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Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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Save neotrinity/e54f2a132b00e1090965 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Split string to words problem using a trie. Trie.tokenize method takes in a string and returns the tokenized string if we can successfully match else it returns back an empty string. This is a recursive solution and goes through all possible approaches. It greedily looks for the maximum length words to tokenize on and if it fails, then it takes …
class TrieNode(object):
Trie Node
def __init__(self,key):
self._key = key
self._value = None
self._children = {}
self._isWord = False
isWord = property( lambda self: self._isWord,
lambda self, value: setattr(self,'_isWord',value),
doc = """ Property to get/set _isWord """)
class Trie(object):
Standard Trie Implementation
def __init__(self):
self._root = TrieNode("")
def add(self, word, value=None):
Add word into the trie with an optional payload
letters = list(word)
node = self._root
for letter in letters:
if letter not in node._children:
node._children[letter] = TrieNode(letter)
node = node._children[letter]
node.isWord = True # Flag the word entry
node._value = value
def find(self, word):
Find a given word in the Trie,
if payload is present then return the payload
else return bool for the presence of the word
letters = list(word)
node = self._root
for letter in letters:
if letter not in node._children:
return False
node = node._children[letter]
if node.isWord:
if node._value:
return node._value
return True
return False
def remove(self, word):
Remove the word from the Trie
letters = list(word)
node = self._root
leastCommonPrefix = node
toDel = letters[0]
for letter in letters:
if letter not in node._children:
print "%s Not Found" % word
return None
if len(node._children.keys()) > 1:
leastCommonPrefix = node
toDel = letter
node = node._children[letter]
if node.isWord:
node = None
del leastCommonPrefix._children[toDel] # Delete the reference
leastCommonPrefix = None
print "Removed %s" % word
return None
print "This search string is NOT a word"
return None
def showWords(self, fromNode = None, prefix = ""):
Returns a list of all the words held by the Trie
if fromNode:
node = fromNode
node = self._root
words = []
def preOrderTraversal(node,word):
word += node._key
if node.isWord:
words.append(word) # valid word, add it to the list
if not node._children: # reached the leaf
word = prefix # reset the word with the prefix
for letter, n in node._children.items():
return words
def autocomplete(self,wordPrefix):
Given a word prefix, this fetches all the words held in the
Trie which start with the prefix
letters = list(wordPrefix)
node = self._root
for letter in letters:
if letter not in node._children:
return None
node = node._children[letter]
return self.showWords(node,wordPrefix[:-1])
def tokenize(self, string):
Given a string tokenize it into words present in the Trie.
eg: peanutbutter -> peanut butter
peanutmeg -> pea + nutmeg
def _tokenize(index, node=None, acc=[]):
if node is None:
node = self._root
if index >= len(string):
if node.isWord:
return acc
return []
letter = string[index]
if letter in node._children:
if node.isWord:
# be greedy and go for the maximum match ie., favour peanut over pea
acc1 = _tokenize(index+1, node=node._children[letter], acc=[letter])
if acc1:
## if that recursive branch succeeds then return the result
return acc
## because the above recursion failed be less greedy and take
## the next best match path. eg in case of peanutmeg, peanut + meg fails
## so try pea + nutmeg
acc.append(" ")
return _tokenize(index, node=None, acc=acc)
return _tokenize(index+1, node=node._children[letter], acc=acc)
if node.isWord:
acc.append(" ")
return _tokenize(index, node=None, acc=acc)
return []
acc = _tokenize(index=0)
return "".join(acc)
if __name__ == '__main__':
#Testing the Trie
t = Trie()
print " Trie is created with the following words "
print t.showWords()
print "trying ::: tokenization"
print t.tokenize("porkygoose")
print t.tokenize("peanutmeg")
print t.tokenize("peanutbutter")
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