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RFC-9051 Formal Syntax
TEXT-CHAR = %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-7F
; <any CHAR except CR and LF>
; %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-7F
any-TEXT-CHAR-except-quoted-specials = %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-21 / %x23-5B / %x5D-7F
; <any TEXT-CHAR except quoted-specials>
; '"' = %x22
; '\' = %x5C
ATOM-CHAR = %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26-27 / %x2B-5B / %x5E-7A / %x7C-7E
; <any CHAR except atom-specials>
; %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26-27 / %x2B-5B / %x5E-7A / %x7C-E
; for reference:
; atom-specials = "(" / ")" / "{" / SP / CTL / list-wildcards /
; quoted-specials / resp-specials
; list-wildcards = "%" / "*"
; quoted-specials = DQUOTE / "\"
; resp-specials = "]"
; any-char-except-ctl = %x20-7E
; ' ' = %x20
; '"' = %x22
; '%' = %x25
; '(' = %x28
; ')' = %x29
; '*' = %x2A
; '\' = %x5C
; ']' = %x5D
; '{' = %x7B
any-ASTRING-CHAR-except-plus = %x21 / %x23-24 / %x26-27 / %x2C-5B / %x5D-7A / %x7C-7E
; <any ASTRING-CHAR except "+">
; ASTRING-CHAR = ATOM-CHAR / resp-specials
; resp-specials = "]"
; i.e. take ATOM-CHAR, remove "+" and add back "]"
; '+' = %x2B
; ']' = %x5D
; n.b. "+" is used to start continue-req
address = "(" addr-name SP addr-adl SP addr-mailbox SP
addr-host ")"
addr-adl = nstring
; Holds route from [RFC5322] obs-route if
; non-NIL
addr-host = nstring
; NIL indicates [RFC5322] group syntax.
; Otherwise, holds [RFC5322] domain name
addr-mailbox = nstring
; NIL indicates end of [RFC5322] group; if
; non-NIL and addr-host is NIL, holds
; [RFC5322] group name.
; Otherwise, holds [RFC5322] local-part
; after removing [RFC5322] quoting
addr-name = nstring
; If non-NIL, holds phrase from [RFC5322]
; mailbox after removing [RFC5322] quoting
append = "APPEND" SP mailbox [SP flag-list] [SP date-time]
SP literal
append-uid = uniqueid
astring = 1*ASTRING-CHAR / string
ASTRING-CHAR = ATOM-CHAR / resp-specials
atom = 1*ATOM-CHAR
atom-specials = "(" / ")" / "{" / SP / CTL / list-wildcards /
quoted-specials / resp-specials
authenticate = "AUTHENTICATE" SP auth-type [SP initial-resp]
*(CRLF base64)
auth-type = atom
; Authentication mechanism name, as defined by
; [SASL], Section 7.1
base64 = *(4base64-char) [base64-terminal]
base64-char = ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "/"
; Case sensitive
base64-terminal = (2base64-char "==") / (3base64-char "=")
body = "(" (body-type-1part / body-type-mpart) ")"
body-extension = nstring / number / number64 /
"(" body-extension *(SP body-extension) ")"
; Future expansion. Client implementations
; MUST accept body-extension fields. Server
; implementations MUST NOT generate
; body-extension fields except as defined by
; future Standard or Standards Track
; revisions of this specification.
body-ext-1part = body-fld-md5 [SP body-fld-dsp [SP body-fld-lang
[SP body-fld-loc *(SP body-extension)]]]
; MUST NOT be returned on non-extensible
; "BODY" fetch
body-ext-mpart = body-fld-param [SP body-fld-dsp [SP body-fld-lang
[SP body-fld-loc *(SP body-extension)]]]
; MUST NOT be returned on non-extensible
; "BODY" fetch
body-fields = body-fld-param SP body-fld-id SP body-fld-desc SP
body-fld-enc SP body-fld-octets
body-fld-desc = nstring
body-fld-dsp = "(" string SP body-fld-param ")" / nil
body-fld-enc = (DQUOTE ("7BIT" / "8BIT" / "BINARY" / "BASE64"/
; Content-Transfer-Encoding header field value.
; Defaults to "7BIT" (as per RFC 2045)
; if not present in the body part.
body-fld-id = nstring
body-fld-lang = nstring / "(" string *(SP string) ")"
body-fld-loc = nstring
body-fld-lines = number64
body-fld-md5 = nstring
body-fld-octets = number
body-fld-param = "(" string SP string *(SP string SP string) ")" /
body-type-1part = (body-type-basic / body-type-msg / body-type-text)
[SP body-ext-1part]
body-type-basic = media-basic SP body-fields
; MESSAGE subtype MUST NOT be "RFC822" or
body-type-mpart = 1*body SP media-subtype
[SP body-ext-mpart]
; MULTIPART body part
body-type-msg = media-message SP body-fields SP envelope
SP body SP body-fld-lines
body-type-text = media-text SP body-fields SP body-fld-lines
capability = ("AUTH=" auth-type) / atom
; New capabilities SHOULD be
; registered with IANA using the
; RFC Required policy, i.e., in
; a Standards Track, an Experimental,
; or an Informational RFC.
capability-data = "CAPABILITY" *(SP capability) SP "IMAP4rev2"
*(SP capability)
; See Section 6.1.1 for information about
; required security-related capabilities.
; Servers that offer RFC 1730 compatibility MUST
; list "IMAP4" as the first capability.
; Servers that offer RFC 3501 compatibility MUST
; list "IMAP4rev1" as one of the capabilities.
CHAR8 = %x01-ff
; any OCTET except NUL, %x00
charset = atom / quoted
childinfo-extended-item = "CHILDINFO" SP "("
*(SP list-select-base-opt-quoted) ")"
; Extended data item (mbox-list-extended-item)
; returned when the RECURSIVEMATCH
; selection option is specified.
; Note 1: the CHILDINFO extended data item tag can be
; returned with or without surrounding quotes, as per
; mbox-list-extended-item-tag production.
; Note 2: The selection options are always returned
; quoted, unlike their specification in
; the extended LIST command.
child-mbox-flag = "\HasChildren" / "\HasNoChildren"
; attributes for the CHILDREN return option, at most
; one possible per LIST response
command = tag SP (command-any / command-auth /
command-nonauth / command-select) CRLF
; Modal based on state
command-any = "CAPABILITY" / "LOGOUT" / "NOOP"
; Valid in all states
command-auth = append / create / delete / enable / examine /
list / namespace-command / rename /
select / status / subscribe / unsubscribe /
; Valid only in Authenticated or Selected state
command-nonauth = login / authenticate / "STARTTLS"
; Valid only when in Not Authenticated state
command-select = "CLOSE" / "UNSELECT" / "EXPUNGE" / copy /
move / fetch / store / search / uid
; Valid only when in Selected state
continue-req = "+" SP (resp-text / base64) CRLF
copy = "COPY" SP sequence-set SP mailbox
create = "CREATE" SP mailbox
; Use of INBOX gives a NO error
date = date-text / DQUOTE date-text DQUOTE
date-day = 1*2DIGIT
; Day of month
date-day-fixed = (SP DIGIT) / 2DIGIT
; Fixed-format version of date-day
date-month = "Jan" / "Feb" / "Mar" / "Apr" / "May" / "Jun" /
"Jul" / "Aug" / "Sep" / "Oct" / "Nov" / "Dec"
date-text = date-day "-" date-month "-" date-year
date-year = 4DIGIT
date-time = DQUOTE date-day-fixed "-" date-month "-" date-year
SP time SP zone DQUOTE
delete = "DELETE" SP mailbox
; Use of INBOX gives a NO error
digit-nz = %x31-39
; 1-9
eitem-standard-tag = atom
; a tag for LIST extended data item defined in a Standard
; Track or Experimental RFC.
eitem-vendor-tag = vendor-token "-" atom
; a vendor-specific tag for LIST extended data item
enable = "ENABLE" 1*(SP capability)
enable-data = "ENABLED" *(SP capability)
envelope = "(" env-date SP env-subject SP env-from SP
env-sender SP env-reply-to SP env-to SP env-cc SP
env-bcc SP env-in-reply-to SP env-message-id ")"
env-bcc = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
env-cc = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
env-date = nstring
env-from = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
env-in-reply-to = nstring
env-message-id = nstring
env-reply-to = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
env-sender = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
env-subject = nstring
env-to = "(" 1*address ")" / nil
esearch-response = "ESEARCH" [search-correlator] [SP "UID"]
*(SP search-return-data)
; ESEARCH response replaces SEARCH response
; from IMAP4rev1.
examine = "EXAMINE" SP mailbox
fetch = "FETCH" SP sequence-set SP (
"ALL" / "FULL" / "FAST" /
fetch-att / "(" fetch-att *(SP fetch-att) ")")
fetch-att = "ENVELOPE" / "FLAGS" / "INTERNALDATE" /
"RFC822.SIZE" /
"BODY" section [partial] /
"BODY.PEEK" section [partial] /
"BINARY" [".PEEK"] section-binary [partial] /
"BINARY.SIZE" section-binary
flag = "\Answered" / "\Flagged" / "\Deleted" /
"\Seen" / "\Draft" / flag-keyword / flag-extension
; Does not include "\Recent"
flag-extension = "\" atom
; Future expansion. Client implementations
; MUST accept flag-extension flags. Server
; implementations MUST NOT generate
; flag-extension flags except as defined by
; a future Standard or Standards Track
; revisions of this specification.
; "\Recent" was defined in RFC 3501
; and is now deprecated.
flag-fetch = flag / obsolete-flag-recent
flag-keyword = "$MDNSent" / "$Forwarded" / "$Junk" /
"$NotJunk" / "$Phishing" / atom
flag-list = "(" [flag *(SP flag)] ")"
flag-perm = flag / "\*"
greeting = "*" SP (resp-cond-auth / resp-cond-bye) CRLF
header-fld-name = astring
header-list = "(" header-fld-name *(SP header-fld-name) ")"
idle = "IDLE" CRLF "DONE"
initial-resp = (base64 / "=")
; "initial response" defined in
; Section 4 of [SASL]
list = "LIST" [SP list-select-opts] SP
mailbox SP mbox-or-pat
[SP list-return-opts]
list-mailbox = 1*list-char / string
list-char = ATOM-CHAR / list-wildcards / resp-specials
list-return-opt = return-option
; Note that return-option is the ABNF
; non-terminal used by RFC 5258
list-return-opts = "RETURN" SP
"(" [list-return-opt *(SP list-return-opt)] ")"
; list return options, e.g., CHILDREN
list-select-base-opt = "SUBSCRIBED" / option-extension
; options that can be used by themselves
list-select-base-opt-quoted = DQUOTE list-select-base-opt DQUOTE
list-select-independent-opt = "REMOTE" / option-extension
; options that do not syntactically interact with
; other options
list-select-mod-opt = "RECURSIVEMATCH" / option-extension
; options that require a list-select-base-opt
; to also be present
list-select-opt = list-select-base-opt / list-select-independent-opt
/ list-select-mod-opt
list-select-opts = "(" [
(*(list-select-opt SP) list-select-base-opt
*(SP list-select-opt))
/ (list-select-independent-opt
*(SP list-select-independent-opt))
] ")"
; Any number of options may be in any order.
; If a list-select-mod-opt appears, then a
; list-select-base-opt must also appear.
; This allows these:
; ()
; But does NOT allow these:
list-wildcards = "%" / "*"
literal = "{" number64 ["+"] "}" CRLF *CHAR8
; <number64> represents the number of CHAR8s.
; A non-synchronizing literal is distinguished
; from a synchronizing literal by the presence of
; "+" before the closing "}".
; Non-synchronizing literals are not allowed when
; sent from server to the client.
literal8 = "~{" number64 "}" CRLF *OCTET
; <number64> represents the number of OCTETs
; in the response string.
login = "LOGIN" SP userid SP password
mailbox = "INBOX" / astring
; INBOX is case insensitive. All case variants
; of INBOX (e.g., "iNbOx") MUST be interpreted as
; INBOX, not as an astring. An astring that
; consists of the case-insensitive sequence
; "I" "N" "B" "O" "X" is considered
; to be an INBOX and not an astring.
; Refer to Section 5.1 for further
; semantic details of mailbox names.
mailbox-data = "FLAGS" SP flag-list / "LIST" SP mailbox-list /
esearch-response /
"STATUS" SP mailbox SP "(" [status-att-list] ")" /
number SP "EXISTS" / namespace-response /
obsolete-search-response /
; obsolete-search-response and
; obsolete-recent-response can only be returned
; by servers that support both IMAPrev1
; and IMAPrev2.
mailbox-list = "(" [mbx-list-flags] ")" SP
[SP mbox-list-extended]
; This is the list information pointed to by the ABNF
; item "mailbox-data", which is defined above
mbox-list-extended = "(" [mbox-list-extended-item
*(SP mbox-list-extended-item)] ")"
mbox-list-extended-item = mbox-list-extended-item-tag SP
mbox-list-extended-item-tag = astring
; The content MUST conform to either
; "eitem-vendor-tag" or "eitem-standard-tag"
; ABNF productions.
mbox-or-pat = list-mailbox / patterns
mbx-list-flags = *(mbx-list-oflag SP) mbx-list-sflag
*(SP mbx-list-oflag) /
mbx-list-oflag *(SP mbx-list-oflag)
mbx-list-oflag = "\Noinferiors" / child-mbox-flag /
"\Subscribed" / "\Remote" / flag-extension
; Other flags; multiple from this list are
; possible per LIST response, but each flag
; can only appear once per LIST response
mbx-list-sflag = "\NonExistent" / "\Noselect" / "\Marked" /
; Selectability flags; only one per LIST response
media-basic = ((DQUOTE ("APPLICATION" / "AUDIO" / "IMAGE" /
/ string)
SP media-subtype
; FONT defined in [RFC8081].
; MODEL defined in [RFC2077].
; Other top-level media types
; are defined in [MIME-IMT].
media-message = DQUOTE "MESSAGE" DQUOTE SP
; Defined in [MIME-IMT]
media-subtype = string
; Defined in [MIME-IMT]
media-text = DQUOTE "TEXT" DQUOTE SP media-subtype
; Defined in [MIME-IMT]
message-data = nz-number SP ("EXPUNGE" / ("FETCH" SP msg-att))
move = "MOVE" SP sequence-set SP mailbox
msg-att = "(" (msg-att-dynamic / msg-att-static)
*(SP (msg-att-dynamic / msg-att-static)) ")"
msg-att-dynamic = "FLAGS" SP "(" [flag-fetch *(SP flag-fetch)] ")"
; MAY change for a message
msg-att-static = "ENVELOPE" SP envelope /
"INTERNALDATE" SP date-time /
"RFC822.SIZE" SP number64 /
"BODY" ["STRUCTURE"] SP body /
"BODY" section ["<" number ">"] SP nstring /
"BINARY" section-binary SP (nstring / literal8) /
"BINARY.SIZE" section-binary SP number /
"UID" SP uniqueid
; MUST NOT change for a message
name-component = 1*UTF8-CHAR-except-dot-or-slash-or-list-wildcards
; MUST NOT contain ".", "/", "%", or "*"
namespace = nil / "(" 1*namespace-descr ")"
namespace-command = "NAMESPACE"
namespace-descr = "(" string SP
[namespace-response-extensions] ")"
namespace-response-extensions = *namespace-response-extension
namespace-response-extension = SP string SP
"(" string *(SP string) ")"
namespace-response = "NAMESPACE" SP namespace
SP namespace SP namespace
; The first Namespace is the Personal Namespace(s).
; The second Namespace is the Other Users'
; Namespace(s).
; The third Namespace is the Shared Namespace(s).
nil = "NIL"
nstring = string / nil
number = 1*DIGIT
; Unsigned 32-bit integer
; (0 <= n < 4,294,967,296)
number64 = 1*DIGIT
; Unsigned 63-bit integer
; (0 <= n <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
nz-number = digit-nz *DIGIT
; Non-zero unsigned 32-bit integer
; (0 < n < 4,294,967,296)
nz-number64 = digit-nz *DIGIT
; Unsigned 63-bit integer
; (0 < n <= 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
obsolete-flag-recent = "\Recent"
obsolete-recent-response = number SP "RECENT"
obsolete-search-response = "SEARCH" *(SP nz-number)
oldname-extended-item = "OLDNAME" SP "(" mailbox ")"
; Extended data item (mbox-list-extended-item)
; returned in a LIST response when a mailbox is
; renamed or deleted. Also returned when
; the server canonicalized the provided mailbox
; name.
; Note 1: the OLDNAME tag can be returned
; with or without surrounding quotes, as per
; mbox-list-extended-item-tag production.
option-extension = (option-standard-tag / option-vendor-tag)
[SP option-value]
option-standard-tag = atom
; an option defined in a Standards Track or
; Experimental RFC
option-val-comp = astring /
option-val-comp *(SP option-val-comp) /
"(" option-val-comp ")"
option-value = "(" option-val-comp ")"
option-vendor-tag = vendor-token "-" atom
; a vendor-specific option, non-standard
partial-range = number64 ["." nz-number64]
; Copied from RFC 5092 (IMAP URL)
; and updated to support 64-bit sizes.
partial = "<" number64 "." nz-number64 ">"
; Partial FETCH request. 0-based offset of
; the first octet, followed by the number of
; octets in the fragment.
password = astring
patterns = "(" list-mailbox ")"
; [RFC5258] supports multiple patterns,
; but this document only requires one
; to be supported.
; If the server is also implementing
; [RFC5258], the "patterns" syntax from
; that document must be followed.
QUOTED-CHAR = any-TEXT-CHAR-except-quoted-specials /
"\" quoted-specials / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4
quoted-specials = DQUOTE / "\"
rename = "RENAME" SP mailbox SP mailbox
; Use of INBOX as a destination gives a NO error
response = *(continue-req / response-data) response-done
response-data = "*" SP (resp-cond-state / resp-cond-bye /
mailbox-data / message-data / capability-data /
enable-data) CRLF
response-done = response-tagged / response-fatal
response-fatal = "*" SP resp-cond-bye CRLF
; Server closes connection immediately
response-tagged = tag SP resp-cond-state CRLF
resp-code-apnd = "APPENDUID" SP nz-number SP append-uid
resp-code-copy = "COPYUID" SP nz-number SP uid-set SP uid-set
resp-cond-auth = ("OK" / "PREAUTH") SP resp-text
; Authentication condition
resp-cond-bye = "BYE" SP resp-text
resp-cond-state = ("OK" / "NO" / "BAD") SP resp-text
; Status condition
resp-specials = "]"
resp-text = ["[" resp-text-code "]" SP] [text]
resp-text-code = "ALERT" /
"BADCHARSET" [SP "(" charset *(SP charset) ")" ] /
capability-data / "PARSE" /
"(" [flag-perm *(SP flag-perm)] ")" /
"UIDNEXT" SP nz-number /
"UIDVALIDITY" SP nz-number /
resp-code-apnd / resp-code-copy / "UIDNOTSTICKY" /
atom [SP 1*any-TEXT-CHAR-except-resp-specials]
; any-TEXT-CHAR-except-resp-specials = <any TEXT-CHAR except "]">
; %x01-09 / %x0B-0C / %x0E-5C / %x5E-7F
; ']' = %x5D
return-option = "SUBSCRIBED" / "CHILDREN" / status-option /
search = "SEARCH" [search-return-opts]
SP search-program
search-correlator = SP "(" "TAG" SP tag-string ")"
search-key = "ALL" / "ANSWERED" / "BCC" SP astring /
"BEFORE" SP date / "BODY" SP astring /
"CC" SP astring / "DELETED" / "FLAGGED" /
"FROM" SP astring / "KEYWORD" SP flag-keyword /
"ON" SP date / "SEEN" /
"SINCE" SP date / "SUBJECT" SP astring /
"TEXT" SP astring / "TO" SP astring /
"UNKEYWORD" SP flag-keyword / "UNSEEN" /
; Above this line were in [IMAP2]
"DRAFT" / "HEADER" SP header-fld-name SP astring /
"LARGER" SP number64 / "NOT" SP search-key /
"OR" SP search-key SP search-key /
"SENTBEFORE" SP date / "SENTON" SP date /
"SENTSINCE" SP date / "SMALLER" SP number64 /
"UID" SP sequence-set / "UNDRAFT" / sequence-set /
"(" search-key *(SP search-key) ")"
search-modifier-name = tagged-ext-label
search-mod-params = tagged-ext-val
; This non-terminal shows recommended syntax
; for future extensions.
search-program = ["CHARSET" SP charset SP]
search-key *(SP search-key)
; CHARSET argument to SEARCH MUST be
; registered with IANA.
search-ret-data-ext = search-modifier-name SP search-return-value
; Note that not every SEARCH return option
; is required to have the corresponding
; ESEARCH return data.
search-return-data = "MIN" SP nz-number /
"MAX" SP nz-number /
"ALL" SP sequence-set /
"COUNT" SP number /
; All return data items conform to
; search-ret-data-ext syntax.
; Note that "$" marker is not allowed
; after the ALL return data item.
search-return-opts = SP "RETURN" SP "(" [search-return-opt
*(SP search-return-opt)] ")"
search-return-opt = "MIN" / "MAX" / "ALL" / "COUNT" /
"SAVE" /
; conforms to generic search-ret-opt-ext
; syntax
search-ret-opt-ext = search-modifier-name [SP search-mod-params]
search-return-value = tagged-ext-val
; Data for the returned search option.
; A single "nz-number"/"number"/"number64" value
; can be returned as an atom (i.e., without
; quoting). A sequence-set can be returned
; as an atom as well.
section = "[" [section-spec] "]"
section-binary = "[" [section-part] "]"
section-msgtext = "HEADER" /
"HEADER.FIELDS" [".NOT"] SP header-list /
; top-level or MESSAGE/RFC822 or
section-part = nz-number *("." nz-number)
; body part reference.
; Allows for accessing nested body parts.
section-spec = section-msgtext / (section-part ["." section-text])
section-text = section-msgtext / "MIME"
; text other than actual body part (headers,
; etc.)
select = "SELECT" SP mailbox
seq-number = nz-number / "*"
; message sequence number (COPY, FETCH, STORE
; commands) or unique identifier (UID COPY,
; UID FETCH, UID STORE commands).
; * represents the largest number in use. In
; the case of message sequence numbers, it is
; the number of messages in a non-empty mailbox.
; In the case of unique identifiers, it is the
; unique identifier of the last message in the
; mailbox or, if the mailbox is empty, the
; mailbox's current UIDNEXT value.
; The server should respond with a tagged BAD
; response to a command that uses a message
; sequence number greater than the number of
; messages in the selected mailbox. This
; includes "*" if the selected mailbox is empty.
seq-range = seq-number ":" seq-number
; two seq-number values and all values between
; these two regardless of order.
; Example: 2:4 and 4:2 are equivalent and
; indicate values 2, 3, and 4.
