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Kurt Sussman neophiliac

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# at_authlogic_basic_setup.rb
# See also:
# 1. Install Authlogic
plugin "authlogic", :git => "git://"
# Potential solution to "Using accepts_nested_attributes_for with a belongs_to association, and using find_or_create_by_attr behaviour"
class Upload < AR:B
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :observed_property
belongs_to :sensor
attr_accessor :observed_property_attributes,
attr_accessible :observed_property_attributes,
# PROBLEM: when someone replies to you publicly in an IRC channel you may not be
# notified of it if you are away from your computer. The common format for public
# replies looks like this:
# <jchris> maxo_: yeah mine is way better
# SOLUTION: Sign up for notifo as both a supplier and a consumer, and install the
# notifo app on your smartphone. Execute this in cron every minute to have new
# mentions sent to your phone as push notifications.
theozaurus / gist:716974
Created November 26, 2010 17:17
# Enable upload_progress module for easy cross browser progress bar support
# using only javascript client side
upload_progress foobar_uploads 1m;
server {
# We only need one server block to deal with HTTP and HTTPS
# avoids duplication
listen 80;
listen 443 default ssl;
bryanl / tmux.conf
Created November 30, 2010 05:17
I copied this from somewhere. It is a good start, though
# ~/.tmux.conf
# See the following files:
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/t-williams.conf
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/screen-keys.conf
# /opt/local/share/doc/tmux/vim-keys.conf
# URLs to read:
# === In capistrano stage config (config/deploy/staging.rb, et al.)
set :deployed_url, ''
# Pivotal Tracker
set :pivotal_project_id, 39238
set :pivotal_token, 'OMG SEEKRIT TOKEN'
set :deliver_when_deploying_to, [:live,:dev]
before "deploy", "deploy:gather_information"
after "deploy", "deploy:tag_pivotal_stories", "deploy:summarize"
creationix / streamtest.js
Created January 1, 2011 08:57
A sample client for creationix/jsonparse that consumes the twitter feed and filters out messages and names
var Parser = require('./jsonparse');
var Http = require('http');
var p = new Parser();
// IMPORTANT, put your username and password in here
var username = "yourTwitterUsername", password = "yourPassword";
var client = Http.createClient(80, "");
var request = client.request("GET", "/1/statuses/sample.json", {
"Host": "",
"Authorization": (new Buffer(username + ":" + password)).toString("base64")
Given /^I expect to pay \$(\d+) via amazon$/ do |arg1|
price = arg1.to_f
mock_pipeline_request = mock('pipeline_request',
:url => sekret_payment_path(:transaction_amount => price))
with{ |opts| opts[:transaction_amount] == price }.
igrigorik / faraday-em-http.rb
Created January 30, 2011 01:12
using Faraday with EM-Synchrony & EM-Http
require 'faraday'
require 'net/http'
require 'pp'
# Repos:
# Blog posts:
igrigorik / ruby-1.9-tips.rb
Created February 3, 2011 17:19
Ruby 1.9 features, tips & tricks you may not know about...
def tip(msg); puts; puts msg; puts "-"*100; end
# 30 Ruby 1.9 Tips, Tricks & Features:
tip "Upgrading to Ruby 1.9 is simple: rvm install 1.9.2 && rvm --default 1.9.2"
tip "Ruby 1.9 supports named captures in regular expressions!"