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Created October 30, 2010 03:07
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use strict;
use utf8;
use List::Util qw(max min);
binmode STDIN, ":utf8";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
if(@ARGV != 2) {
# return a minimum edit distance path with the following notation, plus cost
# d=delete i=insert s=substitute e=equal
sub levenshtein {
my ($s, $t) = @_;
my (@sc, $m, @tc, $n, %d, %str, $i, $j, $id, $cost, $type, $aid, $bid, $cid, $c);
@sc = split(/ /, $s);
$m = @sc;
@tc = split(/ /, $t);
$n = @tc;
# initialize
%d = (); %str = ();
foreach $i (0 .. $m) { $id = pack('S2', $i, 0); $d{$id} = $i; $str{$id} = 'd'x$i; }
foreach $j (1 .. $n) { $id = pack('S2', 0, $j); $d{$id} = $j; $str{$id} = 'i'x$j; }
foreach $i (1 .. $m) {
foreach $j (1 .. $n) {
if($sc[$i-1] eq $tc[$j-1]) {
$cost = 0; $type = 'e'; # equal
} else {
$cost = 1.1; $type = 's'; # substitution
$aid = pack('S2', $i-1, $j); $a = $d{$aid} + 1; # deletion
$bid = pack('S2', $i, $j-1); $b = $d{$bid} + 1; # insertion
$cid = pack('S2', $i-1, $j-1); $c = $d{$cid} + $cost; # insertion
$id = pack('S2', $i, $j);
# we want matches to come at the end, so do deletions/insertions first
if($a <= $b and $a <= $c) {
$d{$id} = $a;
$type = 'd';
$str{$id} = $str{$aid}.'d';
elsif($b <= $c) {
$d{$id} = $b;
$type = 'i';
$str{$id} = $str{$bid}.'i';
else {
$d{$id} = $c;
$str{$id} = $str{$cid}.$type;
delete $d{$cid};
delete $str{$cid};
# print "".$sc[$i-1]." ".$tc[$j-1]." $i $j $a $b $c $d[$id] $type\n"
$id = pack('S2', $m, $n);
return ($str{$id}, $d{$id});
# find which of the inputs are in error
open REF, "<:utf8", $ARGV[0] or die $!;
open TEST, "<:utf8", $ARGV[1] or die $!;
my ($ref, $test, @refs, @tests, %errs, @hists);
while($ref = <REF> and $test = <TEST>) {
chomp $ref; chomp $test;
my ($hist, $score) = levenshtein($ref, $test);
@refs = split(/ /, $ref);
@tests = split(/ /, $test);
@hists = split(//, $hist);
my (@rerr, @terr);
while(@hists) {
my $h = shift(@hists);
if($h eq 'e') {
if(@rerr+@terr) {
my $err = (@rerr?join(' ',@rerr):"NULL")."\t".(@terr?join(' ',@terr):"NULL");
@rerr = ();
@terr = ();
shift @refs; shift @tests;
} else {
push @rerr, shift(@refs) if $h ne 'i';
push @terr, shift(@tests) if $h ne 'd';
if(@rerr+@terr) {
my $err = (@rerr?join(' ',@rerr):"NULL")."\t".(@terr?join(' ',@terr):"NULL");
close REF;
close TEST;
for(sort { $errs{$b} <=> $errs{$a} } keys %errs) {
print "$_\t$errs{$_}\n";
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