; Example: a unique identifier sequence range of
; 3291:* includes the UID of the last message in
; the mailbox, even if that value is less than
; 3291.
sequence-set = (seq-number / seq-range) ["," sequence-set] / seq-last-command
; set of seq-number values, regardless of order.
; Servers MAY coalesce overlaps and/or execute
; the sequence in any order.
; Example: a message sequence number set of
; 2,4:7,9,12:* for a mailbox with 15 messages is
; equivalent to 2,4,5,6,7,9,12,13,14,15
; Example: a message sequence number set of
; *:4,5:7 for a mailbox with 10 messages is
; equivalent to 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,5,6,7 and MAY
; be reordered and overlap coalesced to be
; 4,5,6,7,8,9,10.
; sequence-set =/ seq-last-command
; Allow for "result of the last command"
; indicator.
seq-last-command = "$"
status = "STATUS" SP mailbox SP
"(" status-att *(SP status-att) ")"
status-att = "MESSAGES" / "UIDNEXT" / "UIDVALIDITY" /
status-att-val = ("MESSAGES" SP number) /
("UIDNEXT" SP nz-number) /
("UIDVALIDITY" SP nz-number) /
("UNSEEN" SP number) /
("DELETED" SP number) /
("SIZE" SP number64)
; Extensions to the STATUS responses
; should extend this production.
; Extensions should use the generic
; syntax defined by tagged-ext.
status-att-list = status-att-val *(SP status-att-val)
status-option = "STATUS" SP "(" status-att *(SP status-att) ")"
; This ABNF production complies with
; <option-extension> syntax.
store = "STORE" SP sequence-set SP store-att-flags
store-att-flags = (["+" / "-"] "FLAGS" [".SILENT"]) SP
(flag-list / (flag *(SP flag)))
string = quoted / literal
subscribe = "SUBSCRIBE" SP mailbox
tag = 1*any-ASTRING-CHAR-except-plus
tag-string = astring
; <tag> represented as <astring>
tagged-ext-label = tagged-label-fchar *tagged-label-char
; Is a valid RFC 3501 "atom".
tagged-label-fchar = ALPHA / "-" / "_" / "."
tagged-label-char = tagged-label-fchar / DIGIT / ":"
tagged-ext-comp = astring /
tagged-ext-comp *(SP tagged-ext-comp) /
"(" tagged-ext-comp ")"
; Extensions that follow this general
; syntax should use nstring instead of
; astring when appropriate in the context
; of the extension.
; Note that a message set or a "number"
; can always be represented as an "atom".
; A URL should be represented as
; a "quoted" string.
tagged-ext-simple = sequence-set / number / number64
tagged-ext-val = tagged-ext-simple /
"(" [tagged-ext-comp] ")"
text = 1*(TEXT-CHAR / UTF8-2 / UTF8-3 / UTF8-4)
; Non-ASCII text can only be returned
; after ENABLE IMAP4rev2 command
time = 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT
; Hours minutes seconds
uid = "UID" SP
(copy / move / fetch / search / store /
; Unique identifiers used instead of message
; sequence numbers
uid-expunge = "EXPUNGE" SP sequence-set
; Unique identifiers used instead of message
; sequence numbers
uid-set = (uniqueid / uid-range) *("," uid-set)
uid-range = (uniqueid ":" uniqueid)
; two uniqueid values and all values
; between these two regardless of order.
; Example: 2:4 and 4:2 are equivalent.
uniqueid = nz-number
; Strictly ascending
unsubscribe = "UNSUBSCRIBE" SP mailbox
userid = astring
vendor-token = "vendor." name-component
; Definition copied from RFC 2244.
; MUST be registered with IANA
zone = ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT
; Signed four-digit value of hhmm representing
; hours and minutes east of Greenwich (that is,
; the amount that the given time differs from
; Universal Time). Subtracting the timezone
; from the given time will give the UT form.
; The Universal Time zone is "+0000".
/* converted on Fri Jun 17, 2022, 14:06 (UTC-04) by abnf-to-w3c v0.58 which is Copyright (c) 2011-2022 by Gunther Rademacher <[email protected]> */
CHAR ::= [#x01-#x7f]
ATOM-CHAR ::= CHAR - atom-specials
OCTET ::= [#x00-#xFF]
::= UTF8-char*
::= UTF8-1
| UTF8-2
| UTF8-3
| UTF8-4
UTF8-1 ::= [#x0-#x7F]
UTF8-2 ::= [#xC2-#xDF] UTF8-tail
UTF8-3 ::= #xE0 [#xA0-#xBF] UTF8-tail
| [#xE1-#xEC] UTF8-tail UTF8-tail
| #xED [#x80-#x9F] UTF8-tail
| [#xEE-#xEF] UTF8-tail UTF8-tail
UTF8-4 ::= #xF0 [#x90-#xBF] UTF8-tail UTF8-tail
| [#xF1-#xF3] UTF8-tail UTF8-tail UTF8-tail
| #xF4 [#x80-#x8F] UTF8-tail UTF8-tail
::= [#x80-#xBF]
address ::= '(' addr-name SP addr-adl SP addr-mailbox SP addr-host ')'
addr-adl ::= nstring
::= nstring
::= nstring
::= nstring
append ::= 'APPEND' SP mailbox ( SP flag-list )? ( SP date-time )? SP literal
::= uniqueid
astring ::= ASTRING-CHAR+
| string
| resp-specials
atom ::= ATOM-CHAR+
::= '('
| ')'
| '{'
| SP
| list-wildcards
| quoted-specials
| resp-specials
::= 'AUTHENTICATE' SP auth-type ( SP initial-resp )? ( CRLF base64 )*
::= atom
base64 ::= ( base64-char base64-char base64-char base64-char )* base64-terminal?
| '+'
| '/'
::= base64-char base64-char '=='
| base64-char base64-char base64-char '='
body ::= '(' ( body-type-1part | body-type-mpart ) ')'
::= nstring
| number
| number64
| '(' body-extension ( SP body-extension )* ')'
::= body-fld-md5 ( SP body-fld-dsp ( SP body-fld-lang ( SP body-fld-loc ( SP body-extension )* )? )? )?
::= body-fld-param ( SP body-fld-dsp ( SP body-fld-lang ( SP body-fld-loc ( SP body-extension )* )? )? )?
::= body-fld-param SP body-fld-id SP body-fld-desc SP body-fld-enc SP body-fld-octets
::= nstring
::= '(' string SP body-fld-param ')'
| nil
| string
::= nstring
::= nstring
| '(' string ( SP string )* ')'
::= nstring
::= number64
::= nstring
::= number
::= '(' string SP string ( SP string SP string )* ')'
| nil
::= ( body-type-basic | body-type-msg | body-type-text ) ( SP body-ext-1part )?
::= media-basic SP body-fields
::= body+ SP media-subtype ( SP body-ext-mpart )?
::= media-message SP body-fields SP envelope SP body SP body-fld-lines
::= media-text SP body-fields SP body-fld-lines
::= 'AUTH=' auth-type
| atom
::= 'CAPABILITY' ( SP capability )* SP 'IMAP4rev2' ( SP capability )*
CHAR8 ::= [#x1-#xFF]
charset ::= atom
| quoted
::= 'CHILDINFO' SP '(' list-select-base-opt-quoted ( SP list-select-base-opt-quoted )* ')'
::= '\HasChildren'
| '\HasNoChildren'
command ::= tag SP ( command-any | command-auth | command-nonauth | command-select ) CRLF
| 'NOOP'
::= append
| create
| delete
| enable
| examine
| list
| namespace-command
| rename
| select
| status
| subscribe
| unsubscribe
| idle
::= login
| authenticate
::= 'CLOSE'
| copy
| move
| fetch
| store
| search
| uid
::= '+' SP ( resp-text | base64 ) CRLF
copy ::= 'COPY' SP sequence-set SP mailbox
create ::= 'CREATE' SP mailbox
date ::= date-text
| DQUOTE date-text DQUOTE
date-day ::= DIGIT DIGIT?
::= 'Jan'
| 'Feb'
| 'Mar'
| 'Apr'
| 'May'
| 'Jun'
| 'Jul'
| 'Aug'
| 'Sep'
| 'Oct'
| 'Nov'
| 'Dec'
::= date-day '-' date-month '-' date-year
::= DQUOTE date-day-fixed '-' date-month '-' date-year SP time SP zone DQUOTE
delete ::= 'DELETE' SP mailbox
digit-nz ::= [1-9]
::= atom
::= vendor-token '-' atom
enable ::= 'ENABLE' ( SP capability )+
::= 'ENABLED' ( SP capability )*
envelope ::= '(' env-date SP env-subject SP env-from SP env-sender SP env-reply-to SP env-to SP env-cc SP env-bcc SP env-in-reply-to SP env-message-id ')'
env-bcc ::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
env-cc ::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
env-date ::= nstring
env-from ::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
::= nstring
::= nstring
::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
::= nstring
env-to ::= '(' address+ ')'
| nil
::= 'ESEARCH' search-correlator? ( SP 'UID' )? ( SP search-return-data )*
examine ::= 'EXAMINE' SP mailbox
fetch ::= 'FETCH' SP sequence-set SP ( 'ALL' | 'FULL' | 'FAST' | fetch-att | '(' fetch-att ( SP fetch-att )* ')' )
| 'RFC822.SIZE'
| 'UID'
| 'BODY' section partial?
| 'BODY.PEEK' section partial?
| 'BINARY' '.PEEK'? section-binary partial?
| 'BINARY.SIZE' section-binary
flag ::= '\Answered'
| '\Flagged'
| '\Deleted'
| '\Seen'
| '\Draft'
| flag-keyword
| flag-extension
::= '\' atom
::= flag
| obsolete-flag-recent
::= '$MDNSent'
| '$Forwarded'
| '$Junk'
| '$NotJunk'
| '$Phishing'
| atom
::= '(' ( flag ( SP flag )* )? ')'
::= flag
| '\*'
greeting ::= '*' SP ( resp-cond-auth | resp-cond-bye ) CRLF
::= astring
::= '(' header-fld-name ( SP header-fld-name )* ')'
idle ::= 'IDLE' CRLF 'DONE'
::= base64
| '='
list ::= 'LIST' ( SP list-select-opts )? SP mailbox SP mbox-or-pat ( SP list-return-opts )?
::= list-char+
| string
| list-wildcards
| resp-specials
::= return-option
::= 'RETURN' SP '(' ( list-return-opt ( SP list-return-opt )* )? ')'
| option-extension
::= DQUOTE list-select-base-opt DQUOTE
::= 'REMOTE'
| option-extension
| option-extension
::= list-select-base-opt
| list-select-independent-opt
| list-select-mod-opt
::= '(' ( ( list-select-opt SP )* list-select-base-opt ( SP list-select-opt )* | list-select-independent-opt ( SP list-select-independent-opt )* )? ')'
::= '%'
| '*'
literal ::= '{' number64 '+'? '}' CRLF CHAR8*
literal8 ::= '~{' number64 '}' CRLF OCTET*
login ::= 'LOGIN' SP userid SP password
mailbox ::= 'INBOX'
| astring
::= 'FLAGS' SP flag-list
| 'LIST' SP mailbox-list
| esearch-response
| 'STATUS' SP mailbox SP '(' status-att-list? ')'
| number SP 'EXISTS'
| namespace-response
| obsolete-search-response
| obsolete-recent-response
::= '(' mbx-list-flags? ')' SP ( DQUOTE QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE | nil ) SP mailbox ( SP mbox-list-extended )?
::= '(' ( mbox-list-extended-item ( SP mbox-list-extended-item )* )? ')'
::= mbox-list-extended-item-tag SP tagged-ext-val
::= astring
::= list-mailbox
| patterns
::= ( mbx-list-oflag SP )* mbx-list-sflag ( SP mbx-list-oflag )*
| mbx-list-oflag ( SP mbx-list-oflag )*
::= '\Noinferiors'
| child-mbox-flag
| '\Subscribed'
| '\Remote'
| flag-extension
::= '\NonExistent'
| '\Noselect'
| '\Marked'
| '\Unmarked'
::= ( DQUOTE ( 'APPLICATION' | 'AUDIO' | 'IMAGE' | 'FONT' | 'MESSAGE' | 'MODEL' | 'VIDEO' ) DQUOTE | string ) SP media-subtype
::= string
::= DQUOTE 'TEXT' DQUOTE SP media-subtype
::= nz-number SP ( 'EXPUNGE' | 'FETCH' SP msg-att )
move ::= 'MOVE' SP sequence-set SP mailbox
msg-att ::= '(' ( msg-att-dynamic | msg-att-static ) ( SP ( msg-att-dynamic | msg-att-static ) )* ')'
::= 'FLAGS' SP '(' ( flag-fetch ( SP flag-fetch )* )? ')'
::= 'ENVELOPE' SP envelope
| 'INTERNALDATE' SP date-time
| 'RFC822.SIZE' SP number64
| 'BODY' section ( '<' number '>' )? SP nstring
| 'BINARY' section-binary SP ( nstring | literal8 )
| 'BINARY.SIZE' section-binary SP number
| 'UID' SP uniqueid
::= UTF8-CHAR - ('.' | '/' | list-wildcards)
::= nil
| '(' namespace-descr+ ')'
::= '(' string SP ( DQUOTE QUOTED-CHAR DQUOTE | nil ) namespace-response-extensions? ')'
::= namespace-response-extension*
::= SP string SP '(' string ( SP string )* ')'
::= 'NAMESPACE' SP namespace SP namespace SP namespace
nil ::= 'NIL'
nstring ::= string
| nil
number ::= DIGIT+
number64 ::= DIGIT+
::= digit-nz DIGIT*
::= digit-nz DIGIT*
::= '\Recent'
::= number SP 'RECENT'
::= 'SEARCH' ( SP nz-number )*
::= 'OLDNAME' SP '(' mailbox ')'
::= ( option-standard-tag | option-vendor-tag ) ( SP option-value )?
::= atom
::= astring
| option-val-comp ( SP option-val-comp )*
| '(' option-val-comp ')'
::= '(' option-val-comp ')'
::= vendor-token '-' atom
::= number64 ( '.' nz-number64 )?
partial ::= '<' number64 '.' nz-number64 '>'
password ::= astring
patterns ::= '(' list-mailbox ')'
::= TEXT-CHAR - quoted-specials
| '\' quoted-specials
| UTF8-2
| UTF8-3
| UTF8-4
| '\'
rename ::= 'RENAME' SP mailbox SP mailbox
response ::= ( continue-req | response-data )* response-done
::= '*' SP ( resp-cond-state | resp-cond-bye | mailbox-data | message-data | capability-data | enable-data ) CRLF
::= response-tagged
| response-fatal
::= '*' SP resp-cond-bye CRLF
::= tag SP resp-cond-state CRLF
::= 'APPENDUID' SP nz-number SP append-uid
::= 'COPYUID' SP nz-number SP uid-set SP uid-set
::= ( 'OK' | 'PREAUTH' ) SP resp-text
::= 'BYE' SP resp-text
::= ( 'OK' | 'NO' | 'BAD' ) SP resp-text
::= ']'
::= ( '[' resp-text-code ']' SP )? text?
::= 'ALERT'
| 'BADCHARSET' ( SP '(' charset ( SP charset )* ')' )?
| capability-data
| 'PERMANENTFLAGS' SP '(' ( flag-perm ( SP flag-perm )* )? ')'
| 'UIDNEXT' SP nz-number
| 'UIDVALIDITY' SP nz-number
| resp-code-apnd
| resp-code-copy
| atom ( SP (TEXT-CHAR - resp-specials)+ )?
| status-option
| option-extension
search ::= 'SEARCH' search-return-opts? SP search-program
::= SP '(' 'TAG' SP tag-string ')'
::= 'ALL'
| 'BCC' SP astring
| 'BEFORE' SP date
| 'BODY' SP astring
| 'CC' SP astring
| 'FROM' SP astring
| 'KEYWORD' SP flag-keyword
| 'ON' SP date
| 'SEEN'
| 'SINCE' SP date
| 'SUBJECT' SP astring
| 'TEXT' SP astring
| 'TO' SP astring
| 'UNKEYWORD' SP flag-keyword
| 'HEADER' SP header-fld-name SP astring
| 'LARGER' SP number64
| 'NOT' SP search-key
| 'OR' SP search-key SP search-key
| 'SENTON' SP date
| 'SMALLER' SP number64
| 'UID' SP sequence-set
| sequence-set
| '(' search-key ( SP search-key )* ')'
::= tagged-ext-label
::= tagged-ext-val
::= ( 'CHARSET' SP charset SP )? search-key ( SP search-key )*
::= search-modifier-name SP search-return-value
::= 'MIN' SP nz-number
| 'MAX' SP nz-number
| 'ALL' SP sequence-set
| 'COUNT' SP number
| search-ret-data-ext
::= SP 'RETURN' SP '(' ( search-return-opt ( SP search-return-opt )* )? ')'
::= 'MIN'
| 'MAX'
| 'ALL'
| 'SAVE'
| search-ret-opt-ext
::= search-modifier-name ( SP search-mod-params )?
::= tagged-ext-val
section ::= '[' section-spec? ']'
::= '[' section-part? ']'
::= 'HEADER'
| 'HEADER.FIELDS' '.NOT'? SP header-list
| 'TEXT'
::= nz-number ( '.' nz-number )*
::= section-msgtext
| section-part ( '.' section-text )?
::= section-msgtext
| 'MIME'
select ::= 'SELECT' SP mailbox
::= nz-number
| '*'
::= seq-number ':' seq-number
::= ( seq-number | seq-range ) ( ',' sequence-set )?
| seq-last-command
::= '$'
status ::= 'STATUS' SP mailbox SP '(' status-att ( SP status-att )* ')'
| 'SIZE'
::= 'MESSAGES' SP number
| 'UIDNEXT' SP nz-number
| 'UIDVALIDITY' SP nz-number
| 'UNSEEN' SP number
| 'DELETED' SP number
| 'SIZE' SP number64
::= status-att-val ( SP status-att-val )*
::= 'STATUS' SP '(' status-att ( SP status-att )* ')'
store ::= 'STORE' SP sequence-set SP store-att-flags
::= ( '+' | '-' )? 'FLAGS' '.SILENT'? SP ( flag-list | flag ( SP flag )* )
string ::= quoted
| literal
::= 'SUBSCRIBE' SP mailbox
tag ::= ASTRING-CHAR - '+'
::= astring
::= tagged-label-fchar tagged-label-char*
| '-'
| '_'
| '.'
