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Created September 15, 2022 03:09
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node.js v16 array iterator blocking test
#!/usr/bin/env fish
# Once node server is running, run test by endpoint name:
# ./ long1
function getTime
printf (cat $argv | awk '{ print $1 }')
while true
echo :: long call start
command time -ho longTime curl -s localhost:3000/$argv > /dev/null &
set longPid $last_pid
sleep 0.05
echo :: hello call start
command time -ho shortTime curl -s localhost:3000/hello > /dev/null
echo :: hello call finished in (getTime shortTime) + 0.05s
wait $longPid
echo :: long call finished in (getTime longTime)
sleep 1
// node v16.17.0 amd64 under macOS Rosetta
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const port = 3000
app.get('/hello', (req, res) => {
res.send('Hello World!')
const n = 100000000
const arr = Array(n).fill(Math.random())
// blocks -> blocks event loop
// ~0.12s, blocks
app.get('/long1', (req, res) => {
let sum = 0
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
sum += arr[i]
// ~0.47s, blocks
app.get('/long2', (req, res) => {
let sum = 0
for (const el of arr) {
sum += el
// ~1.89s, blocks
app.get('/long3', (req, res) => {
let sum = 0
arr.forEach(el => {
sum += el
// ~0.9s, blocks
app.get('/long4', (req, res) => {
const sum = arr.reduce((prev, el) => {
prev += el
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}`)
taylor@Taylors-MacBook-Pro ~/p/t/exp-test> ./ long4
:: long call start
:: hello call start
:: hello call finished in 0.87s + 0.05s
:: long call finished in 0.91s
:: long call start
:: hello call start
:: hello call finished in 0.88s + 0.05s
:: long call finished in 0.93s
:: long call start
:: hello call start
:: hello call finished in 0.85s + 0.05s
:: long call finished in 0.90s
:: long call start
:: hello call start
:: hello call finished in 0.86s + 0.05s
:: long call finished in 0.92s
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