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Last active January 9, 2022 14:44
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Simple treeview clipper for imgui
// only handles coplexity on top level, if you have a node with 1M children, you are out of luck
// changes in clipped parts are not detected, so if somebody deleted nodes in clipped, scrollbar is not updated until user actually scrolls
// scrolling and changes refresh the clipper == that part is as slow as no clipping at all
// only single list in BeginChild/EndChild is tested
struct TreeViewClipper {
// persist
float cursor_end = 0;
float cursor_visible_start = 0;
uint first_visible_index = 0;
float last_scroll = 0;
float cursor_visible_end = 0;
uint visible_end_index = 0;
bool full_pass = true;
// valid only between begin end
bool scrolled;
bool met_visible;
bool last_is_visible;
uint idx;
float y;
bool finished;
uint count;
// returns index of first visible top-level node
uint Begin(uint _count) {
count = _count;
scrolled = ImGui::GetScrollY() != last_scroll;
if (scrolled) full_pass = true;
if (full_pass) Refresh();
// skip invisible space
// init runtime data
met_visible = false;
last_is_visible = true;
idx = first_visible_index;
finished = idx >= count;
return idx;
void Refresh() {
full_pass = false;
last_scroll = ImGui::GetScrollY();
first_visible_index = 0;
cursor_visible_start = 0;
cursor_end = 0;
bool BeginNode() {
y = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
return !finished;
void EndNode() {
const bool visible = ImGui::IsItemVisible();
const bool is_first_visible = visible && !met_visible;
if (is_first_visible) {
met_visible = true;
first_visible_index = idx;
cursor_visible_start = y;
if (met_visible && !visible) {
last_is_visible = false;
y = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
if (cursor_end != 0) {
// something has expended or collapsed
if (y != cursor_visible_end && cursor_visible_end != 0) full_pass = true;
if (idx != visible_end_index && visible_end_index != 0) full_pass = true;
finished = true;
cursor_visible_end = y;
visible_end_index = idx;
if (idx == count) finished = true;
void End() {
if (cursor_end == 0 || last_is_visible) {
cursor_end = ImGui::GetCursorPosY();
else {
ImGui::SetCursorPosY(cursor_end - 2); // TODO why -2
// example
if (ImGui::BeginChild(...)) {
static TreeViewClipper clipper;
while (clipper.BeginNode()) {
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