::= tagged-label-fchar
| ':'
::= astring
| tagged-ext-comp ( SP tagged-ext-comp )*
| '(' tagged-ext-comp ')'
::= sequence-set
| number
| number64
::= tagged-ext-simple
| '(' tagged-ext-comp? ')'
text ::= ( TEXT-CHAR | UTF8-2 | UTF8-3 | UTF8-4 )+
uid ::= 'UID' SP ( copy | move | fetch | search | store | uid-expunge )
::= 'EXPUNGE' SP sequence-set
uid-set ::= ( uniqueid | uid-range ) ( ',' uid-set )*
::= uniqueid ':' uniqueid
uniqueid ::= nz-number
::= 'UNSUBSCRIBE' SP mailbox
userid ::= astring
::= 'vendor.' name-component
zone ::= ( '+' | '-' ) DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT
│├──╮──╮─── "\t" ───╭──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─── "\b" ───╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─── "\a" ───╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x06" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x05" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x04" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x03" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x02" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x01" ──╯ │
│ │
╰───╮── "\f" ──╭───╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\v" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "\x7f" ──╭──╯
│ │
╰─── "~" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "}" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "|" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "{" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "z" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "y" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "x" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "w" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "v" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "u" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "t" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "s" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "r" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "q" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "p" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "o" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "n" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "m" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "l" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "k" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "j" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "i" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "h" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "g" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "f" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "e" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "d" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "c" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "b" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "a" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "`" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "_" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "^" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "]" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "\\" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "[" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Z" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Y" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "X" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "W" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "V" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "U" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "T" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "S" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "R" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Q" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "P" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "O" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "N" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "M" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "L" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "K" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "J" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "I" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "H" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "G" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "F" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "E" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "D" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "C" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "B" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "A" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "@" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "?" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ">" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "=" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "<" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ";" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ":" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "9" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "8" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "7" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "6" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "5" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "4" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "3" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "2" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "1" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "0" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "/" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "." ────╯
│ │
╰─── "-" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "," ────╯
│ │
╰─── "+" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "*" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ")" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "(" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "'" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "&" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "%" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "$" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "#" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "\"" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "!" ────╯
│ │
╰─── " " ────╯
│ │
╰── "\x1f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1e" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1d" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1c" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1b" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1a" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x19" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x18" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x17" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x16" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x15" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x14" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x13" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x12" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x11" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x10" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x0f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x0e" ──╯
│├──╮──╮─── "\t" ───╭──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─── "\b" ───╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─── "\a" ───╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x06" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x05" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x04" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x03" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x02" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x01" ──╯ │
│ │
╰───╮── "\f" ──╭───╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\v" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮─── "!" ────╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─── " " ────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1f" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1e" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1d" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1c" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1b" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x1a" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x19" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x18" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x17" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x16" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x15" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x14" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x13" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x12" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x11" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x10" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x0f" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "\x0e" ──╯ │
│ │
╰───╮── "[" ──╭────╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Z" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Y" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "X" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "W" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "V" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "U" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "T" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "S" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "R" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Q" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "P" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "O" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "N" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "M" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "L" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "K" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "J" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "I" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "H" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "G" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "F" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "E" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "D" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "C" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "B" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "A" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "@" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "?" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ">" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "=" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "<" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ";" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ":" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "9" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "8" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "7" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "6" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "5" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "4" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "3" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "2" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "1" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "0" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "/" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "." ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "-" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "," ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "+" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "*" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ")" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "(" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "'" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "&" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "%" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "$" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "#" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "\x7f" ──╭──╯
│ │
╰─── "~" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "}" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "|" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "{" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "z" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "y" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "x" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "w" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "v" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "u" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "t" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "s" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "r" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "q" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "p" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "o" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "n" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "m" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "l" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "k" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "j" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "i" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "h" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "g" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "f" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "e" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "d" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "c" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "b" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "a" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "`" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "_" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "^" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "]" ────╯
│├──╮───── "!" ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──╮── "$" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "#" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "'" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "&" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "[" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Z" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Y" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "X" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "W" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "V" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "U" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "T" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "S" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "R" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Q" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "P" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "O" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "N" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "M" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "L" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "K" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "J" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "I" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "H" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "G" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "F" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "E" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "D" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "C" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "B" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "A" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "@" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "?" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ">" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "=" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "<" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ";" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ":" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "9" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "8" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "7" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "6" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "5" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "4" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "3" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "2" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "1" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "0" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "/" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "." ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "-" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "," ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "+" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "z" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "y" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "x" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "w" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "v" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "u" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "t" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "s" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "r" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "q" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "p" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "o" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "n" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "m" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "l" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "k" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "j" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "i" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "h" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "g" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "f" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "e" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "d" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "c" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "b" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "a" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "`" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "_" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "^" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "~" ──╭──╯
│ │
╰── "}" ──╯
│ │
╰── "|" ──╯
│├──╮───── "!" ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──╮── "$" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "#" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "'" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "&" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "[" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Z" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Y" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "X" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "W" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "V" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "U" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "T" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "S" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "R" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "Q" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "P" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "O" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "N" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "M" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "L" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "K" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "J" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "I" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "H" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "G" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "F" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "E" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "D" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "C" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "B" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "A" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "@" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "?" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ">" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "=" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "<" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ";" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── ":" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "9" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "8" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "7" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "6" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "5" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "4" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "3" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "2" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "1" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "0" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "/" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "." ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "-" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "," ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "z" ──╭──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "y" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "x" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "w" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "v" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "u" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "t" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "s" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "r" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "q" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "p" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "o" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "n" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "m" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "l" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "k" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "j" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "i" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "h" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "g" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "f" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "e" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "d" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "c" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "b" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "a" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "`" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "_" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "^" ──╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "]" ──╯ │
│ │
╰──╮── "~" ──╭──╯
│ │
╰── "}" ──╯
│ │
╰── "|" ──╯
│├───── "(" ── addr-name ── SP ── addr-adl ── SP ── addr-mailbox ── SP ── addr-host ── ")" ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
╭─────────────>─────────────╮ ╭─────────────>─────────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├───── "append"/i ── SP ── mailbox ──╯───── SP ── flag-list ─────╰──╯───── SP ── date-time ─────╰── SP ── literal ─────┤│
│├───── uniqueid ─────┤│
│├──╮──╭── ASTRING-CHAR ──╮──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰────────<─────────╯ │
│ │
╰──────── string ────────╯
│├──╮──── ATOM-CHAR ────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── resp-specials ──╯
│├─────╭── ATOM-CHAR ──╮─────┤│
│ │
│├──╮──────── "(" ────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──────── ")" ────────╯
│ │
╰──────── "{" ────────╯
│ │
╰──────── SP ─────────╯
│ │
╰──────── CTL ────────╯
│ │
╰── list-wildcards ───╯
│ │
╰── quoted-specials ──╯
│ │
╰─── resp-specials ───╯
│ │
│├───── "authenticate"/i ── SP ── auth-type ──╯───── SP ── initial-resp ─────╰──╭──────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── base64 ── CRLF ─────╯
│├───── atom ─────┤│
│ │
│├─────╭──────────────────────────────╮──╯───── base64-terminal ─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰─────╭── base64-char ──╮──────╯
│ │
(three times only)
│├──╮── ALPHA ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰── DIGIT ──╯
│ │
╰─── "+" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "/" ───╯
│├──╮─────╭── base64-char ──╮── "==" ─────╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰────────<────────╯ │
│ (once only) │
│ │
╰─────╭── base64-char ──╮── "=" ──────╯
│ │
(twice only)
│├───── "(" ──╮── body-type-1part ──╭── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰── body-type-mpart ──╯
│├──╮────────────────────────────── nstring ───────────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────────────────────────────── number ───────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────── number64 ──────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰── "(" ── body-extension ──╭────────────────────────────────╮── ")" ──╯
│ │
╰───── body-extension ── SP ─────╯
│ │
│ ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────>──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ ╭────────────────────────────────>─────────────────────────────────╮ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│├───── body-fld-md5 ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-dsp ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-lang ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-loc ──╭────────────────────────────────╮─────╰─────╰─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰───── body-extension ── SP ─────╯
│ │
│ ╭──────────────────────────────────────────────────>──────────────────────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ ╭────────────────────────────────>─────────────────────────────────╮ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│├───── body-fld-param ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-dsp ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-lang ──╯───── SP ── body-fld-loc ──╭────────────────────────────────╮─────╰─────╰─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰───── body-extension ── SP ─────╯
│├───── body-fld-param ── SP ── body-fld-id ── SP ── body-fld-desc ── SP ── body-fld-enc ── SP ── body-fld-octets ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ── string ── SP ── body-fld-param ── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰────────────────────── nil ───────────────────────╯
│├──╮───── DQUOTE ──╮──────── "7bit"/i ────────╭── DQUOTE ─────╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────── "8bit"/i ────────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─────── "binary"/i ───────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰─────── "base64"/i ───────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── "quoted-printable"/i ──╯ │
│ │
╰───────────────────────── string ─────────────────────────╯
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├──╮────────────────────── nstring ───────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "(" ── string ──╭────────────────────────╮── ")" ──╯
│ │
╰───── string ── SP ─────╯
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── number64 ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── number ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ── string ── SP ── string ──╭────────────────────────────────────────╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── string ── SP ── string ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────── nil ─────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│├─────╮── body-type-basic ──╭──╯───── SP ── body-ext-1part ─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰─── body-type-msg ───╯
│ │
╰── body-type-text ───╯
│├───── media-basic ── SP ── body-fields ─────┤│
│ │
│├─────╭── body ──╮── SP ── media-subtype ──╯───── SP ── body-ext-mpart ─────╰─────┤│
│ │
│├───── media-message ── SP ── body-fields ── SP ── envelope ── SP ── body ── SP ── body-fld-lines ─────┤│
│├───── media-text ── SP ── body-fields ── SP ── body-fld-lines ─────┤│
│├──╮───── "auth="/i ── auth-type ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰────────────── atom ──────────────╯
│├───── "capability"/i ──╭────────────────────────────╮── SP ── "imap4rev2"/i ──╭────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │ │ │
╰───── capability ── SP ─────╯ ╰───── capability ── SP ─────╯
│├─────╮── "\xff" ──╭─────┤│
│ │
╰── "\xfe" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xfd" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xfc" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xfb" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xfa" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xf0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xef" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xee" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xed" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xec" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xeb" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xea" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xe0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xdf" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xde" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xdd" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xdc" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xdb" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xda" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xd0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xcf" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xce" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xcd" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xcc" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xcb" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xca" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xc0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xbf" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xbe" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xbd" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xbc" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xbb" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xba" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xb0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xaf" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xae" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xad" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xac" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xab" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xaa" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa9" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa1" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\xa0" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9e" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9d" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9c" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9b" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x9a" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x99" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x98" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x97" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x96" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x95" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x94" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x93" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x92" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x91" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x90" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8e" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8d" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8c" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8b" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x8a" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x89" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x88" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x87" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x86" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x85" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x84" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x83" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x82" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x81" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x80" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x7f" ──╯
│ │
╰─── "~" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "}" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "|" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "{" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "z" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "y" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "x" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "w" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "v" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "u" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "t" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "s" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "r" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "q" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "p" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "o" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "n" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "m" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "l" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "k" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "j" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "i" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "h" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "g" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "f" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "e" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "d" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "c" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "b" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "a" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "`" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "_" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "^" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "]" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "\\" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "[" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Z" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Y" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "X" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "W" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "V" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "U" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "T" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "S" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "R" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "Q" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "P" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "O" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "N" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "M" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "L" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "K" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "J" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "I" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "H" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "G" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "F" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "E" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "D" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "C" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "B" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "A" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "@" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "?" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ">" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "=" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "<" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ";" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ":" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "9" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "8" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "7" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "6" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "5" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "4" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "3" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "2" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "1" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "0" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "/" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "." ────╯
│ │
╰─── "-" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "," ────╯
│ │
╰─── "+" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "*" ────╯
│ │
╰─── ")" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "(" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "'" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "&" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "%" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "$" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "#" ────╯
│ │
╰─── "\"" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "!" ────╯
│ │
╰─── " " ────╯
│ │
╰── "\x1f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1e" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1d" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1c" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1b" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x1a" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x19" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x18" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x17" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x16" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x15" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x14" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x13" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x12" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x11" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x10" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x0f" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x0e" ──╯
│ │
╰─── "\r" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\f" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\v" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\n" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\t" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\b" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "\a" ───╯
│ │
╰── "\x06" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x05" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x04" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x03" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x02" ──╯
│ │
╰── "\x01" ──╯
│├──╮─── atom ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── quoted ──╯
│├───── "childinfo"/i ── SP ── "(" ── list-select-base-opt-quoted ──╭─────────────────────────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── list-select-base-opt-quoted ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮─── "\\haschildren"/i ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "\\hasnochildren"/i ──╯
│├───── tag ── SP ──╮──── command-any ────╭── CRLF ─────┤│
│ │
╰─── command-auth ────╯
│ │
╰── command-nonauth ──╯
│ │
╰── command-select ───╯
│├──╮── "capability"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰──── "logout"/i ────╯
│ │
╰───── "noop"/i ─────╯
│├──╮─────── append ────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────── create ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── delete ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── enable ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── examine ───────╯
│ │
╰──────── list ─────────╯
│ │
╰── namespace-command ──╯
│ │
╰─────── rename ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── select ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── status ────────╯
│ │
╰────── subscribe ──────╯
│ │
╰───── unsubscribe ─────╯
│ │
╰──────── idle ─────────╯
│├──╮───── login ──────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── authenticate ──╯
│ │
╰── "starttls"/i ──╯
│├──╮─── "close"/i ────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "unselect"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "expunge"/i ───╯
│ │
╰────── copy ──────╯
│ │
╰────── move ──────╯
│ │
╰───── fetch ──────╯
│ │
╰───── store ──────╯
│ │
╰───── search ─────╯
│ │
╰────── uid ───────╯
│├───── "+" ── SP ──╮── resp-text ──╭── CRLF ─────┤│
│ │
╰─── base64 ────╯
│├───── "copy"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├───── "create"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├──╮──────────── date-text ────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── DQUOTE ── date-text ── DQUOTE ──╯
│├──────╭── DIGIT ──╮───────┤│
│ │
(once at most)
│├──╮───── SP ── DIGIT ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────╭── DIGIT ──╮─────╯
│ │
(once only)
│├──╮── "jan"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "feb"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "mar"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "apr"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "may"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "jun"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "jul"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "aug"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "sep"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "oct"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "nov"/i ──╯
│ │
╰── "dec"/i ──╯
│├───── date-day ── "-" ── date-month ── "-" ── date-year ─────┤│
│├────────╭── DIGIT ──╮─────────┤│
│ │
(three times only)
│├───── DQUOTE ── date-day-fixed ── "-" ── date-month ── "-" ── date-year ── SP ── time ── SP ── zone ── DQUOTE ─────┤│
│├───── "delete"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├─────╮── "9" ──╭─────┤│
│ │
╰── "8" ──╯
│ │
╰── "7" ──╯
│ │
╰── "6" ──╯
│ │
╰── "5" ──╯
│ │
╰── "4" ──╯
│ │
╰── "3" ──╯
│ │
╰── "2" ──╯
│ │
╰── "1" ──╯
│├───── atom ─────┤│
│├───── vendor-token ── "-" ── atom ─────┤│
│├───── "enable"/i ──╭───── SP ── capability ─────╮─────┤│
│ │
│├───── "enabled"/i ──╭────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── capability ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "(" ── env-date ── SP ── env-subject ── SP ── env-from ── SP ── env-sender ── SP ── env-reply-to ── SP ── env-to ── SP ── env-cc ── SP ── env-bcc ── SP ── env-in-reply-to ── SP ── env-message-id ── ")" ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
│├───── nstring ─────┤│
│├──╮── "(" ──╭── address ──╮── ")" ──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──────<──────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── nil ──────────────╯
╭──────────────>──────────────╮ ╭────────────>────────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├───── "esearch"/i ──╯───── search-correlator ─────╰──╯───── SP ── "uid"/i ─────╰──╭────────────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── search-return-data ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "examine"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├───── "fetch"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ── SP ──╮───────────────────────── "all"/i ──────────────────────────╭─────┤│
│ │
╰───────────────────────── "full"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────── "fast"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────── fetch-att ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰── "(" ── fetch-att ──╭───────────────────────────╮── ")" ──╯
│ │
╰───── fetch-att ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮────────────────────────────────── "envelope"/i ──────────────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────────────────────────────────── "flags"/i ────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────── "internaldate"/i ────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────── "rfc822.size"/i ─────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭────────────>────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰───────────────────── "body"/i ──╯───── "structure"/i ─────╰──────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────── "uid"/i ─────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭─────────>─────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰─────────────────── "body"/i ── section ──╯───── partial ─────╰───────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭─────────>─────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰──────────────── "body.peek"/i ── section ──╯───── partial ─────╰─────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭──────────>──────────╮ ╭─────────>─────────╮ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
