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Christian González nerdoc

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nerdoc / rotajakiro-detect
Last active May 19, 2021 09:33
simple detect script for RotaJakiro
# you can run this script (if you dare...) using
# wget -qO- | sh
# The hash is not the current, this is technically not possible, because while I change save the above line,
# knowing the hash, it changes it. Greetings from Werner Heisenberg.
files="bin/systemd/systemd-daemon /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-daemon /home/*/.dbus/sessions/session-dbus /home/*/.gvfsd/.profile/gvfsd-helper"
for i in "${files}"; do
if [ -f "$i" ];
nerdoc /
Last active April 22, 2021 16:01
Install script for Nginx/Dokuwiki on Ubuntu 20.04
die() {
echo "ERROR: $1"
exit 1
[ $(whoami) = "root" ] || die "This script must be run as root"
echo "Please go to, create a download archive, and paste the download link here:"
read -p ">" DOWNLOAD_LINK
#just for syncing atom settings.