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Last active January 7, 2024 00:31
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Lambda calculus reduction in Haskell
module LambdellCalculus where
import qualified Data.Bifunctor as Bi
data Term = ApplyT Term Term
| VarT Char
| FunT Char Term
deriving(Show, Eq)
isValidVar :: Char -> Bool
isValidVar = (flip elem) $ ['a'..'z'] ++ ['A'..'Z']
foldApplication :: Term -> String -> (Term, String)
foldApplication init (v:t) | isValidVar v =
foldApplication (ApplyT init $ VarT v) t
foldApplication init ('\\':v:t) = parseLambda v t
foldApplication init ('(':t) = applyBracketFold (ApplyT init) t
foldApplication init rest = (init, rest)
applyBracketFold :: (Term -> Term) -> String -> (Term, String)
applyBracketFold f t =
foldApplication (f inside) outside
where (inside, ')':outside) = parseTerm t
parseLambda :: Char -> String -> (Term, String)
parseLambda v | isValidVar v = Bi.first (FunT v) . parseTerm
| otherwise = error $ v: " cannot be made into a bound variable"
parseTerm :: String -> (Term, String)
parseTerm ('\\':v:t) = parseLambda v t
parseTerm ('(':t) = applyBracketFold id t
parseTerm (h:t) | isValidVar h = foldApplication (VarT h) t
-- Reduction
reduce :: String -> Term
reduce s = reduceTerm term
where (term, "") = parseTerm s
reduceTerm :: Term -> Term
reduceTerm (VarT c) = VarT c
reduceTerm (FunT c t) = FunT c $ reduceTerm t
reduceTerm (ApplyT (FunT bv bterm) rhs) =
let reducedBody = reduceTerm bterm
reducedRhs = reduceTerm rhs
subst bv reducedRhs bterm
where subst :: Char -> Term -> Term -> Term
subst bv value (VarT v) | bv == v = value
subst bv value (VarT v) = VarT v
subst bv value (FunT bv' bterm')
| bv == bv' = FunT bv' bterm' -- shadowing, left term will be unused
| otherwise = FunT bv' $ reduceTerm $ subst bv value bterm'
subst bv value (ApplyT lhs rhs) =
let substLhs = reduceTerm $ subst bv value lhs
substRhs = reduceTerm $ subst bv value rhs
in case substLhs of
FunT bv' bterm' -> subst bv' substRhs bterm'
_ -> ApplyT substLhs substRhs
reduceTerm (ApplyT (VarT v) rhs) = ApplyT (VarT v) (reduceTerm rhs)
reduceTerm (ApplyT lhs rhs) = reduceTerm $ ApplyT (reduceTerm lhs) (reduceTerm rhs)
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