╰── "binary"/i ──╯───── ".peek"/i ─────╰── section-binary ──╯───── partial ─────╰──╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────── "binary.size"/i ── section-binary ────────────────────────╯
│├──╮── "\\answered"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "\\flagged"/i ───╯
│ │
╰── "\\deleted"/i ───╯
│ │
╰──── "\\seen"/i ────╯
│ │
╰─── "\\draft"/i ────╯
│ │
╰─── flag-keyword ───╯
│ │
╰── flag-extension ──╯
│├───── "\\" ── atom ─────┤│
│├──╮────────── flag ──────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── obsolete-flag-recent ──╯
│├──╮─── "$mdnsent"/i ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "$forwarded"/i ──╯
│ │
╰──── "$junk"/i ─────╯
│ │
╰─── "$notjunk"/i ───╯
│ │
╰── "$phishing"/i ───╯
│ │
╰─────── atom ───────╯
│ │
│├───── "(" ──╯───── flag ──╭──────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── flag ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮── flag ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "\\*" ──╯
│├───── "*" ── SP ──╮── resp-cond-auth ──╭── CRLF ─────┤│
│ │
╰── resp-cond-bye ───╯
│├───── astring ─────┤│
│├───── "(" ── header-fld-name ──╭─────────────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── header-fld-name ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "idle"/i ── CRLF ── "done"/i ─────┤│
│├─────╮── base64 ──╭─────┤│
│ │
╰─── "=" ────╯
╭────────────────>─────────────────╮ ╭────────────────>─────────────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├───── "list"/i ──╯───── SP ── list-select-opts ─────╰── SP ── mailbox ── SP ── mbox-or-pat ──╯───── SP ── list-return-opts ─────╰─────┤│
│├──╮──╭── list-char ──╮──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───────<───────╯ │
│ │
╰────── string ───────╯
│├──╮──── ATOM-CHAR ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── list-wildcards ──╯
│ │
╰── resp-specials ───╯
│├───── return-option ─────┤│
│ │
│├───── "return"/i ── SP ── "(" ──╯───── list-return-opt ──╭─────────────────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── list-return-opt ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮─── "subscribed"/i ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── option-extension ──╯
│├───── DQUOTE ── list-select-base-opt ── DQUOTE ─────┤│
│├──╮───── "remote"/i ─────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── option-extension ──╯
│├──╮── "recursivematch"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── option-extension ───╯
│├──╮───── list-select-base-opt ──────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── list-select-independent-opt ──╯
│ │
╰────── list-select-mod-opt ──────╯
│ │
│├───── "(" ──╯──╮─────╭─────────────────────────────────╮── list-select-base-opt ──╭─────────────────────────────────╮─────╭──╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ ╰───── SP ── list-select-opt ─────╯ ╰───── list-select-opt ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────── list-select-independent-opt ──╭─────────────────────────────────────────────╮──────────────╯
│ │
╰───── list-select-independent-opt ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮── "%" ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "*" ──╯
│ │
│├───── "{" ── number64 ──╯───── "+" ─────╰── "}" ── CRLF ──╭───────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰── CHAR8 ──╯
│├───── "~{" ── number64 ── "}" ── CRLF ──╭───────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰── OCTET ──╯
│├───── "login"/i ── SP ── userid ── SP ── password ─────┤│
│├──╮── "inbox"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── astring ───╯
│├──╮─────────────────────────── "flags"/i ── SP ── flag-list ───────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰────────────────────────── "list"/i ── SP ── mailbox-list ──────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────── esearch-response ─────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭─────────────>─────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰── "status"/i ── SP ── mailbox ── SP ── "(" ──╯───── status-att-list ─────╰── ")" ──╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────── number ── SP ── "exists"/i ────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────── namespace-response ────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────── obsolete-search-response ─────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────── obsolete-recent-response ─────────────────────────────╯
╭────────────>─────────────╮ ╭─────────────────>──────────────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├───── "(" ──╯───── mbx-list-flags ─────╰── ")" ── SP ──╮── DQUOTE ── QUOTED-CHAR ── DQUOTE ──╭── SP ── mailbox ──╯───── SP ── mbox-list-extended ─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰──────────────── nil ────────────────╯
│ │
│├───── "(" ──╯───── mbox-list-extended-item ──╭─────────────────────────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── mbox-list-extended-item ── SP ─────╯
│├───── mbox-list-extended-item-tag ── SP ── tagged-ext-val ─────┤│
│├───── astring ─────┤│
│├──╮── list-mailbox ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰──── patterns ────╯
│├──╮──╭────────────────────────────────╮── mbx-list-sflag ──╭────────────────────────────────╮──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ ╰───── SP ── mbx-list-oflag ─────╯ ╰───── mbx-list-oflag ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰──────────────────── mbx-list-oflag ──╭────────────────────────────────╮────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───── mbx-list-oflag ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮── "\\noinferiors"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── child-mbox-flag ───╯
│ │
╰── "\\subscribed"/i ───╯
│ │
╰──── "\\remote"/i ─────╯
│ │
╰─── flag-extension ────╯
│├──╮── "\\nonexistent"/i ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── "\\noselect"/i ────╯
│ │
╰──── "\\marked"/i ─────╯
│ │
╰─── "\\unmarked"/i ────╯
│├─────╮───── DQUOTE ──╮── "application"/i ──╭── DQUOTE ─────╭── SP ── media-subtype ─────┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── "audio"/i ─────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── "image"/i ─────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── "font"/i ──────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰──── "message"/i ────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── "model"/i ─────╯ │
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── "video"/i ─────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────────────── string ───────────────────────╯
│├───── DQUOTE ── "message"/i ── DQUOTE ── SP ── DQUOTE ──╮── "rfc822"/i ──╭── DQUOTE ─────┤│
│ │
╰── "global"/i ──╯
│├───── string ─────┤│
│├───── DQUOTE ── "text"/i ── DQUOTE ── SP ── media-subtype ─────┤│
│├───── nz-number ── SP ──╮──────────── "expunge"/i ─────────────╭─────┤│
│ │
╰───── "fetch"/i ── SP ── msg-att ─────╯
│├───── "move"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├───── "(" ──╮── msg-att-dynamic ──╭──╭───────────────────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │ │ │
╰── msg-att-static ───╯ ╰─────╮── msg-att-dynamic ──╭── SP ─────╯
│ │
╰── msg-att-static ───╯
│ │
│├───── "flags"/i ── SP ── "(" ──╯───── flag-fetch ──╭────────────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── flag-fetch ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮─────────────────────── "envelope"/i ── SP ── envelope ───────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──────────────────── "internaldate"/i ── SP ── date-time ─────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────── "rfc822.size"/i ── SP ── number64 ──────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭────────────>────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰──────────── "body"/i ──╯───── "structure"/i ─────╰── SP ── body ─────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭───────────────>────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰── "body"/i ── section ──╯───── "<" ── number ── ">" ─────╰── SP ── nstring ──╯
│ │
╰──────────── "binary"/i ── section-binary ── SP ──╮── nstring ───╭────────────╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── literal8 ──╯ │
│ │
╰───────────── "binary.size"/i ── section-binary ── SP ── number ──────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────── "uid"/i ── SP ── uniqueid ──────────────────────────╯
│├─────╭── UTF8-CHAR-except-dot-or-slash-or-list-wildcards ──╮─────┤│
│ │
│├──╮────────────────── nil ──────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── "(" ──╭── namespace-descr ──╮── ")" ──╯
│ │
│├───── "namespace"/i ─────┤│
│ │
│├───── "(" ── string ── SP ──╮── DQUOTE ── QUOTED-CHAR ── DQUOTE ──╭──╯───── namespace-response-extensions ─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰──────────────── nil ────────────────╯
│ │
╰── namespace-response-extension ──╯
│├───── SP ── string ── SP ── "(" ── string ──╭────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── string ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "namespace"/i ── SP ── namespace ── SP ── namespace ── SP ── namespace ─────┤│
│├───── "nil"/i ─────┤│
│├──╮── string ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── nil ────╯
│├─────╭── DIGIT ──╮─────┤│
│ │
│├─────╭── DIGIT ──╮─────┤│
│ │
│├───── digit-nz ──╭───────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰── DIGIT ──╯
│├───── digit-nz ──╭───────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰── DIGIT ──╯
│├───── "\\recent"/i ─────┤│
│├───── number ── SP ── "recent"/i ─────┤│
│├───── "search"/i ──╭───────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── nz-number ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "oldname"/i ── SP ── "(" ── mailbox ── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
│├─────╮── option-standard-tag ──╭──╯───── SP ── option-value ─────╰─────┤│
│ │
╰─── option-vendor-tag ───╯
│├───── atom ─────┤│
│├──╮──────────────────────── astring ─────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── option-val-comp ──╭─────────────────────────────────╮──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── option-val-comp ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰───────────── "(" ── option-val-comp ── ")" ──────────────╯
│├───── "(" ── option-val-comp ── ")" ─────┤│
│├───── vendor-token ── "-" ── atom ─────┤│
│ │
│├───── number64 ──╯───── "." ── nz-number64 ─────╰─────┤│
│├───── "<" ── number64 ── "." ── nz-number64 ── ">" ─────┤│
│├───── astring ─────┤│
│├───── "(" ── list-mailbox ── ")" ─────┤│
│├───── DQUOTE ──╭─────────────────╮── DQUOTE ─────┤│
│ │
│├──╮── any-TEXT-CHAR-except-quoted-specials ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰──────── "\\" ── quoted-specials ─────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── UTF8-2 ─────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── UTF8-3 ─────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── UTF8-4 ─────────────────╯
│├──╮── DQUOTE ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── "\\" ───╯
│├───── "rename"/i ── SP ── mailbox ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├─────╭─────────────────────────╮── response-done ─────┤│
│ │
╰──╮── continue-req ───╭──╯
│ │
╰── response-data ──╯
│├───── "*" ── SP ──╮── resp-cond-state ──╭── CRLF ─────┤│
│ │
╰─── resp-cond-bye ───╯
│ │
╰─── mailbox-data ────╯
│ │
╰─── message-data ────╯
│ │
╰── capability-data ──╯
│ │
╰──── enable-data ────╯
│├──╮── response-tagged ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰── response-fatal ───╯
│├───── "*" ── SP ── resp-cond-bye ── CRLF ─────┤│
│├───── tag ── SP ── resp-cond-state ── CRLF ─────┤│
│├───── "appenduid"/i ── SP ── nz-number ── SP ── append-uid ─────┤│
│├───── "copyuid"/i ── SP ── nz-number ── SP ── uid-set ── SP ── uid-set ─────┤│
│├─────╮──── "ok"/i ─────╭── SP ── resp-text ─────┤│
│ │
╰── "preauth"/i ──╯
│├───── "bye"/i ── SP ── resp-text ─────┤│
│├─────╮── "ok"/i ───╭── SP ── resp-text ─────┤│
│ │
╰── "no"/i ───╯
│ │
╰── "bad"/i ──╯
│├───── "]" ─────┤│
╭──────────────────────>───────────────────────╮ ╭───────>────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├─────╯───── "[" ── resp-text-code ── "]" ── SP ─────╰──╯───── text ─────╰─────┤│
│├──╮──────────────────────────────────────────── "alert"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
│ ╭─────────────────────────────────>──────────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰────── "badcharset"/i ──╯───── SP ── "(" ── charset ──╭─────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────╰──────╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── charset ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── capability-data ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "parse"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭─────────────────────────>──────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰── "permanentflags"/i ── SP ── "(" ──╯───── flag-perm ──╭───────────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── flag-perm ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "read-only"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "read-write"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "trycreate"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────── "uidnext"/i ── SP ── nz-number ──────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────── "uidvalidity"/i ── SP ── nz-number ────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── resp-code-apnd ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── resp-code-copy ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "uidnotsticky"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "unavailable"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────── "authenticationfailed"/i ─────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────── "authorizationfailed"/i ──────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────────────────────────── "expired"/i ────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────────────────────── "privacyrequired"/i ────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "contactadmin"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "noperm"/i ────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "inuse"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────── "expungeissued"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "corruption"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "serverbug"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "clientbug"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "cannot"/i ────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "limit"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────────────────────── "overquota"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────── "alreadyexists"/i ─────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "nonexistent"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────────────────────────── "notsaved"/i ───────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "haschildren"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────────────────────────── "closed"/i ────────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────────────────── "unknown-cte"/i ──────────────────────────────────────────╯
│ │
│ ╭────────────────────────────>─────────────────────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰──────────────── atom ──╯───── SP ──╭── any-TEXT-CHAR-except-resp-specials ──╮─────╰────────────────╯
│ │
│├──╮─── "subscribed"/i ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰──── "children"/i ────╯
│ │
╰─── status-option ────╯
│ │
╰── option-extension ──╯
│ │
│├───── "search"/i ──╯───── search-return-opts ─────╰── SP ── search-program ─────┤│
│├───── SP ── "(" ── "tag"/i ── SP ── tag-string ── ")" ─────┤│
│├──╮────────────────────────── "all"/i ───────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──────────────────────── "answered"/i ────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "bcc"/i ── SP ── astring ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "before"/i ── SP ── date ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── "body"/i ── SP ── astring ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "cc"/i ── SP ── astring ───────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────── "deleted"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────── "flagged"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── "from"/i ── SP ── astring ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────── "keyword"/i ── SP ── flag-keyword ──────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────── "on"/i ── SP ── date ────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────────────── "seen"/i ──────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "since"/i ── SP ── date ───────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────── "subject"/i ── SP ── astring ────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────── "text"/i ── SP ── astring ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "to"/i ── SP ── astring ───────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────── "unanswered"/i ───────────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────── "undeleted"/i ────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────────────── "unflagged"/i ────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────── "unkeyword"/i ── SP ── flag-keyword ─────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────── "unseen"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────── "draft"/i ──────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──── "header"/i ── SP ── header-fld-name ── SP ── astring ────╯
│ │
╰──────────────── "larger"/i ── SP ── number64 ────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────── "not"/i ── SP ── search-key ─────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────── "or"/i ── SP ── search-key ── SP ── search-key ───────╯
│ │
╰──────────────── "sentbefore"/i ── SP ── date ────────────────╯
│ │
╰────────────────── "senton"/i ── SP ── date ──────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────── "sentsince"/i ── SP ── date ─────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────── "smaller"/i ── SP ── number64 ────────────────╯
│ │
╰─────────────── "uid"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────── "undraft"/i ─────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰──────────────────────── sequence-set ────────────────────────╯
│ │
╰── "(" ── search-key ──╭────────────────────────────╮── ")" ──╯
│ │
╰───── search-key ── SP ─────╯
│├───── tagged-ext-label ─────┤│
│├───── tagged-ext-val ─────┤│
│ │
│├─────╯───── "charset"/i ── SP ── charset ── SP ─────╰── search-key ──╭────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── search-key ── SP ─────╯
│├───── search-modifier-name ── SP ── search-return-value ─────┤│
│├──╮─── "min"/i ── SP ── nz-number ────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── "max"/i ── SP ── nz-number ────╯
│ │
╰── "all"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ──╯
│ │
╰──── "count"/i ── SP ── number ────╯
│ │
╰─────── search-ret-data-ext ───────╯
│ │
│├───── SP ── "return"/i ── SP ── "(" ──╯───── search-return-opt ──╭───────────────────────────────────╮─────╰── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── search-return-opt ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮─────── "min"/i ────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────── "max"/i ────────╯
│ │
╰─────── "all"/i ────────╯
│ │
╰────── "count"/i ───────╯
│ │
╰─────── "save"/i ───────╯
│ │
╰── search-ret-opt-ext ──╯
│ │
│├───── search-modifier-name ──╯───── SP ── search-mod-params ─────╰─────┤│
│├───── tagged-ext-val ─────┤│
│ │
│├───── "[" ──╯───── section-spec ─────╰── "]" ─────┤│
│ │
│├───── "[" ──╯───── section-part ─────╰── "]" ─────┤│
│├──╮──────────────────────────── "header"/i ────────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
│ ╭─────────>──────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰── "header.fields"/i ──╯───── ".not"/i ─────╰── SP ── header-list ──╯
│ │
╰───────────────────────────── "text"/i ─────────────────────────────╯
│├───── nz-number ──╭────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── nz-number ── "." ─────╯
│├──╮───────────────────── section-msgtext ─────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
│ ╭───────────────>───────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰───── section-part ──╯───── "." ── section-text ─────╰─────╯
│├──╮── section-msgtext ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰───── "mime"/i ──────╯
│├───── "select"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├──╮── nz-number ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰───── "*" ─────╯
│├───── seq-number ── ":" ── seq-number ─────┤│
│ │
│├──╮──╮── seq-number ──╭──╯───── "," ── sequence-set ─────╰──╭──┤│
│ │ │ │
│ ╰── seq-range ───╯ │
│ │
╰─────────────────── seq-last-command ────────────────────╯
│├───── "$" ─────┤│
│├───── "status"/i ── SP ── mailbox ── SP ── "(" ── status-att ──╭────────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── status-att ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮─── "messages"/i ────╭──┤│
│ │
╰──── "uidnext"/i ────╯
│ │
╰── "uidvalidity"/i ──╯
│ │
╰──── "unseen"/i ─────╯
│ │
╰──── "deleted"/i ────╯
│ │
╰───── "size"/i ──────╯
│├──╮──────── "messages"/i ── SP ── number ────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰─────── "uidnext"/i ── SP ── nz-number ───────╯
│ │
╰───── "uidvalidity"/i ── SP ── nz-number ─────╯
│ │
╰───────── "unseen"/i ── SP ── number ─────────╯
│ │
╰──────── "deleted"/i ── SP ── number ─────────╯
│ │
╰───────── "size"/i ── SP ── number64 ─────────╯
│├───── status-att-val ──╭────────────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰───── status-att-val ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "status"/i ── SP ── "(" ── status-att ──╭────────────────────────────╮── ")" ─────┤│
│ │
╰───── status-att ── SP ─────╯
│├───── "store"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ── SP ── store-att-flags ─────┤│
╭───────>───────╮ ╭───────────>───────────╮
│ │ │ │
│├────────╯──╮── "+" ──╭──╰── "flags"/i ──╯───── ".silent"/i ─────╰───── SP ──╮─────────────── flag-list ────────────────╭─────┤│
│ │ │ │
╰── "-" ──╯ ╰───── flag ──╭──────────────────────╮─────╯
│ │
╰───── flag ── SP ─────╯
│├──╮── quoted ───╭──┤│
│ │
╰── literal ──╯
│├───── "subscribe"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├─────╭── any-ASTRING-CHAR-except-plus ──╮─────┤│
│ │
│├───── astring ─────┤│
│├───── tagged-label-fchar ──╭───────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │
╰── tagged-label-char ──╯
│├──╮── ALPHA ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰─── "-" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "_" ───╯
│ │
╰─── "." ───╯
│├──╮── tagged-label-fchar ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰──────── DIGIT ─────────╯
│ │
╰───────── ":" ──────────╯
│├──╮──────────────────────── astring ─────────────────────────╭──┤│
│ │
╰── tagged-ext-comp ──╭─────────────────────────────────╮──╯
│ │ │ │
│ ╰───── tagged-ext-comp ── SP ─────╯ │
│ │
╰───────────── "(" ── tagged-ext-comp ── ")" ──────────────╯
│├──╮── sequence-set ──╭──┤│
│ │
╰───── number ─────╯
│ │
╰──── number64 ────╯
│├──╮────────────── tagged-ext-simple ──────────────╭──┤│
│ │
│ ╭─────────────>─────────────╮ │
│ │ │ │
╰── "(" ──╯───── tagged-ext-comp ─────╰── ")" ──╯
│ │
│├─────╰──╮── TEXT-CHAR ──╭──╯─────┤│
│ │
╰─── UTF8-2 ────╯
│ │
╰─── UTF8-3 ────╯
│ │
╰─── UTF8-4 ────╯
│├─────╭── DIGIT ──╮── ":" ──╭── DIGIT ──╮── ":" ──╭── DIGIT ──╮─────┤│
│ │ │ │ │ │
╰─────<─────╯ ╰─────<─────╯ ╰─────<─────╯
(once only) (once only) (once only)
│├───── "uid"/i ── SP ──╮───── copy ──────╭─────┤│
│ │
╰───── move ──────╯
│ │
╰───── fetch ─────╯
│ │
╰──── search ─────╯
│ │
╰───── store ─────╯
│ │
╰── uid-expunge ──╯
│├───── "expunge"/i ── SP ── sequence-set ─────┤│
│├─────╮── uniqueid ───╭──╭──────────────────────────╮─────┤│
│ │ │ │
╰── uid-range ──╯ ╰───── uid-set ── "," ─────╯
│├──────── uniqueid ── ":" ── uniqueid ────────┤│
│├───── nz-number ─────┤│
│├───── "unsubscribe"/i ── SP ── mailbox ─────┤│
│├───── astring ─────┤│
│├───── "vendor."/i ── name-component ─────┤│
│├─────╮── "+" ──╭─────╭── DIGIT ──╮─────────┤│
│ │ │ │
╰── "-" ──╯ ╰─────<─────╯
(three times only)
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CHAR">CHAR:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="167" height="37">
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<div><a href="#CHAR" title="CHAR">CHAR</a> ::= [#x01-#x7f]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#TEXT-CHAR" title="TEXT-CHAR">TEXT-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="TEXT-CHAR">TEXT-CHAR:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="199" height="37">
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<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">CHAR - ( CR | LF )</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#TEXT-CHAR" title="TEXT-CHAR">TEXT-CHAR</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#CHAR" title="CHAR">CHAR</a> - ( <a href="#CR" title="CR">CR</a> | <a href="#LF" title="LF">LF</a> )</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#text" title="text">text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="225" height="37">
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<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
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<polygon points="31 19 38 3 190 3 197 19 190 35 38 35"/>
<polygon points="29 17 36 1 188 1 195 17 188 33 36 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">CHAR - atom-specials</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m166 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="215 17 207 13 207 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#CHAR" title="CHAR">CHAR</a> - <a href="#atom-specials" title="atom-specials">atom-specials</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ASTRING-CHAR" title="ASTRING-CHAR">ASTRING-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-char" title="list-char">list-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="OCTET">OCTET:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="169" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="159 17 167 13 167 21"/>
<polygon points="159 17 151 13 151 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#OCTET" title="OCTET">OCTET</a> ::= [#x00-#xFF]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#literal8" title="literal8">literal8</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-octets">UTF8-octets:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="183" height="57">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 51 1 47 1 55"/>
<polygon points="17 51 9 47 9 55"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-char" xlink:title="UTF8-char">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">UTF8-char</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m-124 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m104 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-104 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="173 51 165 47 165 55"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-octets" title="UTF8-octets">UTF8-octets</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-char">UTF8-char:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="163" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-1" xlink:title="UTF8-1">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">UTF8-1</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-2" xlink:title="UTF8-2">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">UTF8-2</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-3" xlink:title="UTF8-3">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">UTF8-3</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-4" xlink:title="UTF8-4">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">UTF8-4</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m-104 0 h20 m84 0 h20 m-124 0 q10 0 10 10 m104 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-114 10 v24 m104 0 v-24 m-104 24 q0 10 10 10 m84 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-94 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m-94 -10 v20 m104 0 v-20 m-104 20 v24 m104 0 v-24 m-104 24 q0 10 10 10 m84 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-94 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m-94 -10 v20 m104 0 v-20 m-104 20 v24 m104 0 v-24 m-104 24 q0 10 10 10 m84 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-94 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m23 -132 h-3"/>
<polygon points="153 17 161 13 161 21"/>
<polygon points="153 17 145 13 145 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#UTF8-1" title="UTF8-1">UTF8-1</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-2" title="UTF8-2">UTF8-2</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-3" title="UTF8-3">UTF8-3</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-4" title="UTF8-4">UTF8-4</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-octets" title="UTF8-octets">UTF8-octets</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-1">UTF8-1:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="161" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
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<polygon points="31 19 38 3 126 3 133 19 126 35 38 35"/>
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<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">[#x0-#x7F]</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m102 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="151 17 159 13 159 21"/>
<polygon points="151 17 143 13 143 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-1" title="UTF8-1">UTF8-1</a> ::= [#x0-#x7F]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-2">UTF8-2:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="267" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<polygon points="31 19 38 3 136 3 143 19 136 35 38 35"/>
<polygon points="29 17 36 1 134 1 141 17 134 33 36 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">[#xC2-#xDF]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="163" y="3" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="161" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="171" y="21">UTF8-tail</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="257 17 265 13 265 21"/>
<polygon points="257 17 249 13 249 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-2" title="UTF8-2">UTF8-2</a> ::= [#xC2-#xDF] <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#text" title="text">text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-3">UTF8-3:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="443" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<polygon points="51 19 58 3 118 3 125 19 118 35 58 35"/>
<polygon points="49 17 56 1 116 1 123 17 116 33 56 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="64" y="21">[#xE0]</text>
<polygon points="145 19 152 3 248 3 255 19 248 35 152 35"/>
<polygon points="143 17 150 1 246 1 253 17 246 33 150 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="158" y="21">[#xA0-#xBF]</text>
<polygon points="71 63 78 47 176 47 183 63 176 79 78 79"/>
<polygon points="69 61 76 45 174 45 181 61 174 77 76 77" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="84" y="65">[#xE1-#xEC]</text>
<polygon points="71 107 78 91 174 91 181 107 174 123 78 123"/>
<polygon points="69 105 76 89 172 89 179 105 172 121 76 121" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="84" y="109">[#xEE-#xEF]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="223" y="47" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="221" y="45" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="231" y="65">UTF8-tail</text></a><polygon points="51 151 58 135 118 135 125 151 118 167 58 167"/>
<polygon points="49 149 56 133 116 133 123 149 116 165 56 165" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="64" y="153">[#xED]</text>
<polygon points="145 151 152 135 248 135 255 151 248 167 152 167"/>
<polygon points="143 149 150 133 246 133 253 149 246 165 150 165" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="158" y="153">[#x80-#x9F]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="339" y="3" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="337" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="347" y="21">UTF8-tail</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m74 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h44 m-288 0 h20 m268 0 h20 m-308 0 q10 0 10 10 m288 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-298 10 v24 m288 0 v-24 m-288 24 q0 10 10 10 m268 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-258 10 h10 m112 0 h10 m-152 0 h20 m132 0 h20 m-172 0 q10 0 10 10 m152 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-162 10 v24 m152 0 v-24 m-152 24 q0 10 10 10 m132 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-142 10 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h2 m20 -44 h10 m76 0 h10 m-278 -10 v20 m288 0 v-20 m-288 20 v68 m288 0 v-68 m-288 68 q0 10 10 10 m268 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-278 10 h10 m74 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h44 m20 -132 h10 m76 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="433 17 441 13 441 21"/>
<polygon points="433 17 425 13 425 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-3" title="UTF8-3">UTF8-3</a> ::= ( #xE0 [#xA0-#xBF] | [#xE1-#xEC#xEE-#xEF] <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a> | #xED [#x80-#x9F] ) <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#text" title="text">text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-4">UTF8-4:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="497" height="125">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<polygon points="51 19 58 3 116 3 123 19 116 35 58 35"/>
<polygon points="49 17 56 1 114 1 121 17 114 33 56 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="64" y="21">[#xF0]</text>
<polygon points="143 19 150 3 246 3 253 19 246 35 150 35"/>
<polygon points="141 17 148 1 244 1 251 17 244 33 148 33" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="156" y="21">[#x90-#xBF]</text>
<polygon points="51 63 58 47 154 47 161 63 154 79 58 79"/>
<polygon points="49 61 56 45 152 45 159 61 152 77 56 77" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="64" y="65">[#xF1-#xF3]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="181" y="47" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="179" y="45" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="189" y="65">UTF8-tail</text></a><polygon points="51 107 58 91 116 91 123 107 116 123 58 123"/>
<polygon points="49 105 56 89 114 89 121 105 114 121 56 121" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="64" y="109">[#xF4]</text>
<polygon points="143 107 150 91 246 91 253 107 246 123 150 123"/>
<polygon points="141 105 148 89 244 89 251 105 244 121 148 121" class="regexp"/>
<text class="regexp" x="156" y="109">[#x80-#x8F]</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="297" y="3" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="295" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="305" y="21">UTF8-tail</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-tail" xlink:title="UTF8-tail">
<rect x="393" y="3" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="391" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="401" y="21">UTF8-tail</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h4 m-246 0 h20 m226 0 h20 m-266 0 q10 0 10 10 m246 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-256 10 v24 m246 0 v-24 m-246 24 q0 10 10 10 m226 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-236 10 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m-236 -10 v20 m246 0 v-20 m-246 20 v24 m246 0 v-24 m-246 24 q0 10 10 10 m226 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-236 10 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h4 m20 -88 h10 m76 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="487 17 495 13 495 21"/>
<polygon points="487 17 479 13 479 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-4" title="UTF8-4">UTF8-4</a> ::= ( #xF0 [#x90-#xBF] | [#xF1-#xF3] <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a> | #xF4 [#x80-#x8F] ) <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a> <a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-char" title="UTF8-char">UTF8-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#text" title="text">text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="169" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#UTF8-tail" title="UTF8-tail">UTF8-tail</a></div>
<div> ::= [#x80-#xBF]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-2" title="UTF8-2">UTF8-2</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-3" title="UTF8-3">UTF8-3</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#UTF8-4" title="UTF8-4">UTF8-4</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="address">address:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="729" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#addr-name" xlink:title="addr-name">
<rect x="77" y="3" width="90" height="32"/>
<rect x="75" y="1" width="90" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="85" y="21">addr-name</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="187" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="185" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="195" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#addr-adl" xlink:title="addr-adl">
<rect x="243" y="3" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="241" y="1" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="251" y="21">addr-adl</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="337" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="335" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="345" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#addr-mailbox" xlink:title="addr-mailbox">
<rect x="393" y="3" width="104" height="32"/>
<rect x="391" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="401" y="21">addr-mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="517" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="515" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="525" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#addr-host" xlink:title="addr-host">
<rect x="573" y="3" width="82" height="32"/>
<rect x="571" y="1" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="581" y="21">addr-host</text></a><rect x="675" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="673" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="683" y="21">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m90 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m74 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m82 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="719 17 711 13 711 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#address" title="address">address</a> ::= '(' <a href="#addr-name" title="addr-name">addr-name</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#addr-adl" title="addr-adl">addr-adl</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#addr-mailbox" title="addr-mailbox">addr-mailbox</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#addr-host" title="addr-host">addr-host</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-bcc" title="env-bcc">env-bcc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-cc" title="env-cc">env-cc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-from" title="env-from">env-from</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-reply-to" title="env-reply-to">env-reply-to</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-sender" title="env-sender">env-sender</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-to" title="env-to">env-to</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="addr-adl">addr-adl:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">nstring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#addr-adl" title="addr-adl">addr-adl</a> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#address" title="address">address</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="addr-host">addr-host:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nstring" xlink:title="nstring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">nstring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#addr-host" title="addr-host">addr-host</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#address" title="address">address</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="addr-mailbox">addr-mailbox:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nstring" xlink:title="nstring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">nstring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#addr-mailbox" title="addr-mailbox">addr-mailbox</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#address" title="address">address</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="addr-name">addr-name:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nstring" xlink:title="nstring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">nstring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#addr-name" title="addr-name">addr-name</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#address" title="address">address</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="append">append:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="793" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="76" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">APPEND</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="127" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="125" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="135" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="183" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="181" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="191" y="21">mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="271" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="269" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="279" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#flag-list" xlink:title="flag-list">
<rect x="347" y="35" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="345" y="33" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="355" y="53">flag-list</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="435" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="433" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="443" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#date-time" xlink:title="date-time">
<rect x="531" y="35" width="82" height="32"/>
<rect x="529" y="33" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="539" y="53">date-time</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="633" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="631" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="641" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#literal" xlink:title="literal">
<rect x="709" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="707" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="717" y="21">literal</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h134 m-164 0 h20 m144 0 h20 m-184 0 q10 0 10 10 m164 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-174 10 v12 m164 0 v-12 m-164 12 q0 10 10 10 m144 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-154 10 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m40 -32 h10 m0 0 h148 m-178 0 h20 m158 0 h20 m-198 0 q10 0 10 10 m178 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-188 10 v12 m178 0 v-12 m-178 12 q0 10 10 10 m158 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-168 10 h10 m82 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m56 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="783 17 791 13 791 21"/>
<polygon points="783 17 775 13 775 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#append" title="append">append</a> ::= 'APPEND' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#flag-list" title="flag-list">flag-list</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )? ( <a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )? <a href="#literal" title="literal">literal</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="append-uid">append-uid:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="133" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#uniqueid" xlink:title="uniqueid">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">uniqueid</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m74 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="123 17 131 13 131 21"/>
