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Created June 20, 2019 19:55
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Janky server-side rendering of prosemirror docs
const _ = require('lodash');
const cuid = require('cuid');
function renderText(renderBranch, renderLeaf) {
return (acc, node) => {
if (node.doc) {
return renderText(renderBranch, renderLeaf)(acc, node, node.doc);
} else if (node.content) {
return renderBranch(acc, node, node.content);
} else if (node.text) {
return renderLeaf(acc, node, node.text, node.marks);
} else {
return acc;
const toPlaintext = renderText(
(acc, node, childNodes) => acc + _.reduce(childNodes, toPlaintext, ''),
(acc, node, text) => acc + text
const toHTML = renderText(
(acc, node, childNodes) => acc + _.reduce(childNodes, toHTML, ''),
(acc, node, text, marks) => {
if (marks) {
return acc + => `<${m.type}>`).join('') + text + => `</${m.type}>`).join('');
} else {
return acc + text;
function getKindOfTexture(type) {
const kinds = {
em: 'style.italics',
strong: 'style.bold'
return kinds[type];
// Texture is a lossy format similar to Quill's deltas,
// where the text is represented by a flat string and nodes/marks
// are 'textures' that have start and end indices
const toTexture = renderText(
(acc, node, childNodes) => {
if (node.type === 'paragraph') {
length: _.reduce(childNodes, (length, child) => length + child.text.length, 0),
kind: 'style.paragraph',
id: cuid(),
offset: acc.text.length
return _.reduce(childNodes, toTexture, acc);
(acc, node, text, marks) => {
if (marks) {
marks.forEach((mark) => {
length: text.length,
kind: getKindOfTexture(mark.type),
id: cuid(),
offset: acc.text.length
acc.text += text;
return acc;
* Render prosemirror's data model in various formats.
* @param {Object} field
* @param {string} format
* @return {string|Object}
function renderTo(field, format) {
switch (format) {
case 'TEXT_RAW': return field;
case 'TEXT_HTML': return _.reduce([field], toHTML, '');
case 'TEXT_TEXTURE': return _.reduce([field], toTexture, {text: '', textures: []});
default: return _.reduce([field], toPlaintext, '');
module.exports.renderTo = renderTo;
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