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Last active September 27, 2016 15:05
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Project Handover

Here are a few of my OSS projects that are still looking for new maintainers. DM me via Twitter if you want to take any of them over (@NeoNacho). If you take over a project, please follow these rules:

  • Do not claim to be the original author, so the license should retain my name, but feel free to add yourself to it once you have made any substantial contributions. If the current README mentions my name or Twitter handle, keep that information intact if you make edits, but you can move it around as you see fit.
  • If at any point in the future, you want to stop maintaining the project and you cannot find anyone to take it over, please add an unmainted badge (see here) to the README and transfer the project back to my GitHub account (@neonichu). That will allow me to find a new maintainer myself or to at least keep the project available for historical purposes.
  • My GitHub account (@neonichu) should continue to be one of the owners of the project, but you will have full control over its future direction.

Thanks a lot for keeping my projects alive and ya tu sabes :)

Repo name New owner TL;DR
Chocolat pepibumur Generate podspecs from Swift packages.
Chores ? A library for simplifying task execution in Swift.
ClangFormatter BalestraPatrick MVP of a ClangFormat Xcode Source Editor Extension.
electronic-moji Rishabhtayal 😱 🙀 😎
fastlane-plugin-appicon KrauseFx Generate required icon sizes and iconset from a master application icon.
fastlane-plugin-no_u KrauseFx no u
fastlane-tunes KrauseFx 🎶 Play music using fastlane, because you can.
fastlane-plugin-ya_tu_sabes KrauseFx Ya tu sabes.
FixCode FixIssue Fixing the "Fix Issue" button
fix-issue FixIssue Fix Issue
fourflusher CocoaPods A library for interacting with Xcode simulators.
hasselhoff Khaledgarbaya Saves you the hassle of setting a Hoff desktop picture manually.
liferaft segiddins Liferaft parses Apple build numbers, like 6D1002.
Rome CocoaPods Makes it easy to build a list of frameworks.
ThisCouldBeUsButYouPlaying segiddins 🃏 Generate Swift Playgrounds for any library.
trolldrop wolffan :trollface: AirDrop trollfaces to everyone.
xcode-install KrauseFx Install and update your Xcodes.
xctester digoreis Commandline test runner for Swift.

Note: This list is a subset of all my projects, some other ones were deprecated as I personally did not see much value in keeping them around or just left untouched if they did not seem substantial. This was done to keep the list focused, but feel free to contact me if you use another project that is still on my GitHub and not listed here, you can probably take that over as well. Obviously, things like my previous talks are not available for handover.

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