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Created May 20, 2014 03:23
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handleTagChange: function(tags) {
var tagCollection = this.props.tagCollection;
var taskModel = this.props.model;
function storeTags() {
if (taskModel.isNew()) {
taskModel.set({tag_ids: ids});
} else {{tag_ids: ids}, {patch: true});
var allTags = tagCollection.pluck('name');
var newTags = _.difference(tags, allTags);
var newTagModels =
function createTagModel(tagName) {
return new Tag.Model({name: tagName});
var tagIds =
function findExistingTags(tag) {
return tagCollection.where({name: tag});
if (newTagModels) {
var complete = _.invoke(tagCollection.add(newTagModels), 'save');
$.when.apply($, complete).done(
function finishCreatingTags(){
var newTagIds = _.pluck(newTagModels, 'id');
storeTags(_.union(tagIds, newTagIds));
} else {
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