Following our series on HTTP, here is a quick note on HTTP status code, sent with the HTTP response. They are organized in 5 categories:
1xx Informational, ex:
100 Continue
used when doing a multi-part file upload101 Switching Protocol
used when switching from HTTP to WebSocket
2xx Success, ex:
200 OK
all is good the client received the resource201 Created
used mostly with REST API to mean the resource has been created
3xx Redirection, ex:
301 Moved Permanently
the redirect to use for SEO so that Google follow/index the link304 Not Modified
meaning the client can use its local cached copy
4xx Client Error, ex:
400 Bad Request
the generic bad request response413 Payload Too Large
often means the file uploaded is too big
5xx Server Error, ex:
502 Bad Gateway
often means your application server is down504 Gateway Timeout
often means the web/application server took too long to reply
For a simple and exhaustive list, checkout All codes are there with an explanation and code references in various programming languages.