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Created September 20, 2012 00:52
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Unit Test functions for basic client-side unit testing (will add more as I use them in my code)
Name: UnitTest.js
Desc: Various unit testing functions. I use these for running quick tests
especially against JavaScript functions and variables, which are loosely type
and typically can behave unexpectedly
JavaScript Style Guide - Readable, Consistent Code
Yahoo, Google, Mozilla, jQuery recommendations
Variables and Functions
- Allowed letters, numbers, $, and _
- private properties use _ before var name
- use camelCase ;)
- uppercase first letter (Math, Date)
Brace Style: open curly brace on the same line as the keyword
if (x) {
Functions - define them before you call them for readability
Google Closure Compiler (minifier, in browser)
// Setup namespace
var Test = Test || {};
// Get the return type of a function. This can be useful in testing to make sure
// a large function with lots of callbacks and data manipulation is returning
// the type you're expecting to work with on your next procedure. JavaScript can
// easily return any object, number, string at multiple points of the same function
Test.returnTypeIs = function(myFunction){
return typeof myFunction;
// Returns true if the function you test returns the type you expect ('number', 'string', 'object')
Test.returnsType = function(myFunction, expectedType){
if(typeof myFunction === expectedType){
return true;
return false;
// Setup a basic function for testing
var a = (function(){
return 12;
// Log some tests
console.log(Test.returnsType(a, "undefined"));
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