<polygon points="123 17 115 13 115 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#append-uid" title="append-uid">append-uid</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#uniqueid" title="uniqueid">uniqueid</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-code-apnd" title="resp-code-apnd">resp-code-apnd</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="astring">astring:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="253" height="97">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ASTRING-CHAR" xlink:title="ASTRING-CHAR">
<rect x="71" y="19" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="17" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="37">ASTRING-CHAR</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="51" y="63" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="61" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="81">string</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m40 0 h10 m114 0 h10 m-154 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m134 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-134 0 h10 m0 0 h124 m-174 32 h20 m174 0 h20 m-214 0 q10 0 10 10 m194 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-204 10 v24 m194 0 v-24 m-194 24 q0 10 10 10 m174 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-184 10 h10 m56 0 h10 m0 0 h98 m23 -44 h-3"/>
<polygon points="243 33 251 29 251 37"/>
<polygon points="243 33 235 29 235 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a> ::= <a href="#ASTRING-CHAR" title="ASTRING-CHAR">ASTRING-CHAR</a>+</div>
<div> | <a href="#string" title="string">string</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#header-fld-name" title="header-fld-name">header-fld-name</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbox-list-extended-item-tag" title="mbox-list-extended-item-tag">mbox-list-extended-item-tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#password" title="password">password</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-key" title="search-key">search-key</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#tag-string" title="tag-string">tag-string</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#tagged-ext-comp" title="tagged-ext-comp">tagged-ext-comp</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#userid" title="userid">userid</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="ASTRING-CHAR">ASTRING-CHAR:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="193" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ATOM-CHAR" xlink:title="ATOM-CHAR">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">ATOM-CHAR</text></a><rect x="51" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">]</text>
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<polygon points="183 17 191 13 191 21"/>
<polygon points="183 17 175 13 175 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#ASTRING-CHAR" title="ASTRING-CHAR">ASTRING-CHAR</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</a></div>
<div> | ']'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#tag" title="tag">tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="atom">atom:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="193" height="53">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ATOM-CHAR" xlink:title="ATOM-CHAR">
<rect x="51" y="19" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="17" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="37">ATOM-CHAR</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m20 0 h10 m94 0 h10 m-134 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m114 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-114 0 h10 m0 0 h104 m23 32 h-3"/>
<polygon points="183 33 191 29 191 37"/>
<polygon points="183 33 175 29 175 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a> ::= <a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</a>+</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#auth-type" title="auth-type">auth-type</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#charset" title="charset">charset</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#eitem-standard-tag" title="eitem-standard-tag">eitem-standard-tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#eitem-vendor-tag" title="eitem-vendor-tag">eitem-vendor-tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag-extension" title="flag-extension">flag-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag-keyword" title="flag-keyword">flag-keyword</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-standard-tag" title="option-standard-tag">option-standard-tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-vendor-tag" title="option-vendor-tag">option-vendor-tag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="atom-specials">atom-specials:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="219" height="345">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="51" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">(</text>
<rect x="51" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">)</text>
<rect x="51" y="91" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">{</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CTL" xlink:title="CTL">
<rect x="51" y="179" width="42" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="42" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">CTL</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-wildcards" xlink:title="list-wildcards">
<rect x="51" y="223" width="102" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="102" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="241">list-wildcards</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#quoted-specials" xlink:title="quoted-specials">
<rect x="51" y="267" width="120" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="120" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="285">quoted-specials</text></a><rect x="51" y="311" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="309" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="329">]</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m-160 0 h20 m140 0 h20 m-180 0 q10 0 10 10 m160 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-170 10 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h92 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h84 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m42 0 h10 m0 0 h78 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m102 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m120 0 h10 m-150 -10 v20 m160 0 v-20 m-160 20 v24 m160 0 v-24 m-160 24 q0 10 10 10 m140 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-150 10 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h94 m23 -308 h-3"/>
<polygon points="209 17 217 13 217 21"/>
<polygon points="209 17 201 13 201 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#atom-specials" title="atom-specials">atom-specials</a></div>
<div> ::= '('</div>
<div> | ')'</div>
<div> | '{'</div>
<div> | <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#CTL" title="CTL">CTL</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#list-wildcards" title="list-wildcards">list-wildcards</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#quoted-specials" title="quoted-specials">quoted-specials</a></div>
<div> | ']'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="authenticate">authenticate:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="781" height="85">
<style type="text/css">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/>
<rect x="31" y="19" width="124" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="17" width="124" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="37">AUTHENTICATE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="175" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="173" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="183" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#auth-type" xlink:title="auth-type">
<rect x="231" y="19" width="82" height="32"/>
<rect x="229" y="17" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="239" y="37">auth-type</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="353" y="51" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="351" y="49" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="361" y="69">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#initial-resp" xlink:title="initial-resp">
<rect x="409" y="51" width="88" height="32"/>
<rect x="407" y="49" width="88" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="417" y="69">initial-resp</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="577" y="19" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="575" y="17" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="585" y="37">CRLF</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64" xlink:title="base64">
<rect x="647" y="19" width="66" height="32"/>
<rect x="645" y="17" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="655" y="37">base64</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m0 0 h10 m124 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m82 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h154 m-184 0 h20 m164 0 h20 m-204 0 q10 0 10 10 m184 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-194 10 v12 m184 0 v-12 m-184 12 q0 10 10 10 m164 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-174 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m88 0 h10 m60 -32 h10 m50 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m66 0 h10 m-176 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m156 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-156 0 h10 m0 0 h146 m-196 32 h20 m196 0 h20 m-236 0 q10 0 10 10 m216 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-226 10 v14 m216 0 v-14 m-216 14 q0 10 10 10 m196 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-206 10 h10 m0 0 h186 m23 -34 h-3"/>
<polygon points="771 33 779 29 779 37"/>
<polygon points="771 33 763 29 763 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#authenticate" title="authenticate">authenticate</a></div>
<div> ::= 'AUTHENTICATE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#auth-type" title="auth-type">auth-type</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#initial-resp" title="initial-resp">initial-resp</a> )? ( <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a> <a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-nonauth" title="command-nonauth">command-nonauth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="auth-type">auth-type:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="111" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#atom" xlink:title="atom">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">atom</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="101 17 109 13 109 21"/>
<polygon points="101 17 93 13 93 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#auth-type" title="auth-type">auth-type</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#authenticate" title="authenticate">authenticate</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="base64">base64:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="783" height="85">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64-char" xlink:title="base64-char">
<rect x="71" y="19" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="17" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="37">base64-char</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64-char" xlink:title="base64-char">
<rect x="191" y="19" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="189" y="17" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="199" y="37">base64-char</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64-char" xlink:title="base64-char">
<rect x="311" y="19" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="309" y="17" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="319" y="37">base64-char</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64-char" xlink:title="base64-char">
<rect x="431" y="19" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="429" y="17" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</a> ::= ( <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> )* <a href="#base64-terminal" title="base64-terminal">base64-terminal</a>?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#authenticate" title="authenticate">authenticate</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#continue-req" title="continue-req">continue-req</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#initial-resp" title="initial-resp">initial-resp</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="base64-char">base64-char:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="159" height="169">
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#ALPHA" title="ALPHA">ALPHA</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a></div>
<div> | '+'</div>
<div> | '/'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#base64-terminal" title="base64-terminal">base64-terminal</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="base64-terminal">base64-terminal:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="489" height="81">
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<rect x="149" y="1" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="289" y="1" width="40" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="299" y="21">==</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#base64-char" xlink:title="base64-char">
<rect x="291" y="47" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="289" y="45" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="299" y="65">base64-char</text></a><rect x="411" y="47" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="409" y="45" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="419" y="65">=</text>
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<polygon points="479 17 471 13 471 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#base64-terminal" title="base64-terminal">base64-terminal</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> ( '==' | <a href="#base64-char" title="base64-char">base64-char</a> '=' )</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body">body:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="319" height="81">
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
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<rect x="97" y="3" width="124" height="32"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-mpart" title="body-type-mpart">body-type-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">nstring</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number" xlink:title="number">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="117" y="179" width="118" height="32"/>
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<rect x="273" y="177" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#number" title="number">number</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a></div>
<div> | '(' <a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</a> )* ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-mpart" title="body-ext-mpart">body-ext-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="953" height="183">
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font-size: 12px;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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<div><a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</a></div>
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<div><a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</a></div>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-basic" title="body-type-basic">body-type-basic</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-text" title="body-type-text">body-type-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-desc" title="body-fld-desc">body-fld-desc</a></div>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
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<div><a href="#body-fld-dsp" title="body-fld-dsp">body-fld-dsp</a></div>
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<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-mpart" title="body-ext-mpart">body-ext-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<div><a href="#body-fld-enc" title="body-fld-enc">body-fld-enc</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> ( '7BIT' | '8BIT' | 'BINARY' | 'BASE64' | 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE' ) <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#string" title="string">string</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-id">body-fld-id:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-id" title="body-fld-id">body-fld-id</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-lang">body-fld-lang:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="287" height="125">
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="117" y="91" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="89" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="109">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="117" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="65">SP</text></a><rect x="213" y="91" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="211" y="89" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-lang" title="body-fld-lang">body-fld-lang</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div>
<div> | '(' <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> )* ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-mpart" title="body-ext-mpart">body-ext-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-loc">body-fld-loc:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-loc" title="body-fld-loc">body-fld-loc</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-mpart" title="body-ext-mpart">body-ext-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number64" xlink:title="number64">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">number64</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-lines" title="body-fld-lines">body-fld-lines</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-text" title="body-type-text">body-type-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-md5">body-fld-md5:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nstring" xlink:title="nstring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">nstring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-md5" title="body-fld-md5">body-fld-md5</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-1part" title="body-ext-1part">body-ext-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-octets">body-fld-octets:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="127" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number" xlink:title="number">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">number</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="117 17 109 13 109 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-octets" title="body-fld-octets">body-fld-octets</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#number" title="number">number</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-fld-param">body-fld-param:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="419" height="125">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/>
<rect x="51" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="117" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="65">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="193" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="191" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="201" y="65">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="249" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="247" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="257" y="65">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="117" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="345" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="343" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="353" y="65">)</text>
<rect x="51" y="91" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">NIL</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m20 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m-228 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m208 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-208 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h152 m20 44 h10 m26 0 h10 m-360 0 h20 m340 0 h20 m-380 0 q10 0 10 10 m360 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-370 10 v24 m360 0 v-24 m-360 24 q0 10 10 10 m340 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-350 10 h10 m44 0 h10 m0 0 h276 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-fld-param" title="body-fld-param">body-fld-param</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> )* ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-ext-mpart" title="body-ext-mpart">body-ext-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-dsp" title="body-fld-dsp">body-fld-dsp</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-type-1part">body-type-1part:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="453" height="125">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">body-type-basic</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#body-type-msg" xlink:title="body-type-msg">
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">body-type-text</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="233" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="231" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="241" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#body-ext-1part" xlink:title="body-ext-1part">
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<div><a href="#body-type-basic" title="body-type-basic">body-type-basic</a></div>
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<div><a href="#body-type-mpart" title="body-type-mpart">body-type-mpart</a></div>
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<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body" title="body">body</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="body-type-msg">body-type-msg:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="809" height="37">
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<div><a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</a></div>
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<rect x="359" y="1" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#body-type-text" title="body-type-text">body-type-text</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#media-text" title="media-text">media-text</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#body-fields" title="body-fields">body-fields</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#body-fld-lines" title="body-fld-lines">body-fld-lines</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-1part" title="body-type-1part">body-type-1part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</a></div>
<div> ::= 'AUTH=' <a href="#auth-type" title="auth-type">auth-type</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#capability-data" title="capability-data">capability-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#enable" title="enable">enable</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#enable-data" title="enable-data">enable-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="capability-data">capability-data:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="655" height="97">
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<rect x="449" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="507" y="47" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="505" y="45" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="515" y="65">capability</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h44 m-120 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m100 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-100 0 h10 m80 0 h10 m20 44 h10 m96 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m80 0 h10 m-176 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m156 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-156 0 h10 m0 0 h146 m-196 32 h20 m196 0 h20 m-236 0 q10 0 10 10 m216 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-226 10 v14 m216 0 v-14 m-216 14 q0 10 10 10 m196 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-206 10 h10 m0 0 h186 m23 -34 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="645 61 637 57 637 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#capability-data" title="capability-data">capability-data</a></div>
<div> ::= 'CAPABILITY' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )* 'IMAP4rev2' ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="CHAR8">CHAR8:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="161" height="37">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="151 17 143 13 143 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#CHAR8" title="CHAR8">CHAR8</a> ::= [#x1-#xFF]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#literal" title="literal">literal</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="charset">charset:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="163" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#atom" xlink:title="atom">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">atom</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#quoted" xlink:title="quoted">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="153 17 145 13 145 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#charset" title="charset">charset</a> ::= <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#quoted" title="quoted">quoted</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-program" title="search-program">search-program</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="childinfo-extended-item">childinfo-extended-item:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="559" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/>
<rect x="31" y="47" width="98" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="45" width="98" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="65">CHILDINFO</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="149" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="147" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="157" y="65">SP</text></a><rect x="205" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="203" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="213" y="65">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-base-opt-quoted" xlink:title="list-select-base-opt-quoted">
<rect x="271" y="47" width="194" height="32"/>
<rect x="269" y="45" width="194" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="279" y="65">list-select-base-opt-quoted</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="271" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="269" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="279" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="505" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="503" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="513" y="65">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m0 0 h10 m98 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m194 0 h10 m-234 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m214 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-214 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h158 m20 44 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="549 61 557 57 557 65"/>
<polygon points="549 61 541 57 541 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#childinfo-extended-item" title="childinfo-extended-item">childinfo-extended-item</a></div>
<div> ::= 'CHILDINFO' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' <a href="#list-select-base-opt-quoted" title="list-select-base-opt-quoted">list-select-base-opt-quoted</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#list-select-base-opt-quoted" title="list-select-base-opt-quoted">list-select-base-opt-quoted</a> )* ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="child-mbox-flag">child-mbox-flag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="227" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="51" y="3" width="110" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="110" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">\HasChildren</text>
<rect x="51" y="47" width="128" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="128" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">\HasNoChildren</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m-168 0 h20 m148 0 h20 m-188 0 q10 0 10 10 m168 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-178 10 v24 m168 0 v-24 m-168 24 q0 10 10 10 m148 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-158 10 h10 m128 0 h10 m23 -44 h-3"/>
<polygon points="217 17 225 13 225 21"/>
<polygon points="217 17 209 13 209 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#child-mbox-flag" title="child-mbox-flag">child-mbox-flag</a></div>
<div> ::= '\HasChildren'</div>
<div> | '\HasNoChildren'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="command">command:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="425" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#tag" xlink:title="tag">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="40" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="40" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">tag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="91" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="89" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="99" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#command-any" xlink:title="command-any">
<rect x="167" y="3" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="165" y="1" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="175" y="21">command-any</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#command-auth" xlink:title="command-auth">
<rect x="167" y="47" width="116" height="32"/>
<rect x="165" y="45" width="116" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="175" y="65">command-auth</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#command-nonauth" xlink:title="command-nonauth">
<rect x="167" y="91" width="140" height="32"/>
<rect x="165" y="89" width="140" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="175" y="109">command-nonauth</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#command-select" xlink:title="command-select">
<rect x="167" y="135" width="124" height="32"/>
<rect x="165" y="133" width="124" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="175" y="153">command-select</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="347" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="345" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="355" y="21">CRLF</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h30 m-180 0 h20 m160 0 h20 m-200 0 q10 0 10 10 m180 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-190 10 v24 m180 0 v-24 m-180 24 q0 10 10 10 m160 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-170 10 h10 m116 0 h10 m0 0 h24 m-170 -10 v20 m180 0 v-20 m-180 20 v24 m180 0 v-24 m-180 24 q0 10 10 10 m160 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-170 10 h10 m140 0 h10 m-170 -10 v20 m180 0 v-20 m-180 20 v24 m180 0 v-24 m-180 24 q0 10 10 10 m160 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-170 10 h10 m124 0 h10 m0 0 h16 m20 -132 h10 m50 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="415 17 423 13 423 21"/>
<polygon points="415 17 407 13 407 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#command" title="command">command</a> ::= <a href="#tag" title="tag">tag</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#command-any" title="command-any">command-any</a> | <a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</a> | <a href="#command-nonauth" title="command-nonauth">command-nonauth</a> | <a href="#command-select" title="command-select">command-select</a> ) <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="command-any">command-any:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="203" height="125">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="51" y="3" width="104" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">CAPABILITY</text>
<rect x="51" y="47" width="78" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="78" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">LOGOUT</text>
<rect x="51" y="91" width="60" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="60" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">NOOP</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m-144 0 h20 m124 0 h20 m-164 0 q10 0 10 10 m144 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-154 10 v24 m144 0 v-24 m-144 24 q0 10 10 10 m124 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-134 10 h10 m78 0 h10 m0 0 h26 m-134 -10 v20 m144 0 v-20 m-144 20 v24 m144 0 v-24 m-144 24 q0 10 10 10 m124 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-134 10 h10 m60 0 h10 m0 0 h44 m23 -88 h-3"/>
<polygon points="193 17 201 13 201 21"/>
<polygon points="193 17 185 13 185 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#command-any" title="command-any">command-any</a></div>
<div> ::= 'CAPABILITY'</div>
<div> | 'LOGOUT'</div>
<div> | 'NOOP'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command" title="command">command</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="command-auth">command-auth:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="203" height="565">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#append" xlink:title="append">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">append</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#create" xlink:title="create">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="60" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="60" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">create</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#delete" xlink:title="delete">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="60" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="60" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">delete</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#enable" xlink:title="enable">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="62" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="62" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">enable</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#examine" xlink:title="examine">
<rect x="51" y="179" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">examine</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list" xlink:title="list">
<rect x="51" y="223" width="38" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="38" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="241">list</text></a><rect x="51" y="267" width="104" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="104" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="285">NAMESPACE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#rename" xlink:title="rename">
<rect x="51" y="311" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="309" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="51" y="355" width="58" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="353" width="58" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="51" y="399" width="60" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="397" width="60" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="417">status</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#subscribe" xlink:title="subscribe">
<rect x="51" y="443" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="441" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="461">subscribe</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#unsubscribe" xlink:title="unsubscribe">
<rect x="51" y="487" width="96" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="485" width="96" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="505">unsubscribe</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#idle" xlink:title="idle">
<rect x="51" y="531" width="42" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="529" width="42" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#append" title="append">append</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#create" title="create">create</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#delete" title="delete">delete</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#enable" title="enable">enable</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#examine" title="examine">examine</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#list" title="list">list</a></div>
<div> | 'NAMESPACE'</div>
<div> | <a href="#rename" title="rename">rename</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#select" title="select">select</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#status" title="status">status</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#subscribe" title="subscribe">subscribe</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#unsubscribe" title="unsubscribe">unsubscribe</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#idle" title="idle">idle</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command" title="command">command</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="command-nonauth">command-nonauth:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="199" height="125">
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">authenticate</text></a><rect x="51" y="91" width="88" height="32" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#command-nonauth" title="command-nonauth">command-nonauth</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#login" title="login">login</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#authenticate" title="authenticate">authenticate</a></div>
<div> | 'STARTTLS'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command" title="command">command</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="command-select">command-select:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="189" height="389">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="90" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">UNSELECT</text>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="84" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="135" width="48" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="48" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="51" y="179" width="54" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="54" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">move</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#fetch" xlink:title="fetch">
<rect x="51" y="223" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="241">fetch</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#store" xlink:title="store">
<rect x="51" y="267" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="285">store</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#search" xlink:title="search">
<rect x="51" y="311" width="62" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="309" width="62" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="329">search</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#uid" xlink:title="uid">
<rect x="51" y="355" width="38" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="353" width="38" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="373">uid</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h26 m-130 0 h20 m110 0 h20 m-150 0 q10 0 10 10 m130 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-140 10 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m90 0 h10 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m84 0 h10 m0 0 h6 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m48 0 h10 m0 0 h42 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m54 0 h10 m0 0 h36 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m50 0 h10 m0 0 h40 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m52 0 h10 m0 0 h38 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m62 0 h10 m0 0 h28 m-120 -10 v20 m130 0 v-20 m-130 20 v24 m130 0 v-24 m-130 24 q0 10 10 10 m110 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-120 10 h10 m38 0 h10 m0 0 h52 m23 -352 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#command-select" title="command-select">command-select</a></div>
<div> ::= 'CLOSE'</div>
<div> | 'UNSELECT'</div>
<div> | 'EXPUNGE'</div>
<div> | <a href="#copy" title="copy">copy</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#move" title="move">move</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#fetch" title="fetch">fetch</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#store" title="store">store</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#search" title="search">search</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#uid" title="uid">uid</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command" title="command">command</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="continue-req">continue-req:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="353" height="81">
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<rect x="81" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="79" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="157" y="3" width="78" height="32"/>
<rect x="155" y="1" width="78" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="157" y="47" width="66" height="32"/>
<rect x="155" y="45" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="165" y="65">base64</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="275" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="273" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#continue-req" title="continue-req">continue-req</a></div>
<div> ::= '+' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#resp-text" title="resp-text">resp-text</a> | <a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</a> ) <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response" title="response">response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="copy">copy:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="443" height="37">
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<rect x="107" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="165" y="3" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="163" y="1" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="173" y="21">sequence-set</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="291" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="289" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="299" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="347" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="345" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#copy" title="copy">copy</a> ::= 'COPY' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#sequence-set" title="sequence-set">sequence-set</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-select" title="command-select">command-select</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#uid" title="uid">uid</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="create">create:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="275" height="37">
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="123" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="179" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="177" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#create" title="create">create</a> ::= 'CREATE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date">date:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="363" height="81">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date" title="date">date</a> ::= <a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</a> <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-key" title="search-key">search-key</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-day">date-day:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="231" height="69">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-day" title="date-day">date-day</a> ::= <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a>?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-day-fixed">date-day-fixed:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="231" height="81">
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">DIGIT</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DIGIT" xlink:title="DIGIT">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-day-fixed" title="date-day-fixed">date-day-fixed</a></div>
<div> ::= ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> | <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a> ) <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-month">date-month:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="145" height="521">
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">Feb</text>
<rect x="51" y="91" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">Mar</text>
<rect x="51" y="135" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">Apr</text>
