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Last active May 31, 2024 14:20
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Install OTRS 4.0.7, Apache, MariaDB on CentOS7



setenforce 0
firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=trusted
curl -kLO
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install \
 "perl(Apache2::Reload)" \
 "perl(Archive::Tar)" \
 "perl(Archive::Zip)" \
 "perl(Crypt::Eksblowfish::Bcrypt)" \
 "perl(Date::Format)" \
 "perl(DBI)" \
 "perl(DBD::mysql)" \
 "perl(GD)" \
 "perl(GD::Text)" \
 "perl(GD::Graph)" \
 "perl(IO::Socket::SSL)" \
 "perl(JSON::XS)" \
 "perl(List::Util::XS)" \
 "perl(LWP::UserAgent)" \
 "perl(Mail::IMAPClient)" \
 "perl(ModPerl::Util)" \
 "perl(Net::DNS)" \
 "perl(Net::LDAP)" \
 "perl(PDF::API2)" \
 "perl(Template)" \
 "perl(Template::Stash::XS)" \
 "perl(Text::CSV_XS)" \
 "perl(Time::HiRes)" \
 "perl(Time::Piece)" \
 "perl(XML::Parser)" \
 "perl(YAML::XS)" \
 ./otrs-4.0.7-01.noarch.rpm \
echo 'DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm' | tee -a /etc/httpd/conf.d/zzz_otrs.conf

chkconfig --add otrs
chkconfig otrs on

yum -y install mariadb-server
sed -i.bak \
 -e 's/\[mysqld\]/[mysqld]\nquery_cache_size=64M/' \
 -e 's/\[mysqld\]/[mysqld]\ninnodb_log_file_size=512M/' \
 -e 's/\[mysqld\]/[mysqld]\nmax_allowed_packet=64M/' \
systemctl start mariadb && systemctl enable mariadb
systemctl start httpd   && systemctl enable httpd
service otrs start

その後、ブラウザでアクセスしてインストール http://{IP}/otrs/

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