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Building Multi-Architecture Docker Images With Buildx
# (c) 2020 [email protected]
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
# This script installs support for building multi-architecture docker images
# with docker buildx on CI/CD pipelines like Github Actions or Travis. It is
# assumed that you start of with a fresh VM every time you run this and have to
# install everything necessary to support 'docker buildx build' from scratch.
# Example usage in Travis stage:
# jobs:
# include:
# - stage: Deploy docker image
# script:
# - source ./
# - set -ex; multi_arch_docker::main; set +x
# More information about Linux environment constraints can be found at:
function _version() {
printf '%02d' $(echo "$1" | tr . ' ' | sed -e 's/ 0*/ /g') 2>/dev/null
function multi_arch_docker::install_docker_buildx() {
# Check kernel version.
local -r kernel_version="$(uname -r)"
if [[ "$(_version "$kernel_version")" < "$(_version '4.8')" ]]; then
echo "Kernel $kernel_version too old - need >= 4.8."
exit 1
# Install up-to-date version of docker, with buildx support.
local -r docker_apt_repo=''
curl -fsSL "${docker_apt_repo}/gpg" | sudo apt-key add -
local -r os="$(lsb_release -cs)"
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $docker_apt_repo $os stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install docker-ce
# Enable docker daemon experimental support (for 'docker pull --platform').
local -r config='/etc/docker/daemon.json'
if [[ -e "$config" ]]; then
sudo sed -i -e 's/{/{ "experimental": true, /' "$config"
echo '{ "experimental": true }' | sudo tee "$config"
sudo systemctl restart docker
# Install QEMU multi-architecture support for docker buildx.
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
# Enable docker CLI experimental support (for 'docker buildx').
# Instantiate docker buildx builder with multi-architecture support.
docker buildx create --name mybuilder
docker buildx use mybuilder
# Start up buildx and verify that all is OK.
docker buildx inspect --bootstrap
# Log in to Docker Hub for deployment.
# Env:
# DOCKER_USERNAME ... user name of Docker Hub account
# DOCKER_PASSWORD ... password of Docker Hub account
function multi_arch_docker::login_to_docker_hub() {
echo "$DOCKER_PASSWORD" | docker login -u="$DOCKER_USERNAME" --password-stdin
# Run buildx build and push.
# Env:
# DOCKER_PLATFORMS ... space separated list of Docker platforms to build.
# Args:
# Optional additional arguments for 'docker buildx build'.
function multi_arch_docker::buildx() {
docker buildx build \
--platform "${DOCKER_PLATFORMS// /,}" \
--push \
--progress plain \
-f Dockerfile.multi-arch \
"$@" \
# Build and push docker images for all tags.
# Env:
# DOCKER_PLATFORMS ... space separated list of Docker platforms to build.
# DOCKER_BASE ........ docker image base name to build
# TAGS ............... space separated list of docker image tags to build.
function multi_arch_docker::build_and_push_all() {
for tag in $TAGS; do
multi_arch_docker::buildx -t "$DOCKER_BASE:$tag" <your-arguments-here>
# Test all pushed docker images.
# Env:
# DOCKER_PLATFORMS ... space separated list of Docker platforms to test.
# DOCKER_BASE ........ docker image base name to test
# TAGS ............... space separated list of docker image tags to test.
function multi_arch_docker::test_all() {
for platform in $DOCKER_PLATFORMS; do
for tag in $TAGS; do
msg="Testing docker image $image on platform $platform"
printf '\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${line}" "${msg}" "${line}"
docker pull -q --platform "$platform" "$image"
echo -n "Image architecture: "
docker run --rm --entrypoint /bin/sh "$image" -c 'uname -m'
# Run your test on the built image.
docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/mnt" -w /mnt "$image" <your-arguments-here>
function multi_arch_docker::main() {
# Set docker platforms for which to build.
export DOCKER_PLATFORMS='linux/amd64'
DOCKER_PLATFORMS+=' linux/arm64'
DOCKER_PLATFORMS+=' linux/arm/v6'
set +x
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