<rect x="51" y="179" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="197">May</text>
<rect x="51" y="223" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="241">Jun</text>
<rect x="51" y="267" width="40" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="265" width="40" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="285">Jul</text>
<rect x="51" y="311" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="309" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="329">Aug</text>
<rect x="51" y="355" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="353" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="373">Sep</text>
<rect x="51" y="399" width="42" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="397" width="42" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="417">Oct</text>
<rect x="51" y="443" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="441" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="461">Nov</text>
<rect x="51" y="487" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="485" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="505">Dec</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-month" title="date-month">date-month</a></div>
<div> ::= 'Jan'</div>
<div> | 'Feb'</div>
<div> | 'Mar'</div>
<div> | 'Apr'</div>
<div> | 'May'</div>
<div> | 'Jun'</div>
<div> | 'Jul'</div>
<div> | 'Aug'</div>
<div> | 'Sep'</div>
<div> | 'Oct'</div>
<div> | 'Nov'</div>
<div> | 'Dec'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-text">date-text:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="445" height="37">
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<rect x="173" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="287" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="297" y="21">-</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#date-year" xlink:title="date-year">
<rect x="335" y="3" width="82" height="32"/>
<rect x="333" y="1" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#date-day" title="date-day">date-day</a> '-' <a href="#date-month" title="date-month">date-month</a> '-' <a href="#date-year" title="date-year">date-year</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date" title="date">date</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-year">date-year:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="343" height="37">
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<text class="nonterminal" x="191" y="21">DIGIT</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DIGIT" xlink:title="DIGIT">
<rect x="259" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="257" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-year" title="date-year">date-year</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-text" title="date-text">date-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="date-time">date-time:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="915" height="37">
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#date-day-fixed" xlink:title="date-day-fixed">
<rect x="123" y="3" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="1" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="131" y="21">date-day-fixed</text></a><rect x="257" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="255" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="265" y="21">-</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#date-month" xlink:title="date-month">
<rect x="303" y="3" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="301" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="311" y="21">date-month</text></a><rect x="417" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="415" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="425" y="21">-</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#date-year" xlink:title="date-year">
<rect x="463" y="3" width="82" height="32"/>
<rect x="461" y="1" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="471" y="21">date-year</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="565" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="563" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="573" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#time" xlink:title="time">
<rect x="621" y="3" width="48" height="32"/>
<rect x="619" y="1" width="48" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="629" y="21">time</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="689" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="687" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="697" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#zone" xlink:title="zone">
<rect x="745" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="743" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="753" y="21">zone</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="815" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="813" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="905 17 897 13 897 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#date-day-fixed" title="date-day-fixed">date-day-fixed</a> '-' <a href="#date-month" title="date-month">date-month</a> '-' <a href="#date-year" title="date-year">date-year</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#time" title="time">time</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#zone" title="zone">zone</a> <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#append" title="append">append</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="delete">delete:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="273" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="1" width="70" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">DELETE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="121" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="119" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="129" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="177" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="175" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="185" y="21">mailbox</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m70 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="263 17 255 13 255 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#delete" title="delete">delete</a> ::= 'DELETE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="digit-nz">digit-nz:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="121" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<polygon points="31 19 38 3 86 3 93 19 86 35 38 35"/>
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<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">[1-9]</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m62 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="111 17 119 13 119 21"/>
<polygon points="111 17 103 13 103 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#digit-nz" title="digit-nz">digit-nz</a> ::= [1-9]</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#nz-number" title="nz-number">nz-number</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#nz-number64" title="nz-number64">nz-number64</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="eitem-standard-tag">eitem-standard-tag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="111" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#atom" xlink:title="atom">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">atom</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="101 17 109 13 109 21"/>
<polygon points="101 17 93 13 93 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#eitem-standard-tag" title="eitem-standard-tag">eitem-standard-tag</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="eitem-vendor-tag">eitem-vendor-tag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="283" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#vendor-token" xlink:title="vendor-token">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">vendor-token</text></a><rect x="157" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="155" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="165" y="21">-</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#atom" xlink:title="atom">
<rect x="203" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="201" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="211" y="21">atom</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m106 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="273 17 281 13 281 21"/>
<polygon points="273 17 265 13 265 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#eitem-vendor-tag" title="eitem-vendor-tag">eitem-vendor-tag</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#vendor-token" title="vendor-token">vendor-token</a> '-' <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="enable">enable:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="327" height="53">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/>
<rect x="31" y="19" width="72" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="17" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="37">ENABLE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="143" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="141" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="151" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#capability" xlink:title="capability">
<rect x="199" y="19" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="197" y="17" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="207" y="37">capability</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m80 0 h10 m-176 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m156 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-156 0 h10 m0 0 h146 m23 32 h-3"/>
<polygon points="317 33 325 29 325 37"/>
<polygon points="317 33 309 29 309 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#enable" title="enable">enable</a> ::= 'ENABLE' ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</a> )+</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="enable-data">enable-data:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="377" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/>
<rect x="31" y="19" width="82" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="17" width="82" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="37">ENABLED</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="173" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="171" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="181" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#capability" xlink:title="capability">
<rect x="229" y="19" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="227" y="17" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="237" y="37">capability</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m0 0 h10 m82 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m80 0 h10 m-176 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m156 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-156 0 h10 m0 0 h146 m-196 32 h20 m196 0 h20 m-236 0 q10 0 10 10 m216 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-226 10 v14 m216 0 v-14 m-216 14 q0 10 10 10 m196 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-206 10 h10 m0 0 h186 m23 -34 h-3"/>
<polygon points="367 33 375 29 375 37"/>
<polygon points="367 33 359 29 359 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#enable-data" title="enable-data">enable-data</a></div>
<div> ::= 'ENABLED' ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#capability" title="capability">capability</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="envelope">envelope:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="979" height="103">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#env-date" xlink:title="env-date">
<rect x="77" y="3" width="78" height="32"/>
<rect x="75" y="1" width="78" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="85" y="21">env-date</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="175" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="173" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="183" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#env-subject" xlink:title="env-subject">
<rect x="231" y="3" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="229" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="239" y="21">env-subject</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="345" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="343" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="353" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#env-from" xlink:title="env-from">
<rect x="401" y="3" width="76" height="32"/>
<rect x="399" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="409" y="21">env-from</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="497" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="495" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="505" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#env-sender" xlink:title="env-sender">
<rect x="553" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="551" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="561" y="21">env-sender</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
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<rect x="663" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="311" y="67" width="60" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<div><a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</a> ::= '(' <a href="#env-date" title="env-date">env-date</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-subject" title="env-subject">env-subject</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-from" title="env-from">env-from</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-sender" title="env-sender">env-sender</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-reply-to" title="env-reply-to">env-reply-to</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-to" title="env-to">env-to</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-cc" title="env-cc">env-cc</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-bcc" title="env-bcc">env-bcc</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-in-reply-to" title="env-in-reply-to">env-in-reply-to</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#env-message-id" title="env-message-id">env-message-id</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-bcc">env-bcc:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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<rect x="115" y="17" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<div><a href="#env-bcc" title="env-bcc">env-bcc</a> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-cc">env-cc:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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<rect x="225" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-cc" title="env-cc">env-cc</a> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-date">env-date:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-date" title="env-date">env-date</a> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-from">env-from:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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<rect x="117" y="19" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="17" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="225" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="235" y="37">)</text>
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<polygon points="291 33 283 29 283 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-from" title="env-from">env-from</a> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-in-reply-to">env-in-reply-to:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-in-reply-to" title="env-in-reply-to">env-in-reply-to</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-message-id">env-message-id:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-message-id" title="env-message-id">env-message-id</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-reply-to">env-reply-to:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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font-weight: bold;
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<rect x="225" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="235" y="37">)</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-reply-to" title="env-reply-to">env-reply-to</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-sender">env-sender:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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<rect x="115" y="17" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="225" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-sender" title="env-sender">env-sender</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-subject">env-subject:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-subject" title="env-subject">env-subject</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="env-to">env-to:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="301" height="97">
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<rect x="117" y="19" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="17" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="225" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="235" y="37">)</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#env-to" title="env-to">env-to</a> ::= '(' <a href="#address" title="address">address</a>+ ')'</div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="esearch-response">esearch-response:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="789" height="85">
<style type="text/css">
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<rect x="29" y="17" width="82" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="153" y="51" width="130" height="32"/>
<rect x="151" y="49" width="130" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="343" y="51" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="341" y="49" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="397" y="49" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="525" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="523" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="581" y="19" width="140" height="32"/>
<rect x="579" y="17" width="140" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="589" y="37">search-return-data</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m0 0 h10 m82 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h140 m-170 0 h20 m150 0 h20 m-190 0 q10 0 10 10 m170 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-180 10 v12 m170 0 v-12 m-170 12 q0 10 10 10 m150 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-160 10 h10 m130 0 h10 m40 -32 h10 m0 0 h112 m-142 0 h20 m122 0 h20 m-162 0 q10 0 10 10 m142 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-152 10 v12 m142 0 v-12 m-142 12 q0 10 10 10 m122 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-132 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m46 0 h10 m60 -32 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m140 0 h10 m-236 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m216 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-216 0 h10 m0 0 h206 m-256 32 h20 m256 0 h20 m-296 0 q10 0 10 10 m276 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-286 10 v14 m276 0 v-14 m-276 14 q0 10 10 10 m256 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-266 10 h10 m0 0 h246 m23 -34 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#esearch-response" title="esearch-response">esearch-response</a></div>
<div> ::= 'ESEARCH' <a href="#search-correlator" title="search-correlator">search-correlator</a>? ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> 'UID' )? ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#search-return-data" title="search-return-data">search-return-data</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="examine">examine:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="285" height="37">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#examine" title="examine">examine</a> ::= 'EXAMINE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="fetch">fetch:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="625" height="257">
<style type="text/css">
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<rect x="113" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="111" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="167" y="1" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="295" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="293" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="369" y="45" width="54" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="379" y="65">FULL</text>
<rect x="371" y="91" width="54" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="369" y="89" width="54" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="371" y="135" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="369" y="133" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="369" y="221" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="379" y="241">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#fetch-att" xlink:title="fetch-att">
<rect x="437" y="223" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="435" y="221" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="445" y="241">fetch-att</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="437" y="179" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="435" y="177" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="445" y="197">SP</text></a><rect x="551" y="223" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="549" y="221" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="559" y="241">)</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#fetch" title="fetch">fetch</a> ::= 'FETCH' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#sequence-set" title="sequence-set">sequence-set</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( 'ALL' | 'FULL' | 'FAST' | <a href="#fetch-att" title="fetch-att">fetch-att</a> | '(' <a href="#fetch-att" title="fetch-att">fetch-att</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#fetch-att" title="fetch-att">fetch-att</a> )* ')' )</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-select" title="command-select">command-select</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#uid" title="uid">uid</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="fetch-att">fetch-att:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="579" height="529">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="64" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="124" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">RFC822.SIZE</text>
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<text class="terminal" x="59" y="197">BODY</text>
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<rect x="147" y="209" width="100" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="147" y="253" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="329" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="69" y="373" width="98" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="79" y="393">BODY.PEEK</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#section" xlink:title="section">
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<rect x="181" y="449" width="58" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="493" width="110" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="513">BINARY.SIZE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#section-binary" xlink:title="section-binary">
<rect x="181" y="495" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="179" y="493" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#fetch-att" title="fetch-att">fetch-att</a></div>
<div> ::= 'ENVELOPE'</div>
<div> | 'FLAGS'</div>
<div> | 'INTERNALDATE'</div>
<div> | 'RFC822.SIZE'</div>
<div> | 'BODY' ( 'STRUCTURE' | <a href="#section" title="section">section</a> <a href="#partial" title="partial">partial</a>? )?</div>
<div> | 'UID'</div>
<div> | ( 'BODY.PEEK' <a href="#section" title="section">section</a> | 'BINARY' '.PEEK'? <a href="#section-binary" title="section-binary">section-binary</a> ) <a href="#partial" title="partial">partial</a>?</div>
<div> | 'BINARY.SIZE' <a href="#section-binary" title="section-binary">section-binary</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#fetch" title="fetch">fetch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag">flag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="209" height="301">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="82" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="80" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="133" width="62" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="177" width="62" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="223" width="102" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="102" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</a> ::= '\Answered'</div>
<div> | '\Flagged'</div>
<div> | '\Deleted'</div>
<div> | '\Seen'</div>
<div> | '\Draft'</div>
<div> | <a href="#flag-keyword" title="flag-keyword">flag-keyword</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#flag-extension" title="flag-extension">flag-extension</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag-fetch" title="flag-fetch">flag-fetch</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag-list" title="flag-list">flag-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag-perm" title="flag-perm">flag-perm</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#store-att-flags" title="store-att-flags">store-att-flags</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag-extension">flag-extension:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="159" height="37">
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<rect x="79" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag-extension" title="flag-extension">flag-extension</a></div>
<div> ::= '\' <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag-fetch">flag-fetch:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="173" height="81">
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag-fetch" title="flag-fetch">flag-fetch</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</a></div>
<div> | '\Recent'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-dynamic" title="msg-att-dynamic">msg-att-dynamic</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag-keyword">flag-keyword:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="201" height="257">
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="102" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="60" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">$Junk</text>
<rect x="51" y="135" width="84" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="84" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">$NotJunk</text>
<rect x="51" y="179" width="86" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="86" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="223" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="221" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag-keyword" title="flag-keyword">flag-keyword</a></div>
<div> ::= '$MDNSent'</div>
<div> | '$Forwarded'</div>
<div> | '$Junk'</div>
<div> | '$NotJunk'</div>
<div> | '$Phishing'</div>
<div> | <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-key" title="search-key">search-key</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag-list">flag-list:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="275" height="97">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="117" y="47" width="44" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="45" width="44" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="117" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="221" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="219" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="229" y="65">)</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag-list" title="flag-list">flag-list</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' ( <a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</a> )* )? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#append" title="append">append</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#store-att-flags" title="store-att-flags">store-att-flags</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="flag-perm">flag-perm:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="143" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#flag" xlink:title="flag">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="44" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="44" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">flag</text></a><rect x="51" y="47" width="36" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">\*</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m44 0 h10 m-84 0 h20 m64 0 h20 m-104 0 q10 0 10 10 m84 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-94 10 v24 m84 0 v-24 m-84 24 q0 10 10 10 m64 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-74 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h8 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="133 17 125 13 125 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#flag-perm" title="flag-perm">flag-perm</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#flag" title="flag">flag</a></div>
<div> | '\*'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="greeting">greeting:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="391" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">*</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="79" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="77" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="87" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#resp-cond-auth" xlink:title="resp-cond-auth">
<rect x="155" y="3" width="118" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="1" width="118" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="21">resp-cond-auth</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#resp-cond-bye" xlink:title="resp-cond-bye">
<rect x="155" y="47" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="45" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="65">resp-cond-bye</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="313" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="311" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="321" y="21">CRLF</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m118 0 h10 m-158 0 h20 m138 0 h20 m-178 0 q10 0 10 10 m158 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-168 10 v24 m158 0 v-24 m-158 24 q0 10 10 10 m138 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-148 10 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h6 m20 -44 h10 m50 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="381 17 389 13 389 21"/>
<polygon points="381 17 373 13 373 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#greeting" title="greeting">greeting</a> ::= '*' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#resp-cond-auth" title="resp-cond-auth">resp-cond-auth</a> | <a href="#resp-cond-bye" title="resp-cond-bye">resp-cond-bye</a> ) <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="header-fld-name">header-fld-name:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#astring" xlink:title="astring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">astring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#header-fld-name" title="header-fld-name">header-fld-name</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#header-list" title="header-list">header-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-key" title="search-key">search-key</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="header-list">header-list:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="317" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/>
<rect x="31" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="65">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#header-fld-name" xlink:title="header-fld-name">
<rect x="97" y="47" width="126" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="45" width="126" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="105" y="65">header-fld-name</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="97" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="105" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="263" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="261" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="271" y="65">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m126 0 h10 m-166 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m146 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-146 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h90 m20 44 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="307 61 315 57 315 65"/>
<polygon points="307 61 299 57 299 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#header-list" title="header-list">header-list</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#header-fld-name" title="header-fld-name">header-fld-name</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#header-fld-name" title="header-fld-name">header-fld-name</a> )* ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#section-msgtext" title="section-msgtext">section-msgtext</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="idle">idle:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="259" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">IDLE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="103" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="101" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="111" y="21">CRLF</text></a><rect x="173" y="3" width="58" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="171" y="1" width="58" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="181" y="21">DONE</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m50 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m58 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="249 17 257 13 257 21"/>
<polygon points="249 17 241 13 241 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#idle" title="idle">idle</a> ::= 'IDLE' <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a> 'DONE'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="initial-resp">initial-resp:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="165" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="66" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="66" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">base64</text></a><rect x="51" y="47" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">=</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m66 0 h10 m-106 0 h20 m86 0 h20 m-126 0 q10 0 10 10 m106 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-116 10 v24 m106 0 v-24 m-106 24 q0 10 10 10 m86 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-96 10 h10 m30 0 h10 m0 0 h36 m23 -44 h-3"/>
<polygon points="155 17 163 13 163 21"/>
<polygon points="155 17 147 13 147 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#initial-resp" title="initial-resp">initial-resp</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#base64" title="base64">base64</a></div>
<div> | '='</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#authenticate" title="authenticate">authenticate</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list">list:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="893" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">LIST</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="103" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="101" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="111" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-opts" xlink:title="list-select-opts">
<rect x="179" y="35" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="177" y="33" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="187" y="53">list-select-opts</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="313" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="311" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="321" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="389" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="387" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="397" y="21">mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="477" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="475" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="485" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mbox-or-pat" xlink:title="mbox-or-pat">
<rect x="533" y="3" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="531" y="1" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="541" y="21">mbox-or-pat</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="673" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="671" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="681" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-return-opts" xlink:title="list-return-opts">
<rect x="729" y="35" width="116" height="32"/>
<rect x="727" y="33" width="116" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="737" y="53">list-return-opts</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h180 m-210 0 h20 m190 0 h20 m-230 0 q10 0 10 10 m210 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-220 10 v12 m210 0 v-12 m-210 12 q0 10 10 10 m190 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-200 10 h10 m114 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m100 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h182 m-212 0 h20 m192 0 h20 m-232 0 q10 0 10 10 m212 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-222 10 v12 m212 0 v-12 m-212 12 q0 10 10 10 m192 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-202 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m116 0 h10 m23 -32 h-3"/>
<polygon points="883 17 891 13 891 21"/>
<polygon points="883 17 875 13 875 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list" title="list">list</a> ::= 'LIST' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#list-select-opts" title="list-select-opts">list-select-opts</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )? <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mbox-or-pat" title="mbox-or-pat">mbox-or-pat</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#list-return-opts" title="list-return-opts">list-return-opts</a> )?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-mailbox">list-mailbox:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="209" height="97">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-char" xlink:title="list-char">
<rect x="71" y="19" width="70" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="17" width="70" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="37">list-char</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="51" y="63" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="61" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="81">string</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m40 0 h10 m70 0 h10 m-110 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m90 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-90 0 h10 m0 0 h80 m-130 32 h20 m130 0 h20 m-170 0 q10 0 10 10 m150 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-160 10 v24 m150 0 v-24 m-150 24 q0 10 10 10 m130 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-140 10 h10 m56 0 h10 m0 0 h54 m23 -44 h-3"/>
<polygon points="199 33 207 29 207 37"/>
<polygon points="199 33 191 29 191 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-mailbox" title="list-mailbox">list-mailbox</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#list-char" title="list-char">list-char</a>+</div>
<div> | <a href="#string" title="string">string</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbox-or-pat" title="mbox-or-pat">mbox-or-pat</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#patterns" title="patterns">patterns</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-char">list-char:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="201" height="125">
<style type="text/css">
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.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#ATOM-CHAR" xlink:title="ATOM-CHAR">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="94" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="94" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">ATOM-CHAR</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-wildcards" xlink:title="list-wildcards">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="102" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="102" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">list-wildcards</text></a><rect x="51" y="91" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">]</text>
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<polygon points="191 17 183 13 183 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-char" title="list-char">list-char</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#ATOM-CHAR" title="ATOM-CHAR">ATOM-CHAR</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#list-wildcards" title="list-wildcards">list-wildcards</a></div>
<div> | ']'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-mailbox" title="list-mailbox">list-mailbox</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-return-opt">list-return-opt:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="163" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#return-option" xlink:title="return-option">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="104" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">return-option</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="153 17 161 13 161 21"/>
<polygon points="153 17 145 13 145 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-return-opt" title="list-return-opt">list-return-opt</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#return-option" title="return-option">return-option</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-return-opts" title="list-return-opts">list-return-opts</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-return-opts">list-return-opts:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="491" height="97">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/>
<rect x="31" y="47" width="74" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="45" width="74" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="65">RETURN</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="125" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="123" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="133" y="65">SP</text></a><rect x="181" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="179" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="189" y="65">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-return-opt" xlink:title="list-return-opt">
<rect x="267" y="47" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="265" y="45" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="275" y="65">list-return-opt</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="267" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="265" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="275" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="437" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="435" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="445" y="65">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m0 0 h10 m74 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m110 0 h10 m-150 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m130 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-130 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h74 m-170 44 h20 m170 0 h20 m-210 0 q10 0 10 10 m190 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-200 10 v14 m190 0 v-14 m-190 14 q0 10 10 10 m170 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-180 10 h10 m0 0 h160 m20 -34 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="481 61 489 57 489 65"/>
<polygon points="481 61 473 57 473 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-return-opts" title="list-return-opts">list-return-opts</a></div>
<div> ::= 'RETURN' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' ( <a href="#list-return-opt" title="list-return-opt">list-return-opt</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#list-return-opt" title="list-return-opt">list-return-opt</a> )* )? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list" title="list">list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="227" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="51" y="3" width="108" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="108" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">SUBSCRIBED</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-extension" xlink:title="option-extension">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="128" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="128" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">option-extension</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m108 0 h10 m0 0 h20 m-168 0 h20 m148 0 h20 m-188 0 q10 0 10 10 m168 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-178 10 v24 m168 0 v-24 m-168 24 q0 10 10 10 m148 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-158 10 h10 m128 0 h10 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="217 17 209 13 209 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-base-opt" title="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt</a></div>
