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Isaddo / import-github-labels.js
Last active September 6, 2024 00:47
import github labels via console command
Go on your labels page (
Edit the following label array
Use this snippet to export github labels (
and replace it
Paste this script in your console
Press Enter!!
Last active November 14, 2024 20:59
Working around offsetof limitations in C++

Working around offsetof limitations in C++:

There is sometimes a situation in which one needs to get the relative offset of a structure field, common examples of this include serialization frameworks which aid to serialize objects, vertex attributes for rendering (D3D, GL.), etc.

The most common technique for getting this information is through the offsetof macro defined in stddef.h. Unfortunately using the macro in C++ comes with a new set of restrictions that prevent some (subjectively valid) uses of it.

MoOx / index.js
Last active November 14, 2024 22:42
Export/import github labels
// go on you labels pages
// eg
// paste this script in your console
// copy the output and now you can import it using !
var labels = [];
.forEach(function(element) {
name: element.textContent.trim(),