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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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var YError = require('yerror');
var _localDateCopy = global.Date;
var DateMock = {
_mocking: false,
_pendingQueue: [],
_assignedQueue: [],
_pendingIndex: 0,
start: function(theTimeQueue, options) {
if(DateMock._mocking) {
throw new YError('E_ALREADY_MOCKING');
options = options || {};
DateMock._pendingQueue = theTimeQueue || [];
DateMock._assignedQueue = [];
DateMock._pendingIndex = 0;
DateMock._mocking = true;
DateMock._tracing = !!options.trace;
return ( ? global : {}).Date = (function() {
function MockedDate() {
if(DateMock._tracing) {
var args = [];
if(arguments.length) {
args = [], 0);
} else if('undefined' === typeof DateMock._pendingQueue[DateMock._pendingIndex]) {
throw new YError('E_QUEUE_END', DateMock._pendingQueue, DateMock._pendingIndex);
} else {
this._index = DateMock._pendingIndex;
args = DateMock._pendingQueue[DateMock._pendingIndex++];
if(!(args instanceof Array)) {
args = [args];
this._assignedIndex = DateMock._assignedQueue.length;
DateMock._assignedQueue.push((new (_localDateCopy.bind.apply(_localDateCopy, [_localDateCopy].concat(args)))).getTime());
} = function() {
return (new MockedDate()).getTime();
MockedDate.parse = function() {
return _localDateCopy.parse.apply(_localDateCopy, arguments);
MockedDate.UTC = function() {
return _localDateCopy.UTC.apply(_localDateCopy, arguments);
//MockedDate.prototype = {};
MockedDate.prototype.constructor = _localDateCopy;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(_localDateCopy.prototype).forEach(function(key) {
MockedDate.prototype[key] = function() {
var aDate = new _localDateCopy(DateMock._assignedQueue[this._assignedIndex]);
return (aDate)[key].apply(aDate, arguments);
return MockedDate;
stop: function() {
if(!DateMock._mocking) {
throw new YError('E_NOT_MOCKING');
if(DateMock._pendingIndex != DateMock._pendingQueue.length) {
throw new YError('E_QUEUE_UNCOMPLETED', DateMock._pendingIndex, DateMock._pendingQueue.length);
stopAnyway: function() {
global.Date = _localDateCopy;
DateMock._mocking = false;
module.exports = DateMock;
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