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Last active January 2, 2025 22:36
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Convert TypeScript tsconfig paths to webpack alias paths
const { resolve } = require('path');
* Resolve tsconfig.json paths to Webpack aliases
* @param {string} tsconfigPath - Path to tsconfig
* @param {string} webpackConfigBasePath - Path from tsconfig to Webpack config to create absolute aliases
* @return {object} - Webpack alias config
function resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias({
tsconfigPath = './tsconfig.json',
webpackConfigBasePath = __dirname,
} = {}) {
const { paths } = require(tsconfigPath).compilerOptions;
const aliases = {};
Object.keys(paths).forEach((item) => {
const key = item.replace('/*', '');
const value = resolve(webpackConfigBasePath, paths[item][0].replace('/*', '').replace('*', ''));
aliases[key] = value;
return aliases;
module.exports = resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias;
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"moduleResolution": "node",
"outDir": "./dist",
"allowJs": true,
"target": "es6",
"jsx": "react",
"sourceMap": true,
"noImplicitAny": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"baseUrl": "./",
"lib": [
"paths": {
"Root/*": ["src/*"],
"Components/*": ["src/components/*"],
"Data/*": ["src/data/*"],
import Banner from 'Components/banner';
// add paths to webpack
const resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias = require('./resolve-tsconfig-path-to-webpack-alias');
module.exports = {
// ...
resolve: {
// ...
alias: resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias({
tsconfigPath: '../tsconfig.json', // Using custom path
webpackConfigBasePath: '../', // Using custom path
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I can confirm this worked for me!

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I use IntelliJ and it uses tsconfig.json to resolve stuff in the IDE. Your code works perfectly. Thank you very much :)

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this worked for me too, thx!

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bndynet commented Jan 7, 2019

Great! I look for it some days.

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Working, yay!

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arzyu commented Sep 10, 2019

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One problem I encountered, if you have an alias such as "root" which is aliased to the root of your source code. Set up like this
"root": ["*"]
Then it will incorrectly be expanded to ${webpackConfigBasePath}/* instead of ${webpackConfigBasePath}. This can be fixed by appending .replace("*", "") to line 19

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nerdyman commented Oct 3, 2019

Is that a common use case UberMouse? I haven't seen root aliased by * before, would using * not include node_modules too?

Usually, I use "Root/*": ["src/*"].

Also, glad people found this useful! 😄

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It's probably not, just a quirk of how ours are setup (our path prefixes point directly to src/ in your example, not to the folder containing src).

Definitely useful, I used to maintain three mappings. One for tsconfig, one for jest and one for Webpack. I set this up yesterday and a Jest equivalent the other day so now I just need to maintain one set of mapping which is great.

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nicolad commented Feb 6, 2020

Works great, many thx @nerdyman

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phuctm97 commented Apr 12, 2020

Great idea! Thank you!

However, there're couple of things can be improved. I wrote my modification which helps improve:

  • Handle and ignore cases in which paths.values is empty.
  • Cleaner code as it's written in a more declarative manner.
  • More performant as it doesn't alter the object, instead it returns a constant which can be cached by either Node.js or Webpack.

See for more details or appreciation. Thank you!

const path = require('path');

 * Helper function infers Webpack aliases from tsconfig.json compilerOptions.baseUrl and
 * compilerOptions.paths.
 * @param {string} tsconfigPath - Path to tsconfig.json (Can be either relative or absolute path).
 * @return {object} An object representing corresponding Webpack alias.
module.exports = (tsconfigPath = './tsconfig.json') => {
  const tsconfig = require(tsconfigPath);
  const { paths, baseUrl } = tsconfig.compilerOptions;

  return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(paths)
    .filter(([, pathValues]) => pathValues.length > 0)
    .map(([pathKey, pathValues]) => {
      const key = pathKey.replace('/*', '');
      const value = path.resolve(path.dirname(tsconfigPath),
        baseUrl, pathValues[0].replace('/*', ''));
      return [key, value];

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jraoult commented Apr 29, 2020

Not sure you folks are aware of this May be it can help someone in the future.

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cdpark0530 commented Dec 31, 2020

At lease tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin doesn't work with webpack:^5:11.1 as it seems now.
I really appreciate this @nerdyman

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MisaGu commented Feb 9, 2021

Not sure you folks are aware of this May be it can help someone in the future.

this plugins replaces the context of resolve.alias object so u will not be able to add any custom aliases to your webpack configuration, and will be left in hands with only the one mentioned in tsconfig - what is kinda .... complicated )

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ghost commented May 12, 2022

@MisaGu Have you heard of the spread operator?

// add paths to webpack

const resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias = require('./resolve-tsconfig-path-to-webpack-alias');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  resolve: {
    // ...
    alias: {
	    tsconfigPath: '../tsconfig.json', // Using custom path
	    webpackConfigBasePath: '../', // Using custom path
      Utilities: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/utilities/'),
      Templates: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/templates/'),

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ghost commented May 12, 2022

@nerdyman It seems to me that this gist is missing the baseUrl. I had to edit to this to get it working.

const { resolve } = require('path');

 * Resolve tsconfig.json paths to Webpack aliases
 * @param  {string} tsconfigPath           - Path to tsconfig
 * @param  {string} webpackConfigBasePath  - Path from tsconfig to Webpack config to create absolute aliases
 * @return {object}                        - Webpack alias config
function resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias({
  tsconfigPath = './tsconfig.json',
  webpackConfigBasePath = __dirname,
} = {}) {
  const { paths, baseUrl } = require(tsconfigPath).compilerOptions;

  const aliases = {};

  Object.keys(paths).forEach((item) => {
    const key = item.replace('/*', '');
    const value = resolve(webpackConfigBasePath, baseUrl, paths[item][0].replace('/*', '').replace('*', ''));

    aliases[key] = value;

  return aliases;

module.exports = resolveTsconfigPathsToAlias;

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there is an issue in this configuration, because the first matched alias is selected instead of the most specific one

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@its-dibo moved more specific first in the tsconfig paths as a workaround...

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Salemsky commented Jan 2, 2025


There will be an error if the file does not have the 'paths' section

  • [webpack-cli] TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object

There will be an error if there is an extra comma or comment

  • [webpack-cli] SyntaxError: tsconfig.json: Unexpected token ']', ..."*",},
    "... is not valid JSON

Here is the solution. I'll leave it here, maybe someone will find it useful.

// tsconfig.json
  "compilerOptions": {
    // comment
    "paths": {
      "Root/*": ["src/*",],
      "Components/*": ["src/components/*",],
      "Data/*": ["src/data/*",],

// tsconfig-paths.mjs
import { dirname, resolve } from 'node:path';
import ts from 'typescript';

/** @typedef {Record<"compilerOptions", ts.server.protocol.CompilerOptions>} CompilerOptions */

const tsParsedCmd =
  /** @type {Record<"raw", CompilerOptions>} */
    ts.getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFile('tsconfig.json', undefined, {
      onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic(diagnostic) {
        throw new Error(`${diagnostic.messageText}`);

export function tsconfigPaths() {
  const res = /** @type {ts.MapLike<string[]>} */ ({});
  const { paths } = tsParsedCmd.raw.compilerOptions;
  if (paths) {
    for (const k of Object.keys(paths)) {
      const val = paths[k];
      res[dirname(k)] = => {
        return resolve(process.cwd(), dirname(path));
  return res;

// webpack.config.mjs
/** @type {import("webpack").Configuration} */
export default {
  resolve: {
    alias: tsconfigPaths(),

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