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Created July 1, 2011 16:40
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Reverse and Dottify a Number for Enum
#100 10 "u" "E2U+sip" "!^.*$!sip:[email protected]!".
raise "You need to add a 10D number to reverse and dottify as ARGV[0]" unless !ARGV.empty?
$num = ARGV[0]
def enum_reverse_dottify(num)
raise "You need to provide a 10D number" unless strip_keys(num).length == 10
num = strip_keys(num)
count = 0
return ((num.reverse).scan(/./).map{|val| val+"."}.join)+"1"
def strip_keys(num)
return num.to_s.gsub(/[\(\)\- ]/,'')
puts (enum_reverse_dottify($num))
# usage: ruby reverse_dottify.rb '(925) 726-3439'
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