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Created January 4, 2012 04:08
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find most followed user to send tweet with a given hashtag
#a simple script that searchs all tweets with a given hashtag
#and finds which of the users sending those tweets has the most followers
#how is this useful? it probably isn't ...
#required python packages:
#you also will need a twitter account and an app registered with twitter
#registering an app with twitter you will grant you the security keys needed to query the twitter api
import sys
import time
import twitter
import httplib
import urllib
import json
hashtag = '#NDAA2012'
consumerKey = '<your twitter app consumer key>'
consumerSecret = '<your twitter app consumer secret>'
accessTokenKey = '<your twitter app access token key>'
accessTokenSecret = '<your twitter app access token secret>'
api = twitter.Api(
c = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
c.request('GET', '/search.json?result_type=recent&rpp=100&' + urllib.urlencode({'q':hashtag}))
result = json.loads(c.getresponse().read())
topUserFollowCount = 0
topUser = None
while True:
for t in result['results']:
print 'checking ', t['from_user']
u = api.GetUser(t['from_user_id_str'])
if u.followers_count > topUserFollowCount:
topUserFollowCount = u.followers_count
topUser = u
print 'error ', sys.exc_info()[0]
if 'next_page' in result:
nextpage = result['next_page']
print 'nextpage: ', nextpage
c.request('GET', '/search.json' + nextpage)
result = json.loads(c.getresponse().read())
print 'user with most followers-----------------------------'
print topUser
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