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Created September 4, 2014 22:11
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  • Save nerd0/52b2481026ef42dc5e82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nerd0/52b2481026ef42dc5e82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#Write a program which prints out all numbers between 1 and 100. When the program would print out a number exactly divisible by 4, #print "Linked" instead. When it would print out a number exactly divisible by 6, print "In" instead. When it would print out a #number exactly divisible by both 4 and 6, print "LinkedIn."
for num in xrange(1,101):
#Cycle through numbers within 1-100
if ( num % 6 == 0 and num % 4 == 0):
print "LinkedIn"
elif (num % 6 == 0):
print "In"
elif (num % 4 == 0):
print "Linked"
print num
---------- begin sample log extract ----------
Jan 20 03:25:08 fakehost logrotate: ALERT exited abnormally with [1]
Jan 20 03:25:08 fakehost run-parts(/etc/cron.daily)[20447]: finished logrotate
Jan 20 03:26:21 fakehost anacron[28969]: Job 'cron.daily' terminated
Jan 20 03:26:21 fakehost anacron[28969]: Normal exit (1 job run)
Jan 20 03:30:01 fakehost CROND[31462]: (root) CMD (/usr/lib64/sa/sa1 1 1)
Jan 20 03:30:01 fakehost CROND[31461]: (root) CMD (/var/system/bin/sys-cmd -F > /dev/null 2>&1)
Jan 20 05:03:03 fakehost ntpd[3705]: synchronized to, stratum 2
Jan 20 05:20:01 fakehost rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.8.10" x-pid="20438" x-info=""] start
Jan 20 05:22:04 fakehost cs3[31163]: Q: ".../bin/rsync -LD ": symlink has no referent: "/var/syscmds/fakehost/runit_scripts/etc/runit/service/superImportantService/run"#012Q: ".../bin/rsync -LD ": rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1039) [sender=3.0.6]
Jan 20 05:22:04 fakehost cs3[31163]: I: Last 2 quoted lines were generated by "/usr/local/bin/rsync -LD --recursive --delete --password-file=/var/syscmds/modules/rsync_password /var/syscmds/fakehost syscmds@fakehost::syscmds_rsync"
Jan 20 05:22:08 fakehost cs3[31163]: Q: ".../sbin/sv restart": ok: run: /export/service/cool-service: (pid 32323) 0s
Jan 20 05:22:08 fakehost cs3[31163]: I: Last 1 quoted lines were generated by "/sbin/sv restart /export/service/cool-service"
Jan 20 05:22:09 fakehost cs3[31163]: R: cs3: The cool service on fakehost does not appear to be communicating with the cool service leader. Automating a restart of the cool service in attempt to resolve the communication problem.
Jan 20 05:22:37 fakehost ACCT_ADD: WARNING: Manifest /var/syscmds/inputs/config-general/doit.txt has been processed already, bailing
---------- end sample log extract ----------
Write a script which parses /var/log/messages and generates a CSV with two columns: minute, number_of_messages
---------- begin sample output ----------
minute, number_of_messages
Jan 20 03:25,2
Jan 20 03:26,2
Jan 20 03:30,2
Jan 20 05:03,1
Jan 20 05:20,1
Jan 20 05:22,6
---------- end sample output ----------
import re
output = {}
#Parse out the timedate stamp Jan 20 05:22:37 to capture two groups 1.) Jan 20 05:22 2.) log output e.g.
#R: cs3: The cool service on fakehost does not appear to be communicating with the cool
regex = re.compile(r'^(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+):\d+ \w+ .*$')
with open("/var/log/messages", "r+") as myfile:
for log_line in myfile:
match = regex.match(log_line)
if match:
output[] += 1
except Exception as e:
output[] = 0
print "Parsing line partically succeeded: %s " % (log_line)
print "ERROR: Malformed logline %s" % (log_line)
output_file = open("/tmp/counts", "w")
for (dt,count) in output.items():
output_file.write("%s,%s" % (dt,count))
Extract the program name from the field between the hostname and the log message and output those values in columns.
Sample Output (when run against the lines containing "Jan 20 05:2" in the log above):
---------- begin sample output ----------
Jan 20 05:20,1,1,0,0
Jan 20 05:22,6,0,5,1
---------- end sample output ----------
import re
output = {}
#Parse out the timedate stamp Jan 20 05:22:37 to capture two groups 1.) Jan 20 05:22 2.) log output e.g.
#R: cs3: The cool service on fakehost does not appear to be communicating with the cool
regex = re.compile(r'^(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+):\d+ \w+ (\w+).*$')
with open("/var/log/messages", "r+") as myfile:
for log_line in myfile:
match = regex.match(log_line)
if match:
if and
output[]['total_count'] += 1
output[][] += 1
except KeyError:
output[] = {'total_count':0}
print "Parsing line partically succeeded: %s " % (log_line)
print "ERROR: Malformed logline %s" % (log_line)
output_file = open("/tmp/counts", "w")
for (dt,count) in output.items():
output_file.write("%s,%s" % (dt,count))
Assume there is a REST API available at "http://www.linkedin.corp/api" for accessing employee information The employee information endpoint is "/employee/<id>" Each employee record you retrieve will be a JSON object with the following keys:
'name' refers to a String that contains the employee's first and last name
'title' refers to a String that contains the employee's job title
'reports' refers to an Array of Strings containing the IDs of the employee''s direct reports
Write a function that will take an employee ID and print out the hierarchy of employees under that employee.
-----------Begin Sample Output--------------
Flynn Mackie - Senior VP of Engineering
Wesley Thomas - VP of Design
Randall Cosmo - Director of Design
Brenda Plager - Senior Designer
Nina Chiswick - VP of Engineering
Tommy Quinn - Director of Engineering
Jake Farmer - Frontend Manager
Liam Freeman - Junior Code Monkey
Sheila Dunbar - Backend Manager
Peter Young - Senior Code Cowboy
-----------End Sample Output--------------
import requests
import json
report = []
def print_hierachy(employee_id):
employee = requests.get('http://www.linkedin.corp/api/employee/%s' % employee_id)
if employee.status == 200:
print employee['name'], employee['title']
result = json.reads(employee.json)
for report in result['reports']:
return 0
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rgedagit commented Feb 23, 2018

Write a script which parses /var/log/messages and generates a CSV with two columns: minute, number_of_messages

import re

l =[]
#Parse out the timedate stamp
regex = re.compile(r'^(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+):\d+ \w+ .*$')
with open("/var/log/messages", "r+") as myfile:
for log_line in myfile:
match = regex.match(log_line)
if match:
output = dict((i, l.count(i)) for i in l)
for k,v in sorted(output.items()):
print k,v

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rgedagit commented Feb 23, 2018

##to get same output as above
minute, number_of_messages
Jan 20 03:25,2
Jan 20 03:26,2
Jan 20 03:30,2
Jan 20 05:03,1
Jan 20 05:20,1
Jan 20 05:22,6

import re

#Parse out the timedate stamp
l =[]
regex = re.compile(r'^(\w+ \d+ \d+:\d+):\d+ \w+ .*$')
with open("/var/log/messages", "r+") as myfile:
for log_line in myfile:
match = regex.match(log_line)
if match:

output = dict((i, l.count(i)) for i in l)
print output
print "minute, number_of_messages"
for k,v in sorted(output.items()):
    print '{0},{1}'.format(k,v)

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