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Sean Jones neuralsandwich

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djg /
Last active December 7, 2024 09:45
Fabian's Recommened Reading List
DavidWittman /
Last active August 17, 2023 08:05
Pull the LAN1/eth0 MAC address from SuperMicro IPMI

You can find the MAC address for LAN1/eth0 (not the BMC MAC) via the SuperMicro IPMI interface by running the following command:

$ ipmitool -U $IPMI_USER -P $IPMI_PASS -H $IPMI_HOST raw 0x30 0x21 | tail -c 18

The eth0 MAC address will be output in this format:

00 25 90 f0 be ef
rb2k / gist:8372402
Last active February 3, 2025 14:50
A jenkins script to clean up workspaces on slaves
// Check if a slave has < 10 GB of free space, wipe out workspaces if it does
import hudson.model.*;
import hudson.util.*;
import jenkins.model.*;
import hudson.FilePath.FileCallable;
import hudson.slaves.OfflineCause;
import hudson.node_monitors.*;
for (node in Jenkins.instance.nodes) {
panzi / portable_endian.h
Last active August 9, 2024 13:12
This provides the endian conversion functions form endian.h on Windows, Linux, *BSD, Mac OS X, and QNX. You still need to use -std=gnu99 instead of -std=c99 for gcc. The functions might actually be macros. Functions: htobe16, htole16, be16toh, le16toh, htobe32, htole32, be32toh, le32toh, htobe64, htole64, be64toh, le64toh. License: I hereby put …
// "License": Public Domain
// I, Mathias Panzenböck, place this file hereby into the public domain. Use it at your own risk for whatever you like.
// In case there are jurisdictions that don't support putting things in the public domain you can also consider it to
// be "dual licensed" under the BSD, MIT and Apache licenses, if you want to. This code is trivial anyway. Consider it
// an example on how to get the endian conversion functions on different platforms.
#if (defined(_WIN16) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN64)) && !defined(__WINDOWS__)
MohamedAlaa / tmux-cheatsheet.markdown
Last active March 16, 2025 19:10
tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

tmux shortcuts & cheatsheet

start new:


start new with session name:

tmux new -s myname
maxsum-corin / gist:1044165
Created June 24, 2011 03:25
Multiple windows in vim
:split filename
ctrl-w w split window and load another file
:vsplit filename
ctrl-w v vertical split
ctrl-w q close current window
ctrl-w arrow move cursor up/down/left/right a window
ctrl-w ctrl-w move cursor to another window (cycle)
vangberg /
Created February 22, 2010 19:24
dwm on os x [work in progress!]

Installing and configuring dwm on OS X

  1. Install XQuartz ( which is the development version of the that ships with OS X, which means it is way more up to date. I have had some weird issues with v. 2.3-something. XQuartz 2.5.0 fixed that.

  2. Install dwm from Homebrew, brew install dwm. This makes a bunch of necessary tweaks to the DWM configuration.

  3. Add the following script to $PATH, name it dwm-launch and chmod 755:

    cd ~

while true