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Created June 13, 2010 11:17
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Mark empty dirs in a git repo with .gitignore files
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# git-mark-empty-dirs -- Mark empty dirs in a git repo with .gitignore files
# Author: Jaeho Shin <[email protected]>
# Created: 2009-12-03
set -e
remove-or-mark() {
local d=$1; shift
interact() {
echo "Found empty dir: \`$d'"
echo " (R)emove all empty parents"
echo " (r)emove only itself"
echo " (m)ark with .gitignore"
echo " (s)kip"
echo " (q)uit"
read -n1 -p"Choose action [Rrmsq]: " r
case "$r" in
r) rmdir "$d" ;;
R) rmdir -p "$d" || true ;;
m) touch "$d"/.gitignore ;;
s) ;;
q) break ;;
*) interact ;;
# find empty dirs and remove or mark
find "$@" -type d |
while read d
do [ -n "`ls -A "$d"`" ] || remove-or-mark "$d" 0<&3
} 3<&0-
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