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Created December 18, 2020 05:56
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
# a Day One CLI for macOS script generator for importing diary entries from Momento3 text exports
# Prerequisites:
# - install dayone2 CLI
# - brew install coreutils
# Usage: run the script inside a Momento Export (one text file per day format)
# $ cd "Momento Export "*/
# $ export PATH="$(brew --prefix coreutils)/libexec/gnubin:$PATH"
# $ export journal=Momento
# $ dayone_import_script=../"$(basename "$PWD")".tool
# $ ./ >"$dayone_import_script"
# $ chmod +x "$dayone_import_script"
# $ # Now, remember from the Day One app to create a journal named "Momento" (or the custom $journal name you chose)
# $ less -S "$dayone_import_script" # take one last good look at the script before running
# $ open "$dayone_import_script" # run the script to observe each entry showing up in the Day
# Author: Jaeho Shin <[email protected]>
# Created: 2020-12-17
set -eu
: ${journal:=Momento}
: ${tz:=}
[[ $# -gt 0 ]] || set -- ????.??.??" - "*.txt
echo "#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Day One import script generated from Momento export: $PWD
set -euo pipefail
type dayone2 || { echo 'install Day One CLI, following:'; false; } >&2
set -x
for file_day; do
echo >&2 "# $file_day"
date=${file_day%% - *}
rm -rf "$date".tmp
mkdir -p "$date".tmp
cat "$file_day" | tr -d '\r' |
csplit --quiet --prefix="$date".tmp/x - '%====*%2' '/[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]/' '{*}' >&2
for file_entry in "$date".tmp/x*; do
# parse metadata from Momento3's export text
has_field() { grep "^$1: " "$file_entry" -q; }
value_for() { grep "^$1: " "$file_entry" | sed 's/^.*: //'; }
# detect timezone changes
first_line=$(tail -n +2 "$file_entry");
[[ $(wc -l <<<"$first_line") -gt 1 ]] ||
case $first_line in
"Changed timezone to "*)
tz=${first_line#* to }
case $tz in # XXX cope with non-IANA DST names unrecognized by dayone2
PDT) tz=GMT-7 ;;
MDT) tz=GMT-6 ;;
CDT) tz=GMT-5 ;;
EDT) tz=GMT-4 ;;
echo >&2 "# tz=$tz"
time=$(head -1 "$file_entry")
args+=(-j "$journal")
args+=(-d "$date $time")
[[ -z "$tz" ]] || args+=(-z "$tz")
! has_field Feed || tags+=("$(value_for Feed)")
! has_field Tags || while read t; do tags+=("$t"); done < <(value_for Tags | sed 's/, /\n/g')
! has_field Media || while read f; do args+=(-p "Attachments/$f"); done < <(value_for Media)
! has_field At || { coords=$(value_for At | grep -o '(.*, .*)' | tr -d '(,)'); [[ -z "$coords" ]] || args+=(--coordinate $coords); }
[[ ${#tags[@]} -eq 0 ]] || args+=(-t "${tags[@]}")
# emit a dayone2 CLI command
echo "# $file_entry"
printf '%q ' dayone2 "${args[@]}" -- new
echo "<<'EOF'"
tail -n +2 "$file_entry" | grep -v -f <( #
echo ^Feed:
echo ^Tags:
echo ^Media:
) || true
echo "EOF"
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