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Created August 11, 2009 21:10
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/* This is a template command. */
names: ["links-on-page"],
icon: "",
description: "Shows the no of links on current page",
help: "When you visit a page simple fire up <b>links-on-page</b> to see a count of links on current page.",
author: {name: "Sten Hougaard", email: "[email protected]"},
license: "GPL",
homepage: "",
preview: function preview(pblock, args) {
try {
pblock.innerHTML = getInformation();
} catch(e) {
pblock.innerHTML = e.message;
execute: function execute(args) {
//displayMessage(getInformation(), this);
var document = Application.activeWindow.activeTab.document;
var aLinks;
function getInformation() {
var sResult = "";
try {
var aLinks = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
sResult = "This page has " + aLinks.length.toString() + " links.<br />";
for(var i=0; i<aLinks.length; i++) {
} catch(e) {
sResult = "Error in getInformation()"+e.message;
return sResult;
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