- time.google.com
- time1.google.com
- time2.google.com
- time3.google.com
- time4.google.com
- time.cloudflare.com
- time.facebook.com
- time1.facebook.com
- time2.facebook.com
- time3.facebook.com
- time4.facebook.com
- time5.facebook.com
- time.windows.com
- time.apple.com
- time.euro.apple.com
- clepsydra.dec.com
- clepsydra.labs.hp.com
- clepsydra.hpl.hp.com
- time-a-g.nist.gov
- time-b-g.nist.gov
- time-c-g.nist.gov
- time-d-g.nist.gov
- time-a-wwv.nist.gov
- time-b-wwv.nist.gov
- time-c-wwv.nist.gov
- time-d-wwv.nist.gov
- time-a-b.nist.gov
- time-b-b.nist.gov
- time-c-b.nist.gov
- time-d-b.nist.gov
- time.nist.gov
- utcnist.colorado.edu
- utcnist2.colorado.edu
- ntp.hetzner.de
- ntp1.hetzner.de
- ntp2.hetzner.de
- ntp3.hetzner.de
- time.gin.ntt.net
- time1.gin.ntt.net / x.ns.gin.ntt.net
- time2.gin.ntt.net / y.ns.gin.ntt.net
- ntp1.vniiftri.ru
- ntp2.vniiftri.ru
- ntp3.vniiftri.ru
- ntp4.vniiftri.ru
- ntp1.niiftri.irkutsk.ru
- ntp2.niiftri.irkutsk.ru
- vniiftri.khv.ru
- vniiftri2.khv.ru
- ntp21.vniiftri.ru
- ntp.mobatime.ru
- ntp1.stratum1.ru
- ntp2.stratum1.ru
- ntp3.stratum1.ru
- ntp4.stratum1.ru
- ntp5.stratum1.ru
- ntp2.stratum2.ru
- ntp3.stratum2.ru
- ntp4.stratum2.ru
- ntp5.stratum2.ru
- stratum1.net
- ntp.ru
- ts1.aco.net
- ts2.aco.net
- ntp1.net.berkeley.edu
- ntp2.net.berkeley.edu
- ntp.gsu.edu
- tick.usask.ca
- tock.usask.ca
- ntp.nsu.ru
- ntp.rsu.edu.ru
- ntp.nict.jp
- clock.nyc.he.net
- clock.sjc.he.net
- ntp.fiord.ru
- Göteborg:
- gbg1.ntp.se
- gbg2.ntp.se
- Malmö:
- mmo1.ntp.se
- mmo2.ntp.se
- Stockholm:
- sth1.ntp.se
- sth2.ntp.se
- Sundsvall:
- svl1.ntp.se
- svl2.ntp.se
- Anycast address for nearest NTP server of the above:
- ntp.se
- ntp.yycix.ca
- ntp.ix.ru
- time-a.as43289.net
- time-b.as43289.net
- time-c.as43289.net
- ntp.ripe.net
- clock.isc.org (prev ntp.isc.org)
- ntp.time.nl (ntp1.time.nl)
- ntp0.as34288.net
- ntp1.as34288.net
- ntp1.jst.mfeed.ad.jp
- ntp2.jst.mfeed.ad.jp
- ntp3.jst.mfeed.ad.jp
- pool.ntp.org
- 0.pool.ntp.org
- 1.pool.ntp.org
- 2.pool.ntp.org
- 3.pool.ntp.org
- europe.pool.ntp.org
- 0.europe.pool.ntp.org
- 1.europe.pool.ntp.org
- 2.europe.pool.ntp.org
- 3.europe.pool.ntp.org
- asia.pool.ntp.org
- 0.asia.pool.ntp.org
- 1.asia.pool.ntp.org
- 2.asia.pool.ntp.org
- 3.asia.pool.ntp.org
- ru.pool.ntp.org
- 0.ru.pool.ntp.org
- 1.ru.pool.ntp.org
- 2.ru.pool.ntp.org
- 3.ru.pool.ntp.org
- 0.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
- 1.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
- 2.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
- 3.gentoo.pool.ntp.org
- 0.arch.pool.ntp.org
- 1.arch.pool.ntp.org
- 2.arch.pool.ntp.org
- 3.arch.pool.ntp.org
- 0.fedora.pool.ntp.org
- 1.fedora.pool.ntp.org
- 2.fedora.pool.ntp.org
