- Remove -h option if you are doing operation on same machine
- Remove -u , -p option if your database don't have username and password
Import database
mongorestore -h IP:port -d DB_Name -u user_name -p password <input db directory>
Export database
mongodump -h IP:port -d DB_Name -u user_name -p password -o <output directory>
Import collection
mongorestore -h IP:port -d DB_Name -u user_name -p password <input .bson file>
Export collection
mongodump -h IP:port -d DB_Name -c collection_name -u user_name -p password -o <output directory>
Import collection
mongoimport -h IP:port -d DB_Name -c collection_name -u user_name -p password --file <input file>
Export collection
mongoexport -h IP:port -d DB_Name -c collection_name -u user_name -p password -o <output file>
Import collection
mongoimport -h IP:port -d DB_Name -c collection_name -u user_name -p password --file <input .csv file> --type csv --headerline
Export collection
mongoexport -h IP:port -d DB_Name -c collection_name -u user_name -p password -o <output .csv file> --csv -f <comma-separated list of field names>