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Created March 26, 2020 22:15
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Hash Functions

A hash table is a data structure that implements an dictionary abstract data type, and is used to map keys to values.

                         array (key)
                         0 │ ⊙─┼─► value
                         1 │ ⊙─┼─► value
                         2 │   │  A Hash table is implemented by using a large array.
                           ├───┤  This is usually called the table's "backing array
                         3 │   │  because it backs the hash table.
To place an item A       4 │   │
into the backing array,    ├───┤
calculate a hash value.  5 │   │
                         6 │   │
               ┌──────┐    │   │
     "cab" ──► │ hash │    │   │
               │ func │    │   │
               └───┼──┘    │   │   Multiple items might have the same hash value.
                   │       │   │   This is called a collision. There are 2 ways
                   │       │   │   to handle collisions: chaining and linear probing.
                   │       ├╶╶╶│
                   │       │   │     linked-list
                   │       ├───┤    ┌───────┬───┐  ┌─────────┬───┐
                   └──► 98 │ ⊙─┼──► │ "cab" │ ⊙─┼──┼─► "cat" │ ⊙─┼────►
 the hash value is         ├───┤    └───────┴───┘  └─────────┴───┘
 then mod(%) with       99 │   │
 the array size.           └───┘

Additional Notes:

  • Load Factor is the Number of Entries in the Hash Table divided by the size of the backing array. The higher the load factor, the greater the probability of collisions.
  • A Load factor of 0.75 is generally considered a good point to double the size of the backing array.
  • When you resize the backing array, you have to remap all the entries in the table.


  1. Deterministic
  2. Evenly distributed
  3. Should use all values of the input

Hash Codes:

To generate hash codes, we use polynomials. We set x to a prime number, (e.g, 31, 53 or 101).

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