- 3.fedora.pool.ntp.org
- 0.opensuse.pool.ntp.org
- 1.opensuse.pool.ntp.org
- 2.opensuse.pool.ntp.org
- 3.opensuse.pool.ntp.org
- 0.centos.pool.ntp.org
- 1.centos.pool.ntp.org
- 2.centos.pool.ntp.org
- 3.centos.pool.ntp.org
- 0.debian.pool.ntp.org
- 1.debian.pool.ntp.org
- 2.debian.pool.ntp.org
- 3.debian.pool.ntp.org
- 0.askozia.pool.ntp.org
- 1.askozia.pool.ntp.org
- 2.askozia.pool.ntp.org
- 3.askozia.pool.ntp.org
- 0.freebsd.pool.ntp.org
- 1.freebsd.pool.ntp.org
- 2.freebsd.pool.ntp.org
- 3.freebsd.pool.ntp.org
- 0.netbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 1.netbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 2.netbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 3.netbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 0.openbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 1.openbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 2.openbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 3.openbsd.pool.ntp.org
- 0.dragonfly.pool.ntp.org
- 1.dragonfly.pool.ntp.org
- 2.dragonfly.pool.ntp.org
- 3.dragonfly.pool.ntp.org
- 0.pfsense.pool.ntp.org
- 1.pfsense.pool.ntp.org
- 2.pfsense.pool.ntp.org
- 3.pfsense.pool.ntp.org
- 0.opnsense.pool.ntp.org
- 1.opnsense.pool.ntp.org
- 2.opnsense.pool.ntp.org
- 3.opnsense.pool.ntp.org
- 0.amazon.pool.ntp.org
- 1.amazon.pool.ntp.org
- 2.amazon.pool.ntp.org
- 3.amazon.pool.ntp.org
- tick.usno.navy.mil
- tock.usno.navy.mil
- ntp2.usno.navy.mil
- utcnist2.colorado.edu
- timekeeper.isi.edu
- rackety.udel.edu
- mizbeaver.udel.edu
- otc1.psu.edu
- gnomon.cc.columbia.edu
- navobs1.gatech.edu
- navobs1.wustl.edu
- now.okstate.edu
- ntp.colby.edu
- ntp-s1.cise.ufl.edu
- ntpstm.netbone-digital.com
- nist1.symmetricom.com
- t2.timegps.net
- gps.layer42.net
- ntp-ca.stygium.net
- sesku.planeacion.net
- ntp0.nl.uu.net
- ntp1.nl.uu.net
- navobs1.oar.net
- ntp-galway.hea.net
- ntp1.ona.org
- time.fu-berlin.de
- atom.uhr.de
- ntps1-0.cs.tu-berlin.de
- ntps1-1.cs.tu-berlin.de
- ntps1-0.uni-erlangen.de
- ntps1-1.uni-erlangen.de
- ntp1.fau.de
- ntp2.fau.de
- ntp.dianacht.de
- zeit.fu-berlin.de
- ptbtime1.ptb.de
- ptbtime2.ptb.de
- rustime01.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
- rustime02.rus.uni-stuttgart.de
- chime1.surfnet.nl
- ntp.vsl.nl
- asynchronos.iiss.at
- ntp.nic.cz
- time.ufe.cz
- ntp.fizyka.umk.pl
- tempus1.gum.gov.pl
- tempus2.gum.gov.pl
- ntp1.usv.ro
- ntp3.usv.ro
- timehost.lysator.liu.se
- time1.stupi.se
- time.nrc.ca
- clock.uregina.ca
- cronos.cenam.mx
- ntp.lcf.mx
- hora.roa.es
- minuto.roa.es
- ntp1.inrim.it
- ntp2.inrim.it
- ntp1.oma.be
- ntp2.oma.be
- ntp.atomki.mta.hu
- ntp.i2t.ehu.eus
- ntp.neel.ch
- ntp.neu.edu.cn
- ntp.nict.jp
- ntps1.pads.ufrj.br
- ntp.shoa.cl
- time.esa.int
- time1.esa.int