<div> ::= 'SUBSCRIBED'</div>
<div> | <a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-base-opt-quoted" title="list-select-base-opt-quoted">list-select-base-opt-quoted</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opts" title="list-select-opts">list-select-opts</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-base-opt-quoted">list-select-base-opt-quoted:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="387" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-base-opt" xlink:title="list-select-base-opt">
<rect x="123" y="3" width="144" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="1" width="144" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="131" y="21">list-select-base-opt</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="287" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="285" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="295" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m144 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="377 17 385 13 385 21"/>
<polygon points="377 17 369 13 369 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-base-opt-quoted" title="list-select-base-opt-quoted">list-select-base-opt-quoted</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#list-select-base-opt" title="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt</a> <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#childinfo-extended-item" title="childinfo-extended-item">childinfo-extended-item</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="227" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="128" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="128" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">option-extension</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m0 0 h52 m-168 0 h20 m148 0 h20 m-188 0 q10 0 10 10 m168 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-178 10 v24 m168 0 v-24 m-168 24 q0 10 10 10 m148 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-158 10 h10 m128 0 h10 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-independent-opt" title="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt</a></div>
<div> ::= 'REMOTE'</div>
<div> | <a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opts" title="list-select-opts">list-select-opts</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-mod-opt">list-select-mod-opt:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="245" height="81">
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="128" height="32"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-mod-opt" title="list-select-mod-opt">list-select-mod-opt</a></div>
<div> ::= 'RECURSIVEMATCH'</div>
<div> | <a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-opt">list-select-opt:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="293" height="125">
<style type="text/css">
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="194" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#list-select-base-opt" title="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#list-select-independent-opt" title="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#list-select-mod-opt" title="list-select-mod-opt">list-select-mod-opt</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-opts" title="list-select-opts">list-select-opts</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-select-opts">list-select-opts:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="863" height="179">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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font-weight: bold;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="37">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-opt" xlink:title="list-select-opt">
<rect x="137" y="19" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="135" y="17" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="265" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="263" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="273" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-base-opt" xlink:title="list-select-base-opt">
<rect x="361" y="19" width="144" height="32"/>
<rect x="359" y="17" width="144" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="369" y="37">list-select-base-opt</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
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<rect x="563" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="573" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-opt" xlink:title="list-select-opt">
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<rect x="619" y="17" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="629" y="37">list-select-opt</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-select-independent-opt" xlink:title="list-select-independent-opt">
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<rect x="115" y="83" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="807" y="17" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-select-opts" title="list-select-opts">list-select-opts</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' ( ( <a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )* <a href="#list-select-base-opt" title="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#list-select-opt" title="list-select-opt">list-select-opt</a> )* | <a href="#list-select-independent-opt" title="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#list-select-independent-opt" title="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt</a> )* )? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list" title="list">list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="list-wildcards">list-wildcards:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="133" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">*</text>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#list-wildcards" title="list-wildcards">list-wildcards</a></div>
<div> ::= '%'</div>
<div> | '*'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#atom-specials" title="atom-specials">atom-specials</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-char" title="list-char">list-char</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#name-component" title="name-component">name-component</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="literal">literal:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="521" height="103">
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="29" y="35" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="79" y="37" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="77" y="35" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="87" y="55">number64</text></a><rect x="203" y="69" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="201" y="67" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="211" y="87">+</text>
<rect x="273" y="37" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="271" y="35" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="281" y="55">}</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
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<rect x="319" y="35" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="329" y="55">CRLF</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CHAR8" xlink:title="CHAR8">
<rect x="411" y="3" width="62" height="32"/>
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<text class="nonterminal" x="419" y="21">CHAR8</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m0 0 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h40 m-70 0 h20 m50 0 h20 m-90 0 q10 0 10 10 m70 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-80 10 v12 m70 0 v-12 m-70 12 q0 10 10 10 m50 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-60 10 h10 m30 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m50 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h72 m-102 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m82 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-82 0 h10 m62 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#literal" title="literal">literal</a> ::= '{' <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a> '+'? '}' <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a> <a href="#CHAR8" title="CHAR8">CHAR8</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#append" title="append">append</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#string" title="string">string</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="literal8">literal8:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="439" height="71">
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font-size: 12px;
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font-size: 12px;
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<rect x="89" y="37" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="87" y="35" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="97" y="55">number64</text></a><rect x="193" y="37" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="191" y="35" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="331" y="3" width="60" height="32"/>
<rect x="329" y="1" width="60" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="339" y="21">OCTET</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m0 0 h10 m38 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m50 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h70 m-100 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m80 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-80 0 h10 m60 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#literal8" title="literal8">literal8</a> ::= '~{' <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a> '}' <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a> <a href="#OCTET" title="OCTET">OCTET</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="login">login:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="413" height="37">
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<rect x="113" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="171" y="3" width="58" height="32"/>
<rect x="169" y="1" width="58" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="179" y="21">userid</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="249" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="247" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="257" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#password" xlink:title="password">
<rect x="305" y="3" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="303" y="1" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="313" y="21">password</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m58 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m80 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#login" title="login">login</a> ::= 'LOGIN' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#userid" title="userid">userid</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#password" title="password">password</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-nonauth" title="command-nonauth">command-nonauth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mailbox">mailbox:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="165" height="81">
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> ::= 'INBOX'</div>
<div> | <a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#append" title="append">append</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#copy" title="copy">copy</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#create" title="create">create</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#delete" title="delete">delete</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#examine" title="examine">examine</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list" title="list">list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#move" title="move">move</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#oldname-extended-item" title="oldname-extended-item">oldname-extended-item</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#rename" title="rename">rename</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#select" title="select">select</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#status" title="status">status</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#subscribe" title="subscribe">subscribe</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#unsubscribe" title="unsubscribe">unsubscribe</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mailbox-data">mailbox-data:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="629" height="377">
<style type="text/css">
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="135" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="133" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="191" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="189" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="49" y="45" width="52" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="123" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="121" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="131" y="65">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox-list" xlink:title="mailbox-list">
<rect x="179" y="47" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="177" y="45" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="187" y="65">mailbox-list</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#esearch-response" xlink:title="esearch-response">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="134" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="134" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">esearch-response</text></a><rect x="51" y="135" width="72" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">STATUS</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="143" y="135" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="141" y="133" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="151" y="153">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="199" y="135" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="197" y="133" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="207" y="153">mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="287" y="135" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="285" y="133" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="341" y="133" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="351" y="153">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#status-att-list" xlink:title="status-att-list">
<rect x="409" y="167" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="407" y="165" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="417" y="185">status-att-list</text></a><rect x="555" y="135" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="553" y="133" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="563" y="153">)</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number" xlink:title="number">
<rect x="51" y="211" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="209" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="229">number</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="139" y="211" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="137" y="209" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="147" y="229">SP</text></a><rect x="195" y="211" width="70" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="193" y="209" width="70" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="203" y="229">EXISTS</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace-response" xlink:title="namespace-response">
<rect x="51" y="255" width="156" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="253" width="156" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="273">namespace-response</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#obsolete-search-response" xlink:title="obsolete-search-response">
<rect x="51" y="299" width="188" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="297" width="188" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="317">obsolete-search-response</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#obsolete-recent-response" xlink:title="obsolete-recent-response">
<rect x="51" y="343" width="186" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="341" width="186" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="361">obsolete-recent-response</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h322 m-570 0 h20 m550 0 h20 m-590 0 q10 0 10 10 m570 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-580 10 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m52 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m92 0 h10 m0 0 h310 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m134 0 h10 m0 0 h396 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h116 m-146 0 h20 m126 0 h20 m-166 0 q10 0 10 10 m146 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-156 10 v12 m146 0 v-12 m-146 12 q0 10 10 10 m126 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-136 10 h10 m106 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m26 0 h10 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v56 m570 0 v-56 m-570 56 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m70 0 h10 m0 0 h316 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m156 0 h10 m0 0 h374 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m188 0 h10 m0 0 h342 m-560 -10 v20 m570 0 v-20 m-570 20 v24 m570 0 v-24 m-570 24 q0 10 10 10 m550 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-560 10 h10 m186 0 h10 m0 0 h344 m23 -340 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</a></div>
<div> ::= 'FLAGS' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#flag-list" title="flag-list">flag-list</a></div>
<div> | 'LIST' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#esearch-response" title="esearch-response">esearch-response</a></div>
<div> | 'STATUS' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' <a href="#status-att-list" title="status-att-list">status-att-list</a>? ')'</div>
<div> | <a href="#number" title="number">number</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> 'EXISTS'</div>
<div> | <a href="#namespace-response" title="namespace-response">namespace-response</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#obsolete-search-response" title="obsolete-search-response">obsolete-search-response</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#obsolete-recent-response" title="obsolete-recent-response">obsolete-recent-response</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mailbox-list">mailbox-list:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="847" height="167">
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<rect x="97" y="35" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="33" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="241" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="289" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="287" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="363" y="45" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="699" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="755" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="597" y="131" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#mbx-list-flags" title="mbx-list-flags">mbx-list-flags</a>? ')' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</a> <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> | 'NIL' ) <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mbox-list-extended" title="mbox-list-extended">mbox-list-extended</a> )?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbox-list-extended">mbox-list-extended:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="409" height="97">
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="117" y="47" width="178" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="45" width="178" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="117" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbox-list-extended" title="mbox-list-extended">mbox-list-extended</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' ( <a href="#mbox-list-extended-item" title="mbox-list-extended-item">mbox-list-extended-item</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mbox-list-extended-item" title="mbox-list-extended-item">mbox-list-extended-item</a> )* )? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbox-list-extended-item">mbox-list-extended-item:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="453" height="37">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="204" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="204" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">mbox-list-extended-item-tag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="255" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="253" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="263" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#tagged-ext-val" xlink:title="tagged-ext-val">
<rect x="311" y="3" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="309" y="1" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="319" y="21">tagged-ext-val</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m204 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m114 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbox-list-extended-item" title="mbox-list-extended-item">mbox-list-extended-item</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#mbox-list-extended-item-tag" title="mbox-list-extended-item-tag">mbox-list-extended-item-tag</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#tagged-ext-val" title="tagged-ext-val">tagged-ext-val</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbox-list-extended" title="mbox-list-extended">mbox-list-extended</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbox-list-extended-item-tag">mbox-list-extended-item-tag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
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<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">astring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbox-list-extended-item-tag" title="mbox-list-extended-item-tag">mbox-list-extended-item-tag</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbox-list-extended-item" title="mbox-list-extended-item">mbox-list-extended-item</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbox-or-pat">mbox-or-pat:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="191" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-mailbox" xlink:title="list-mailbox">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">list-mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#patterns" xlink:title="patterns">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="74" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="74" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">patterns</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m92 0 h10 m-132 0 h20 m112 0 h20 m-152 0 q10 0 10 10 m132 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-142 10 v24 m132 0 v-24 m-132 24 q0 10 10 10 m112 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-122 10 h10 m74 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="181 17 173 13 173 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbox-or-pat" title="mbox-or-pat">mbox-or-pat</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#list-mailbox" title="list-mailbox">list-mailbox</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#patterns" title="patterns">patterns</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list" title="list">list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbx-list-flags">mbx-list-flags:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="733" height="119">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
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<rect x="91" y="19" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="89" y="17" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="99" y="37">mbx-list-oflag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="219" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="217" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="227" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mbx-list-sflag" xlink:title="mbx-list-sflag">
<rect x="315" y="19" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="313" y="17" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="323" y="37">mbx-list-sflag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mbx-list-oflag" xlink:title="mbx-list-oflag">
<rect x="51" y="85" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="83" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="103">mbx-list-oflag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="501" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="499" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="509" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mbx-list-oflag" xlink:title="mbx-list-oflag">
<rect x="557" y="19" width="108" height="32"/>
<rect x="555" y="17" width="108" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="565" y="37">mbx-list-oflag</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m60 0 h10 m108 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m-204 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m184 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-184 0 h10 m0 0 h174 m-224 32 h20 m224 0 h20 m-264 0 q10 0 10 10 m244 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-254 10 v14 m244 0 v-14 m-244 14 q0 10 10 10 m224 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-234 10 h10 m0 0 h214 m20 -34 h10 m106 0 h10 m-410 0 h20 m390 0 h20 m-430 0 q10 0 10 10 m410 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-420 10 v46 m410 0 v-46 m-410 46 q0 10 10 10 m390 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-400 10 h10 m108 0 h10 m0 0 h262 m60 -66 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m108 0 h10 m-204 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m184 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-184 0 h10 m0 0 h174 m-224 32 h20 m224 0 h20 m-264 0 q10 0 10 10 m244 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-254 10 v14 m244 0 v-14 m-244 14 q0 10 10 10 m224 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-234 10 h10 m0 0 h214 m23 -34 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="723 33 715 29 715 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbx-list-flags" title="mbx-list-flags">mbx-list-flags</a></div>
<div> ::= ( ( <a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> )* <a href="#mbx-list-sflag" title="mbx-list-sflag">mbx-list-sflag</a> | <a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</a> ) ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="217" height="213">
<style type="text/css">
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text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">\Noinferiors</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#child-mbox-flag" xlink:title="child-mbox-flag">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="118" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="118" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">child-mbox-flag</text></a><rect x="51" y="91" width="102" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="102" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">\Subscribed</text>
<rect x="51" y="135" width="80" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="80" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">\Remote</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#flag-extension" xlink:title="flag-extension">
<rect x="51" y="179" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">flag-extension</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m0 0 h14 m-158 0 h20 m138 0 h20 m-178 0 q10 0 10 10 m158 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-168 10 v24 m158 0 v-24 m-158 24 q0 10 10 10 m138 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-148 10 h10 m118 0 h10 m-148 -10 v20 m158 0 v-20 m-158 20 v24 m158 0 v-24 m-158 24 q0 10 10 10 m138 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-148 10 h10 m102 0 h10 m0 0 h16 m-148 -10 v20 m158 0 v-20 m-158 20 v24 m158 0 v-24 m-158 24 q0 10 10 10 m138 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-148 10 h10 m80 0 h10 m0 0 h38 m-148 -10 v20 m158 0 v-20 m-158 20 v24 m158 0 v-24 m-158 24 q0 10 10 10 m138 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-148 10 h10 m110 0 h10 m0 0 h8 m23 -176 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="207 17 199 13 199 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbx-list-oflag" title="mbx-list-oflag">mbx-list-oflag</a></div>
<div> ::= '\Noinferiors'</div>
<div> | <a href="#child-mbox-flag" title="child-mbox-flag">child-mbox-flag</a></div>
<div> | '\Subscribed'</div>
<div> | '\Remote'</div>
<div> | <a href="#flag-extension" title="flag-extension">flag-extension</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbx-list-flags" title="mbx-list-flags">mbx-list-flags</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="mbx-list-sflag">mbx-list-sflag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="209" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="49" y="1" width="110" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="51" y="47" width="86" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="86" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="89" width="78" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="49" y="133" width="98" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#mbx-list-sflag" title="mbx-list-sflag">mbx-list-sflag</a></div>
<div> ::= '\NonExistent'</div>
<div> | '\Noselect'</div>
<div> | '\Marked'</div>
<div> | '\Unmarked'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
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<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbx-list-flags" title="mbx-list-flags">mbx-list-flags</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<div><a href="#media-basic" title="media-basic">media-basic</a></div>
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<div><a href="#media-message" title="media-message">media-message</a></div>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-msg" title="body-type-msg">body-type-msg</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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<div><a href="#media-subtype" title="media-subtype">media-subtype</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#string" title="string">string</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-mpart" title="body-type-mpart">body-type-mpart</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#media-basic" title="media-basic">media-basic</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#media-text" title="media-text">media-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<div><a href="#media-text" title="media-text">media-text</a></div>
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-type-text" title="body-type-text">body-type-text</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="message-data">message-data:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="471" height="81">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#message-data" title="message-data">message-data</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#nz-number" title="nz-number">nz-number</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( 'EXPUNGE' | 'FETCH' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#msg-att" title="msg-att">msg-att</a> )</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="move">move:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="445" height="37">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#move" title="move">move</a> ::= 'MOVE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#sequence-set" title="sequence-set">sequence-set</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-select" title="command-select">command-select</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#uid" title="uid">uid</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="msg-att">msg-att:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="359" height="125">
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<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#message-data" title="message-data">message-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="msg-att-dynamic">msg-att-dynamic:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="451" height="97">
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<rect x="257" y="47" width="80" height="32"/>
<rect x="255" y="45" width="80" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="255" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#msg-att-dynamic" title="msg-att-dynamic">msg-att-dynamic</a></div>
<div> ::= 'FLAGS' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' ( <a href="#flag-fetch" title="flag-fetch">flag-fetch</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#flag-fetch" title="flag-fetch">flag-fetch</a> )* )? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att" title="msg-att">msg-att</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="msg-att-static">msg-att-static:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="651" height="453">
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<rect x="249" y="45" width="82" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="259" y="65">date-time</text></a><rect x="51" y="91" width="110" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="110" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="109">RFC822.SIZE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
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<rect x="179" y="89" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="235" y="89" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="245" y="109">number64</text></a><rect x="51" y="135" width="58" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="58" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="167" y="165" width="100" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
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<rect x="303" y="241" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="347" y="285" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<text class="nonterminal" x="357" y="349">literal8</text></a><rect x="51" y="375" width="110" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="373" width="110" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="393">BINARY.SIZE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#section-binary" xlink:title="section-binary">
<rect x="181" y="375" width="110" height="32"/>
<rect x="179" y="373" width="110" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<rect x="309" y="373" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="319" y="393">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number" xlink:title="number">
<rect x="367" y="375" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="365" y="373" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="375" y="393">number</text></a><rect x="51" y="419" width="46" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="417" width="46" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="437">UID</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="117" y="419" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="417" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="437">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#uniqueid" xlink:title="uniqueid">
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</a></div>
<div> ::= 'ENVELOPE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#envelope" title="envelope">envelope</a></div>
<div> | 'INTERNALDATE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#date-time" title="date-time">date-time</a></div>
<div> | 'RFC822.SIZE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a></div>
<div> | 'BODY' ( 'STRUCTURE'? <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#body" title="body">body</a> | <a href="#section" title="section">section</a> ( '&lt;' <a href="#number" title="number">number</a> '&gt;' )? <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a> )</div>
<div> | 'BINARY' <a href="#section-binary" title="section-binary">section-binary</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a> | <a href="#literal8" title="literal8">literal8</a> )</div>
<div> | 'BINARY.SIZE' <a href="#section-binary" title="section-binary">section-binary</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#number" title="number">number</a></div>
<div> | 'UID' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#uniqueid" title="uniqueid">uniqueid</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att" title="msg-att">msg-att</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="name-component">name-component:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="323" height="37">
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<text class="regexp" x="44" y="21">UTF8-CHAR - ( '.' | '/' | list-wildcards )</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m264 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="313 17 321 13 321 21"/>
<polygon points="313 17 305 13 305 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#name-component" title="name-component">name-component</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#UTF8-CHAR" title="UTF8-CHAR">UTF8-CHAR</a> - ( '.' | '/' | <a href="#list-wildcards" title="list-wildcards">list-wildcards</a> )</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#vendor-token" title="vendor-token">vendor-token</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="namespace">namespace:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="363" height="103">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="51" y="3" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="21">NIL</text>
<rect x="51" y="69" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="67" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="87">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace-descr" xlink:title="namespace-descr">
<rect x="117" y="69" width="132" height="32"/>
<rect x="115" y="67" width="132" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="125" y="87">namespace-descr</text></a><rect x="289" y="69" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="287" y="67" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="297" y="87">)</text>
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<polygon points="353 17 345 13 345 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#namespace" title="namespace">namespace</a></div>
<div> ::= 'NIL'</div>
<div> | '(' <a href="#namespace-descr" title="namespace-descr">namespace-descr</a>+ ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#namespace-response" title="namespace-response">namespace-response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="namespace-descr">namespace-descr:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="911" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="77" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="75" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="85" y="21">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="153" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="151" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="161" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="229" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="227" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="237" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#QUOTED-CHAR" xlink:title="QUOTED-CHAR">
<rect x="321" y="3" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="319" y="1" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="329" y="21">QUOTED-CHAR</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="453" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="451" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="461" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><rect x="229" y="47" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="227" y="45" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="237" y="65">NIL</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace-response-extensions" xlink:title="namespace-response-extensions">
<rect x="585" y="35" width="232" height="32"/>
<rect x="583" y="33" width="232" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="593" y="53">namespace-response-extensions</text></a><rect x="857" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="855" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="865" y="21">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m-336 0 h20 m316 0 h20 m-356 0 q10 0 10 10 m336 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-346 10 v24 m336 0 v-24 m-336 24 q0 10 10 10 m316 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-326 10 h10 m44 0 h10 m0 0 h252 m40 -44 h10 m0 0 h242 m-272 0 h20 m252 0 h20 m-292 0 q10 0 10 10 m272 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-282 10 v12 m272 0 v-12 m-272 12 q0 10 10 10 m252 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-262 10 h10 m232 0 h10 m20 -32 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="901 17 909 13 909 21"/>
<polygon points="901 17 893 13 893 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#namespace-descr" title="namespace-descr">namespace-descr</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</a> <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> | 'NIL' ) <a href="#namespace-response-extensions" title="namespace-response-extensions">namespace-response-extensions</a>? ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#namespace" title="namespace">namespace</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="namespace-response-extensions">namespace-response-extensions:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="323" height="57">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 51 1 47 1 55"/>
<polygon points="17 51 9 47 9 55"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace-response-extension" xlink:title="namespace-response-extension">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="224" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="224" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">namespace-response-extension</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h234 m-264 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m244 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-244 0 h10 m224 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
<polygon points="313 51 321 47 321 55"/>
<polygon points="313 51 305 47 305 55"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#namespace-response-extensions" title="namespace-response-extensions">namespace-response-extensions</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#namespace-response-extension" title="namespace-response-extension">namespace-response-extension</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#namespace-descr" title="namespace-descr">namespace-descr</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="namespace-response-extension">namespace-response-extension:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="435" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 61 1 57 1 65"/>
<polygon points="17 61 9 57 9 65"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="31" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="65">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="87" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="85" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="95" y="65">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="163" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="161" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="171" y="65">SP</text></a><rect x="219" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="217" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="227" y="65">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="285" y="47" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="283" y="45" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="293" y="65">string</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="285" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="283" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="293" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="381" y="47" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="379" y="45" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="389" y="65">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 61 h2 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m-96 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 10 -10 m76 44 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -24 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-76 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h20 m20 44 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="425 61 433 57 433 65"/>
