrow, A, B](fab: F[A, B]) {
def eff(eff: F[B, Unit]): F[A, B] = {
object Abc {
import cats.instances.all._
def a = { x: Int => x + 1 }
.andThen(_ * 5)
.andThen(_ ^ 2)
.eff(x => println(s"Current value: $x"))
def b = { x: Int => x + 1 }
.>>>(_ * 5)
.>>>(_ ^ 2)
.eff(x => println(s"Current value: $x"))
def c = { x: Int => x + 1 }
.map(_ * 5)
.map(_ ^ 2)
.eff(x => println(s"Current value: $x"))
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