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Created April 25, 2011 19:56
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Ezra NoSQL Talk
#Ruby Meetup Group
Limitations of SQL
(horizontal databases) - not covered in mysql
- Limitations
- don't scale past a single master
- hybrid systems (solution)
*find a small part of solution not on critical path (session_data, logs, etc)
'Redis' - alternative database
New Tour of New Database Types:
- fast, in memory key/value store
- alternate data types -> lists, sets (hash table)
- set intersections (commonalities across users, lookup)
- sessions, hit counters, log buffers (can use)
- all operations happen in memory
- data has to fit in memory
- data structure server
Efficient Data Handling (IO based)
Scales (single threaded) (Like memcache)
- allows you to spread out over server machines
Uses: as fast as you can get from a data store
Tokyo Cabinet
- Large Data workhorse
- Fully Syncronus, no chance of losing data
- Memory Caching,
More key/value type
- can have extensible code structures built into system
- Tokyo Server (80 GB)
- Fixed Length Records
- Efficient, Smallest on-desk footprint
- above 70GB, gets funky
- master, master
- master, slave
Uses For: Fastest, store large amounts of data, tune RAM server usage
- gets embedded in process
- document database
(mySQL of key/value stores) - easiest step from MySQL databases
- tables are collections of documents
- rolling buffer
- great complex queries
- index on attributes
- (Not Tied down to schema)
- Set collections as Shartable (auto-rebalancing)
- JSON document database
Cons: no transaction
Pros: recovery tools
- advanced query system
- I/O open, write - grid file system
- scales horizontally
MongoDB - fast syncronus writes, good for web, logging, statistics
- can use hugely complex queries
- have flexibility in queries
- Document Oriented DB
- HTTP/JSON query interface
- Add and Remove Nodes
-Erlang map/reduce query interface
- Tunable Nobs, I want you to write to 3 servers, etc (Rule sets)
- schemaless
- wants to stay alive
- interface via http, json
- ruby binding
Uses for:
- manage
- add nodes when you need them
- Eventually consistent node distribution
- column familys, etc
- structured key/value store
- can easily get back great sorted
RULES: rack aware, data aware, location aware
- When you need to scale out huge amounts of data
- Writes will always succeed
- Can add as many nodes as you need
- Twitter will jump on board
- Scale out over petabyte
- cliffmoon/dynomite
- no high level types
- Based on Amazon's Dynamo Papers
- key/blob
- Large amount of files (static) that you want to serve
- bring new nodes into cluster (system can easily get overloaded)
- (re-balance data)
*in active development
Use when you want to scale easily
Use as image asset store
Redis, Tokyo, MongoDB (stable)
*being used in production
*cassandra (look out for stable release)
- Chef Recipes on github
Pitfalls of #LSSSQL
- no referential Integrity
- not as much tooling
- almost non existent disaster recovery tools
- not as much production, used in anger experience
*Customers care (save the data!)
- horizontal cloud computing
- add more nodes when you need them (cloud data)
*Hypertable (offline, large batch processing)
- map reduce, offline cron based processing
- object relational mapping
- logic trees (easier to build out in new style dbs)
Moneta (github)
*InfoBrightEngine (for MySQL)
joins can be done within the client
- scalable by taking data from multiple end-points
Day to Day Issues
- what happens when you hit your limits
- memcache infront of mysql, redistribute other data into multiple / single systems
- Solid State Drives (ssd - hotspots on ssd)
Fusion I/O (solid state)
- controllers getting smarter
- boot config, simple to configure
SlideShare - (post slides)
Google App Engine (Data Store) - always slow, but always same slow
Benchmarking: (?) - no huge studies
Cassandra - nodes talk to eachother
- eventually consistent
Key/Value convergence on the move.
(+) Mongo team helps via IRC
(+) Feature Requests
(+) Good first step, document store
Redis -> Tokyo
*breakdown of object model
- now multiple queries to save, build, etc (crash = dead state)
- save code as rows in db, utilize db to run and return code
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