<polygon points="425 61 417 57 417 65"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#namespace-response-extension" title="namespace-response-extension">namespace-response-extension</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#string" title="string">string</a> )* ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#namespace-response-extensions" title="namespace-response-extensions">namespace-response-extensions</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="namespace-response">namespace-response:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="667" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="104" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">NAMESPACE</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="155" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace" xlink:title="namespace">
<rect x="211" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="209" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="219" y="21">namespace</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="323" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="321" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="331" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace" xlink:title="namespace">
<rect x="379" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="377" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="387" y="21">namespace</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="491" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="489" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="499" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#namespace" xlink:title="namespace">
<rect x="547" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="545" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="555" y="21">namespace</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m92 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m92 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m92 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="657 17 665 13 665 21"/>
<polygon points="657 17 649 13 649 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#namespace-response" title="namespace-response">namespace-response</a></div>
<div> ::= 'NAMESPACE' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#namespace" title="namespace">namespace</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#namespace" title="namespace">namespace</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#namespace" title="namespace">namespace</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="nstring">nstring:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="155" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#string" xlink:title="string">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">string</text></a><rect x="51" y="47" width="44" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="44" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">NIL</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m-96 0 h20 m76 0 h20 m-116 0 q10 0 10 10 m96 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-106 10 v24 m96 0 v-24 m-96 24 q0 10 10 10 m76 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-86 10 h10 m44 0 h10 m0 0 h12 m23 -44 h-3"/>
<polygon points="145 17 153 13 153 21"/>
<polygon points="145 17 137 13 137 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#nstring" title="nstring">nstring</a> ::= <a href="#string" title="string">string</a></div>
<div> | 'NIL'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#addr-adl" title="addr-adl">addr-adl</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#addr-host" title="addr-host">addr-host</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#addr-mailbox" title="addr-mailbox">addr-mailbox</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#addr-name" title="addr-name">addr-name</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-desc" title="body-fld-desc">body-fld-desc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-id" title="body-fld-id">body-fld-id</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-lang" title="body-fld-lang">body-fld-lang</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-loc" title="body-fld-loc">body-fld-loc</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-md5" title="body-fld-md5">body-fld-md5</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-date" title="env-date">env-date</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-in-reply-to" title="env-in-reply-to">env-in-reply-to</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-message-id" title="env-message-id">env-message-id</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#env-subject" title="env-subject">env-subject</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="number">number:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="155" height="53">
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<polygon points="145 33 137 29 137 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#number" title="number">number</a> ::= <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a>+</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-octets" title="body-fld-octets">body-fld-octets</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#obsolete-recent-response" title="obsolete-recent-response">obsolete-recent-response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-return-data" title="search-return-data">search-return-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#status-att-val" title="status-att-val">status-att-val</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#tagged-ext-simple" title="tagged-ext-simple">tagged-ext-simple</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="number64">number64:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="155" height="53">
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="51" y="19" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="17" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
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<polygon points="145 33 137 29 137 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a> ::= <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a>+</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-extension" title="body-extension">body-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#body-fld-lines" title="body-fld-lines">body-fld-lines</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#literal" title="literal">literal</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#literal8" title="literal8">literal8</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#msg-att-static" title="msg-att-static">msg-att-static</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#partial" title="partial">partial</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#partial-range" title="partial-range">partial-range</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-key" title="search-key">search-key</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#status-att-val" title="status-att-val">status-att-val</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#tagged-ext-simple" title="tagged-ext-simple">tagged-ext-simple</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="nz-number">nz-number:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="243" height="71">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="37" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="35" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="55">digit-nz</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DIGIT" xlink:title="DIGIT">
<rect x="139" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="137" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="147" y="21">DIGIT</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h66 m-96 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m76 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-76 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="233 51 225 47 225 55"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#nz-number" title="nz-number">nz-number</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#digit-nz" title="digit-nz">digit-nz</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#message-data" title="message-data">message-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#obsolete-search-response" title="obsolete-search-response">obsolete-search-response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-code-apnd" title="resp-code-apnd">resp-code-apnd</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-code-copy" title="resp-code-copy">resp-code-copy</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#resp-text-code" title="resp-text-code">resp-text-code</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#search-return-data" title="search-return-data">search-return-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#section-part" title="section-part">section-part</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#seq-number" title="seq-number">seq-number</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#status-att-val" title="status-att-val">status-att-val</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#uniqueid" title="uniqueid">uniqueid</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="nz-number64">nz-number64:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="243" height="71">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="37" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="35" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="55">digit-nz</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DIGIT" xlink:title="DIGIT">
<rect x="139" y="3" width="56" height="32"/>
<rect x="137" y="1" width="56" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="147" y="21">DIGIT</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h66 m-96 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m76 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-76 0 h10 m56 0 h10 m23 34 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#nz-number64" title="nz-number64">nz-number64</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#digit-nz" title="digit-nz">digit-nz</a> <a href="#DIGIT" title="DIGIT">DIGIT</a>*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#partial" title="partial">partial</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#partial-range" title="partial-range">partial-range</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="obsolete-recent-response">obsolete-recent-response:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="275" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number" xlink:title="number">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">number</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="119" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="117" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="127" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="175" y="3" width="72" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="173" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="183" y="21">RECENT</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="265 17 273 13 273 21"/>
<polygon points="265 17 257 13 257 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#obsolete-recent-response" title="obsolete-recent-response">obsolete-recent-response</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#number" title="number">number</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> 'RECENT'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="obsolete-search-response">obsolete-search-response:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="377" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 33 1 29 1 37"/>
<polygon points="17 33 9 29 9 37"/>
<rect x="31" y="19" width="74" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="17" width="74" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="37">SEARCH</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="165" y="19" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="163" y="17" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="173" y="37">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nz-number" xlink:title="nz-number">
<rect x="221" y="19" width="88" height="32"/>
<rect x="219" y="17" width="88" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="229" y="37">nz-number</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 33 h2 m0 0 h10 m74 0 h10 m40 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m88 0 h10 m-184 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 10 -10 m164 32 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -12 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-164 0 h10 m0 0 h154 m-204 32 h20 m204 0 h20 m-244 0 q10 0 10 10 m224 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-234 10 v14 m224 0 v-14 m-224 14 q0 10 10 10 m204 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-214 10 h10 m0 0 h194 m23 -34 h-3"/>
<polygon points="367 33 375 29 375 37"/>
<polygon points="367 33 359 29 359 37"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#obsolete-search-response" title="obsolete-search-response">obsolete-search-response</a></div>
<div> ::= 'SEARCH' ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#nz-number" title="nz-number">nz-number</a> )*</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="oldname-extended-item">oldname-extended-item:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="383" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="88" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="88" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">OLDNAME</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="139" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="137" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="147" y="21">SP</text></a><rect x="195" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="193" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="203" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="241" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="239" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="249" y="21">mailbox</text></a><rect x="329" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="327" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="337" y="21">)</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m88 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="373 17 365 13 365 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#oldname-extended-item" title="oldname-extended-item">oldname-extended-item</a></div>
<div> ::= 'OLDNAME' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> '(' <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="option-extension">option-extension:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="463" height="81">
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.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-standard-tag" xlink:title="option-standard-tag">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="148" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="148" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">option-standard-tag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-vendor-tag" xlink:title="option-vendor-tag">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="136" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="136" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">option-vendor-tag</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="259" y="35" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="257" y="33" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="267" y="53">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-value" xlink:title="option-value">
<rect x="315" y="35" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="313" y="33" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="323" y="53">option-value</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m148 0 h10 m-188 0 h20 m168 0 h20 m-208 0 q10 0 10 10 m188 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-198 10 v24 m188 0 v-24 m-188 24 q0 10 10 10 m168 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-178 10 h10 m136 0 h10 m0 0 h12 m40 -44 h10 m0 0 h166 m-196 0 h20 m176 0 h20 m-216 0 q10 0 10 10 m196 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-206 10 v12 m196 0 v-12 m-196 12 q0 10 10 10 m176 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-186 10 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m100 0 h10 m23 -32 h-3"/>
<polygon points="453 17 461 13 461 21"/>
<polygon points="453 17 445 13 445 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</a></div>
<div> ::= ( <a href="#option-standard-tag" title="option-standard-tag">option-standard-tag</a> | <a href="#option-vendor-tag" title="option-vendor-tag">option-vendor-tag</a> ) ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#option-value" title="option-value">option-value</a> )?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-base-opt" title="list-select-base-opt">list-select-base-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-independent-opt" title="list-select-independent-opt">list-select-independent-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#list-select-mod-opt" title="list-select-mod-opt">list-select-mod-opt</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#return-option" title="return-option">return-option</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="option-standard-tag">option-standard-tag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="111" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
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rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">atom</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="101 17 109 13 109 21"/>
<polygon points="101 17 93 13 93 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#option-standard-tag" title="option-standard-tag">option-standard-tag</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="option-val-comp">option-val-comp:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="313" height="169">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#astring" xlink:title="astring">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">astring</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-val-comp" xlink:title="option-val-comp">
<rect x="71" y="91" width="122" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="89" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="109">option-val-comp</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="71" y="47" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="69" y="45" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="79" y="65">SP</text></a><rect x="51" y="135" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="153">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-val-comp" xlink:title="option-val-comp">
<rect x="97" y="135" width="122" height="32"/>
<rect x="95" y="133" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="105" y="153">option-val-comp</text></a><rect x="239" y="135" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="237" y="133" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="247" y="153">)</text>
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<polygon points="303 17 295 13 295 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</a> ( <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</a> )*</div>
<div> | '(' <a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-value" title="option-value">option-value</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="option-value">option-value:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="273" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#option-val-comp" xlink:title="option-val-comp">
<rect x="77" y="3" width="122" height="32"/>
<rect x="75" y="1" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="85" y="21">option-val-comp</text></a><rect x="219" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="217" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="227" y="21">)</text>
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<polygon points="263 17 255 13 255 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#option-value" title="option-value">option-value</a></div>
<div> ::= '(' <a href="#option-val-comp" title="option-val-comp">option-val-comp</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="option-vendor-tag">option-vendor-tag:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="283" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#vendor-token" xlink:title="vendor-token">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="106" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="106" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">vendor-token</text></a><rect x="157" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="155" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="165" y="21">-</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#atom" xlink:title="atom">
<rect x="203" y="3" width="52" height="32"/>
<rect x="201" y="1" width="52" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="211" y="21">atom</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m106 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m26 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m52 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="273 17 281 13 281 21"/>
<polygon points="273 17 265 13 265 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#option-vendor-tag" title="option-vendor-tag">option-vendor-tag</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#vendor-token" title="vendor-token">vendor-token</a> '-' <a href="#atom" title="atom">atom</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#option-extension" title="option-extension">option-extension</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="partial-range">partial-range:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="351" height="69">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number64" xlink:title="number64">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">number64</text></a><rect x="155" y="35" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="153" y="33" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="163" y="53">.</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nz-number64" xlink:title="nz-number64">
<rect x="199" y="35" width="104" height="32"/>
<rect x="197" y="33" width="104" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="207" y="53">nz-number64</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h158 m-188 0 h20 m168 0 h20 m-208 0 q10 0 10 10 m188 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-198 10 v12 m188 0 v-12 m-188 12 q0 10 10 10 m168 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-178 10 h10 m24 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m23 -32 h-3"/>
<polygon points="341 17 349 13 349 21"/>
<polygon points="341 17 333 13 333 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#partial-range" title="partial-range">partial-range</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a> ( '.' <a href="#nz-number64" title="nz-number64">nz-number64</a> )?</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="partial">partial:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="411" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">&lt;</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#number64" xlink:title="number64">
<rect x="81" y="3" width="84" height="32"/>
<rect x="79" y="1" width="84" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="89" y="21">number64</text></a><rect x="185" y="3" width="24" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="183" y="1" width="24" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="193" y="21">.</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#nz-number64" xlink:title="nz-number64">
<rect x="229" y="3" width="104" height="32"/>
<rect x="227" y="1" width="104" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="237" y="21">nz-number64</text></a><rect x="353" y="3" width="30" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="351" y="1" width="30" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="361" y="21">&gt;</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m30 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m84 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m24 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m104 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m30 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="401 17 409 13 409 21"/>
<polygon points="401 17 393 13 393 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#partial" title="partial">partial</a> ::= '&lt;' <a href="#number64" title="number64">number64</a> '.' <a href="#nz-number64" title="nz-number64">nz-number64</a> '&gt;'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#fetch-att" title="fetch-att">fetch-att</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="password">password:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="123" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#astring" xlink:title="astring">
<rect x="31" y="3" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="21">astring</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m64 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="113 17 121 13 121 21"/>
<polygon points="113 17 105 13 105 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#password" title="password">password</a> ::= <a href="#astring" title="astring">astring</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#login" title="login">login</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="patterns">patterns:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="243" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">(</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#list-mailbox" xlink:title="list-mailbox">
<rect x="77" y="3" width="92" height="32"/>
<rect x="75" y="1" width="92" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="85" y="21">list-mailbox</text></a><rect x="189" y="3" width="26" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="187" y="1" width="26" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="197" y="21">)</text>
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<polygon points="233 17 225 13 225 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#patterns" title="patterns">patterns</a> ::= '(' <a href="#list-mailbox" title="list-mailbox">list-mailbox</a> ')'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mbox-or-pat" title="mbox-or-pat">mbox-or-pat</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="quoted">quoted:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="395" height="71">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="37" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="29" y="35" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="39" y="55">DQUOTE</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#QUOTED-CHAR" xlink:title="QUOTED-CHAR">
<rect x="143" y="3" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="141" y="1" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="151" y="21">QUOTED-CHAR</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="295" y="37" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="293" y="35" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="303" y="55">DQUOTE</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 51 h2 m0 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h122 m-152 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m132 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-132 0 h10 m112 0 h10 m20 34 h10 m72 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#quoted" title="quoted">quoted</a> ::= <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a> <a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</a>* <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#charset" title="charset">charset</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#string" title="string">string</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="313" height="213">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
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.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<polygon points="51 19 58 3 258 3 265 19 258 35 58 35"/>
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<text class="regexp" x="64" y="21">TEXT-CHAR - quoted-specials</text>
<rect x="51" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">\</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#quoted-specials" xlink:title="quoted-specials">
<rect x="99" y="47" width="120" height="32"/>
<rect x="97" y="45" width="120" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="107" y="65">quoted-specials</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-2" xlink:title="UTF8-2">
<rect x="51" y="91" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="89" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="109">UTF8-2</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-3" xlink:title="UTF8-3">
<rect x="51" y="135" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="133" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="153">UTF8-3</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#UTF8-4" xlink:title="UTF8-4">
<rect x="51" y="179" width="64" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="177" width="64" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="197">UTF8-4</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m214 0 h10 m-254 0 h20 m234 0 h20 m-274 0 q10 0 10 10 m254 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-264 10 v24 m254 0 v-24 m-254 24 q0 10 10 10 m234 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-244 10 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m120 0 h10 m0 0 h46 m-244 -10 v20 m254 0 v-20 m-254 20 v24 m254 0 v-24 m-254 24 q0 10 10 10 m234 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-244 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h150 m-244 -10 v20 m254 0 v-20 m-254 20 v24 m254 0 v-24 m-254 24 q0 10 10 10 m234 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-244 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h150 m-244 -10 v20 m254 0 v-20 m-254 20 v24 m254 0 v-24 m-254 24 q0 10 10 10 m234 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-244 10 h10 m64 0 h10 m0 0 h150 m23 -176 h-3"/>
<polygon points="303 17 311 13 311 21"/>
<polygon points="303 17 295 13 295 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#TEXT-CHAR" title="TEXT-CHAR">TEXT-CHAR</a> - <a href="#quoted-specials" title="quoted-specials">quoted-specials</a></div>
<div> | '\' <a href="#quoted-specials" title="quoted-specials">quoted-specials</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-2" title="UTF8-2">UTF8-2</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-3" title="UTF8-3">UTF8-3</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#UTF8-4" title="UTF8-4">UTF8-4</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#mailbox-list" title="mailbox-list">mailbox-list</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#namespace-descr" title="namespace-descr">namespace-descr</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#quoted" title="quoted">quoted</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="quoted-specials">quoted-specials:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="171" height="81">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#DQUOTE" xlink:title="DQUOTE">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="72" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="72" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">DQUOTE</text></a><rect x="51" y="47" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="59" y="65">\</text>
<svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m72 0 h10 m-112 0 h20 m92 0 h20 m-132 0 q10 0 10 10 m112 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-122 10 v24 m112 0 v-24 m-112 24 q0 10 10 10 m92 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-102 10 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h44 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="161 17 153 13 153 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#quoted-specials" title="quoted-specials">quoted-specials</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#DQUOTE" title="DQUOTE">DQUOTE</a></div>
<div> | '\'</div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#QUOTED-CHAR" title="QUOTED-CHAR">QUOTED-CHAR</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#atom-specials" title="atom-specials">atom-specials</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="rename">rename:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="423" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="31" y="3" width="76" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="76" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">RENAME</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="127" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="125" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="135" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="183" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="181" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="191" y="21">mailbox</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="271" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="269" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="279" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox" xlink:title="mailbox">
<rect x="327" y="3" width="68" height="32"/>
<rect x="325" y="1" width="68" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="335" y="21">mailbox</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m76 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m68 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="413 17 421 13 421 21"/>
<polygon points="413 17 405 13 405 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#rename" title="rename">rename</a> ::= 'RENAME' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a> <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#mailbox" title="mailbox">mailbox</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#command-auth" title="command-auth">command-auth</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="response">response:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="349" height="115">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
.bold-line {stroke: #141000; shape-rendering: crispEdges; stroke-width: 2;}
.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
<polygon points="9 95 1 91 1 99"/>
<polygon points="17 95 9 91 9 99"/><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#continue-req" xlink:title="continue-req">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="100" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="100" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">continue-req</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#response-data" xlink:title="response-data">
<rect x="51" y="3" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">response-data</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#response-done" xlink:title="response-done">
<rect x="205" y="81" width="116" height="32"/>
<rect x="203" y="79" width="116" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="213" y="99">response-done</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 95 h2 m20 0 h10 m0 0 h124 m-154 0 l20 0 m-1 0 q-9 0 -9 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 10 -10 m134 34 l20 0 m-20 0 q10 0 10 -10 l0 -14 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-134 0 h10 m100 0 h10 m0 0 h14 m-144 10 l0 -44 q0 -10 10 -10 m144 54 l0 -44 q0 -10 -10 -10 m-134 0 h10 m114 0 h10 m20 78 h10 m116 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
<polygon points="339 95 347 91 347 99"/>
<polygon points="339 95 331 91 331 99"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#response" title="response">response</a> ::= ( <a href="#continue-req" title="continue-req">continue-req</a> | <a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</a> )* <a href="#response-done" title="response-done">response-done</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">no references</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="response-data">response-data:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="395" height="257">
<style type="text/css">
@namespace "";
.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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.thin-line {stroke: #1F1800; shape-rendering: crispEdges}
.filled {fill: #332900; stroke: none;}
text.terminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
font-weight: normal;
text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1F1800;
font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
rect.terminal {fill: #FFDB4D; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.nonterminal {fill: #FFEC9E; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<polygon points="17 17 9 13 9 21"/>
<rect x="31" y="3" width="28" height="32" rx="10"/>
<rect x="29" y="1" width="28" height="32" class="terminal" rx="10"/>
<text class="terminal" x="39" y="21">*</text><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#SP" xlink:title="SP">
<rect x="79" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="77" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="87" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#resp-cond-state" xlink:title="resp-cond-state">
<rect x="155" y="3" width="122" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="1" width="122" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="21">resp-cond-state</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#resp-cond-bye" xlink:title="resp-cond-bye">
<rect x="155" y="47" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="45" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="65">resp-cond-bye</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#mailbox-data" xlink:title="mailbox-data">
<rect x="155" y="91" width="104" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="89" width="104" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="109">mailbox-data</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#message-data" xlink:title="message-data">
<rect x="155" y="135" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="133" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="153">message-data</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#capability-data" xlink:title="capability-data">
<rect x="155" y="179" width="114" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="177" width="114" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="197">capability-data</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#enable-data" xlink:title="enable-data">
<rect x="155" y="223" width="98" height="32"/>
<rect x="153" y="221" width="98" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="163" y="241">enable-data</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="317" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="315" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="325" y="21">CRLF</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m20 0 h10 m122 0 h10 m-162 0 h20 m142 0 h20 m-182 0 q10 0 10 10 m162 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-172 10 v24 m162 0 v-24 m-162 24 q0 10 10 10 m142 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-152 10 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m-152 -10 v20 m162 0 v-20 m-162 20 v24 m162 0 v-24 m-162 24 q0 10 10 10 m142 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-152 10 h10 m104 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m-152 -10 v20 m162 0 v-20 m-162 20 v24 m162 0 v-24 m-162 24 q0 10 10 10 m142 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-152 10 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m-152 -10 v20 m162 0 v-20 m-162 20 v24 m162 0 v-24 m-162 24 q0 10 10 10 m142 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-152 10 h10 m114 0 h10 m0 0 h8 m-152 -10 v20 m162 0 v-20 m-162 20 v24 m162 0 v-24 m-162 24 q0 10 10 10 m142 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-152 10 h10 m98 0 h10 m0 0 h24 m20 -220 h10 m50 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#response-data" title="response-data">response-data</a></div>
<div> ::= '*' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> ( <a href="#resp-cond-state" title="resp-cond-state">resp-cond-state</a> | <a href="#resp-cond-bye" title="resp-cond-bye">resp-cond-bye</a> | <a href="#mailbox-data" title="mailbox-data">mailbox-data</a> | <a href="#message-data" title="message-data">message-data</a> | <a href="#capability-data" title="capability-data">capability-data</a> | <a href="#enable-data" title="enable-data">enable-data</a> ) <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response" title="response">response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="response-done">response-done:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="229" height="81">
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rect.text {fill: none; stroke: none;}
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<polygon points="9 17 1 13 1 21"/>
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<rect x="51" y="3" width="130" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="1" width="130" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="21">response-tagged</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#response-fatal" xlink:title="response-fatal">
<rect x="51" y="47" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="49" y="45" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="59" y="65">response-fatal</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m20 0 h10 m130 0 h10 m-170 0 h20 m150 0 h20 m-190 0 q10 0 10 10 m170 0 q0 -10 10 -10 m-180 10 v24 m170 0 v-24 m-170 24 q0 10 10 10 m150 0 q10 0 10 -10 m-160 10 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h18 m23 -44 h-3"/>
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<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#response-done" title="response-done">response-done</a></div>
<div> ::= <a href="#response-tagged" title="response-tagged">response-tagged</a></div>
<div> | <a href="#response-fatal" title="response-fatal">response-fatal</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response" title="response">response</xhtml:a></xhtml:li>
</xhtml:p><xhtml:br xmlns:xhtml="" /><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="" style="font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold"><xhtml:a name="response-fatal">response-fatal:</xhtml:a></xhtml:p><svg xmlns="" width="345" height="37">
<style type="text/css">
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.line {fill: none; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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font-size: 12px;
fill: #141000;
font-weight: bold;
text.nonterminal {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
fill: #1A1400;
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text.regexp {font-family: Verdana, Sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
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font-weight: normal;
rect, circle, polygon {fill: #332900; stroke: #332900;}
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polygon.regexp {fill: #FFF4C7; stroke: #332900; stroke-width: 1;}
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<rect x="79" y="3" width="36" height="32"/>
<rect x="77" y="1" width="36" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="87" y="21">SP</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#resp-cond-bye" xlink:title="resp-cond-bye">
<rect x="135" y="3" width="112" height="32"/>
<rect x="133" y="1" width="112" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="143" y="21">resp-cond-bye</text></a><a xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href="#CRLF" xlink:title="CRLF">
<rect x="267" y="3" width="50" height="32"/>
<rect x="265" y="1" width="50" height="32" class="nonterminal"/>
<text class="nonterminal" x="275" y="21">CRLF</text></a><svg:path xmlns:svg="" class="line" d="m17 17 h2 m0 0 h10 m28 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m36 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m112 0 h10 m0 0 h10 m50 0 h10 m3 0 h-3"/>
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<polygon points="335 17 327 13 327 21"/></svg><xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">
<xhtml:div class="ebnf"><xhtml:code>
<div><a href="#response-fatal" title="response-fatal">response-fatal</a></div>
<div> ::= '*' <a href="#SP" title="SP">SP</a> <a href="#resp-cond-bye" title="resp-cond-bye">resp-cond-bye</a> <a href="#CRLF" title="CRLF">CRLF</a></div></xhtml:code></xhtml:div>
<xhtml:p xmlns:xhtml="">referenced by:
<xhtml:li><xhtml:a href="#response-done" title="response-done">response-done</xhtml
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