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Created October 14, 2011 18:50
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* Design namespace. This namespace is meant for abstract concepts and in most
* cases simply just interfaces that in someway structures the general design
* used in the core components.
* @package Atom
* @subpackage Library
namespace Atom\Design;
// Aliasing rules
use \Atom\Design\Enumerable as Enum;
* Collection Class
* @package Atom
* @subpackage Library
class Collection extends Enum {
* Class Constructor
* @param array Array for enumeration
* @return void
public function __construct(array $enumerable = array())
$this->enumerable = $enumerable;
* Add an item to the enumerable array
* @param mixed Item(s) to add to the collection
* @param boolean Prepend the item to the collection
* @return void
public function add($items, $prepend = false)
$items = (array) $items;
foreach($items as $item)
array_shift($this->enumerable, $item);
$this->enumerable []= $item;
* Alias for Collection::add($item, true)
* @see \Atom\Design\Collection::add()
public function prepend($items)
$this->add($items, true);
* Remove an item from the collection array
* @param mixed Item(s) to remove from the collection
* @return void
public function remove($offsets)
$offsets = (array) $offsets;
foreach($offsets as $offset)
* Return the first entry in the collection array, alternatively returning
* the first entry to match $lambda if it is supplied.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return mixed The first value to find or match
public function first($lambda = null)
$lambda === null and $lambda = function() { return true; };
return $this->find($lambda);
* Get an array of this collections array keys
* @return array Array keys for this collection
public function keys()
return array_keys($this->enumerable);
* Get an array of this collections array values
* @return array Array values for this collection
public function values()
return array_values($this->enumerable);
* Convert the collection array to a different format using Atom's
* format classes.
* @param string Formatter to use
* @param mixed Flags for the selected formatter
* @return mixed Formatter version of the collection array
public function to($format, $flags = null)
$formatter = new \Atom\Format($format, $this->enumerable, $flags);
return $formatter->data;
/* End of file: collection.php */
* Design namespace. This namespace is meant for abstract concepts and in most
* cases simply just interfaces that in someway structures the general design
* used in the core components.
* @package Atom
* @subpackage Library
namespace Atom\Design;
* Enumerable Class
* The enumerable class is meant to provide more functionality to array's and
* objects in PHP. It can be used directly, or by child classes to implement
* flexible and powerful array testing and manipulation methods.
* @package Atom
* @subpackage Library
class Enumerable implements \Countable, \ArrayAccess, \Iterator{
* Array set for enumeration
* @var array
protected $enumerable;
* Class Constructor
* @param array Array for enumeration
* @return void
public function __construct(array $enumerable = array())
$this->enumerable = $enumerable;
* Evaluate enum to see if ANY values match against the lambda.
* Example lambda, checks for numeric values:
* <code>
* function($value) { return is_numeric($value); }
* </code>
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum elements, returns boolean
* @return boolean True if ANY match is found.
public function any($lambda)
foreach($this as $value)
return true;
return false;
* Evaluate enum to see if ALL values match against the lambda.
* Example lambda, checks for numeric values:
* <code>
* function($value) { return is_numeric($value); }
* </code>
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum elements, returns boolean
* @return boolean True if ALL values match
public function all($lambda)
foreach($this as $value)
return false;
return true;
* Get an array that corresponds to enum, with boolean values depending
* on how lambda evaluated against the value.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return array Array of boolean values
public function collect($lambda)
return array_map($lambda, $this->enumerable);
* Find ONE element based on lambda evaluation. The first value to match
* will be returned. If no values match, the default value is returned.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @param mixed Default value to return
* @return mixed
public function find($lambda, $default = null)
foreach($this as $value)
return $value;
return $default;
* Find ALL values based on lambda evaluation.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return array Matching values
public function find_all($lambda)
return array_values(array_filter($this->enumerable, $lambda));
* Perform lambda against each enum value.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return void
public function each($lambda)
array_walk($this->enumerable, $lambda);
* Perform lambda against each enum value, include the enum value's index
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return void
public function each_with_index($lambda)
foreach($this as $index => $value)
$lambda($value, $index);
* Check for an object's existence within the enum values. "Object" in this
* context means any value or construct that can be tested for equality in PHP.
* @param mixed Object to search for
* @return boolean True if $obj was found within enum values
public function member($obj)
return in_array($obj, $this->enumerable);
* Convert all enum values into a single value.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return mixed
public function combine($lambda)
$shift = array_shift($this->enumerable);
$result = array_reduce($this->enumerable, $lambda, $shift);
array_unshift($this->enumerable, $shift);
return $result;
* Run a grep search against enum values
* @param string Grep regular expression
* @return array Array of matched values
public function grep($pattern, $lambda = null)
$match = preg_grep($pattern, $this->enumerable);
return ($lambda === null) ? $match : array_map($lambda, $match);
* Get an array of accepted values, with the acceptance based off of
* the given lambda's return boolean value.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return array Array of accepted values
public function accept($lambda)
$accept = array();
foreach($this as $value)
$accept []= $value;
return $accept;
* Get an array of rejected values, with the rejection based off of
* the given lambda's return boolean value.
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return array Array of rejected values
public function reject($lambda)
$reject = array();
foreach($this as $value)
$reject []= $value;
return $reject;
public function sort($lambda = null)
$sort = $this->enumerable;
return ($lambda === null) ? sort($sort) : sort($sort, $lambda);
public function sort_by($lambda)
foreach($this as $value)
$sort[$value] = $lambda($value);
return array_values(array_flip($sort));
* Return the highest value in the enumerable array
* @see
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return mixed Highest value in enumerable array
public function max($lambda = null)
return $lambda === null ? max($this->enumerable) : end($this->sort($lambda));
* Return the lowest value in the enumerable array
* @see
* @param \Closure Used to evaluate enum values, returns boolean
* @return mixed Lowest value in enumerable array
public function min($lambda = null)
return $lambda === null ? min($this->enumerable) : current($this->sort($lambda));
* Return Enumerable instance as an array
* @return array Enumerable array
public function to_array()
return $this->enumerable;
* Return Enumerable instance as an object
* @return object Enumerable array converted to an object
public function to_object()
return \Atom\Arr::to_object($this->enumerable);
* ArrayAccess methods
public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->enumerable[$offset]); }
public function offsetGet($offset) { return $this->enumerable[$offset]; }
public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { $this->enumerable[$offset] = $value; }
public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->enumerable[$offset]); }
* Countable methods
public function count() { return count($this->enumerable); }
* Iterator methods
public function current() { return current($this->enumerable); }
public function key() { return key($this->enumerable); }
public function next() { return next($this->enumerable); }
public function rewind() { return reset($this->enumerable); }
public function valid() { return key($this->enumerable) !== null; }
/* End of file: enumerable */
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