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Created February 12, 2016 23:57
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Save neutraltone/c6014a6bc558c8926225 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
:root {
font: 400 #{($base-font-size/16px)*1em}/#{$base-line-height/$base-font-size} $base-font-family;
* Headings
h1, .alpha, %alpha,
h2, .beta, %beta,
h3, .gamma, %gamma,
h4, .delta, %delta,
h5, .epsilon, %epsilon,
h6, .zeta, %zeta {
margin-top: 0;
font-family: $base-font-family;
font-weight: bold;
color: $colour-black;
h1, .alpha, %alpha {
@include font-size(32px, 1);
@include media-query(portable) {
@include font-size(48px, 1);
h2, .beta, %beta {
@include font-size(25px, 1);
@include media-query(portable) {
@include font-size(38px, 1);
h3, .gamma, %gamma {
@include font-size(20px, 1);
@include media-query(portable) {
@include font-size(30px, 1);
h4, .delta, %delta,
h5, .epsilon, %epsilon,
h6, .zeta, %zeta {
@include font-size(20px, 1);
@include media-query(portable) {
@include font-size(30px, 1);
* Extra large sizes
.mega, %mega {
@include media-query(desk) {
@include font-size(64px, 1.2);
* Paragraph
p, ul, ol, .body-copy {
@include font-size($base-font-size, 1.375);
@include media-query(portable) {
@include font-size($base-font-size * 1.5, 1.375);
$base-font-family: 'europa', 'Quicksand', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial;
$base-font-size: 16px;
$base-line-height: 22px;
$colour-black: #000;
$breakpoints: (
'palm' '(max-width: 480px)',
'portable' '(min-width: 480px)',
'desk' '(min-width: 800px)',
'retina' '(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2), (min-resolution: 192dpi)'
// Font sizing mixin - calculates font-size in rems with px fallback and
// line-height ratio based on default baseline height
@mixin font-size($font-size, $line-height: auto) {
font-size:($font-size / $base-font-size) * 1rem;
@if $line-height == auto {
line-height:ceil($font-size / $base-line-height) * ($base-line-height / $font-size);
@else {
@if (type-of($line-height) == number or $line-height == inherit or $line-height == normal) {
@elseif ($line-height == none or $line-height == false) {
@else {
@warn "‘#{$line-height}’ is not a valid value for `line-height`.";
// A simple mixin to quickly generate whole media queries from the aliases and
// conditions defined in `settings/_responsive.scss`.
@mixin media-query($mq) {
$breakpoint-found: false;
// Loop through the list of breakpoints we’ve provided in our settings file.
@each $breakpoint in $breakpoints {
// Grab the alias and the condition from their respective locations in
// the list.
$alias: nth($breakpoint, 1);
$condition: nth($breakpoint, 2);
// If the media query we’ve specified has an alias and a condition...
@if $mq == $alias and $condition {
// ...tell the mixin that we’ve found it...
$breakpoint-found: true;
// ...and spit it out here.
@media #{$condition} {
// If the user specifies a non-exitent alias, send them a warning.
@if $breakpoint-found == false {
@warn "Oops! Breakpoint ‘#{$mq}’ does not exist."
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