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Created January 12, 2024 18:55
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Natural & Integer numbers definition
module Number where
data Nat = S Nat | Z
natIntoHaskellInt :: Nat -> Int
natIntoHaskellInt Z = 0
natIntoHaskellInt (S v) = natIntoHaskellInt v + 1
instance Show Nat where
show = show . natIntoHaskellInt
data Sign = Pos | Neg
data Int' = Int' Sign Nat
instance Show Int' where
show (Int' Pos integral) = show integral
show (Int' Neg integral) = '-' : show integral
natFromInt :: Int -> Nat
natFromInt 0 = Z
natFromInt x | x < 0 = error "Cannot build natural number from the negative integer"
| x > 0 = S (natFromInt $ x - 1)
fromInt :: Int -> Int'
fromInt 0 = Int' Pos Z
fromInt x | x > 0 = Int' Pos $ natFromInt x
| x < 0 = Int' Neg $ natFromInt (-x)
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat
add Z y = y
add (S x) y = S (add x y)
add' :: Int' -> Int' -> Int'
add' (Int' Pos lhs) (Int' Pos rhs) = Int' Pos $ add lhs rhs
add' (Int' Neg lhs) (Int' Neg rhs) = Int' Neg $ add lhs rhs
add' (Int' lS lhs) (Int' rS rhs) =
case lS of
Pos -> subFrom lhs rhs
Neg -> subFrom rhs lhs
where subFrom :: Nat -> Nat -> Int'
subFrom Z rhs = Int' Neg rhs
subFrom lhs Z = Int' Pos lhs
subFrom (S lhs) (S rhs) = subFrom lhs rhs
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