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Created May 28, 2019 15:48
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  • Save network23/dae925b86b383734504763cdf1c3c61e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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nano highlights for hashcat masks
# nano syntax highlighting for hashcat hcmask files
syntax "hcmask" "\.hcmask"
# if you want to incluse *.masks add this behind the \.hcmask
# "|\.masks"
color brightblack "\?"
color brightwhite "u"
color yellow "d"
color brightcyan "a"
color brightblue "s"
color green "1"
color cyan "2"
color brightmagenta "3"
color brightyellow "4"
# gives warning
color brightred "\?\?"
color brightred "uu"
color brightred "dd"
color brightred "ss"
color brightred "ll"
color brightred "hh"
color brightred "HH"
color brightred "aa"
color brightred "bb"
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