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Forked from flekschas/data.js
Last active February 23, 2016 03:57
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Save ngehlenborg/3aef49061f058de7bc82 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Caleydo Web Tutorial - AngularJS heatmap integration
@import url(,700);
$colorBlindBlue: #50b4e9;
$colorBlindYellow: #f0e442;
$colorDirectHoverBg: #ccc;
$colorIndirectHoverBg: #e5e5e5;
$colorSelectedBg: $colorBlindYellow;
#app {
font-family: 'Source Sans Pro', sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
#table {
.ids {
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
&:hover {
cursor: pointer;
&.soft-highlight {
background: $colorIndirectHoverBg;
&.selected {
background: lighten($colorSelectedBg, 15%);
.cell {
color: #333;
&:hover {
color: #000;
background: $colorDirectHoverBg;
box-shadow: none !important;
&.soft-highlight-horizontally {
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg;
&.soft-select-horizontally {
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg;
&.soft-highlight-vertically {
box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg;
&.soft-select-vertically {
box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorSelectedBg;
&.soft-select-horizontally.soft-select-vertically {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 2px $colorSelectedBg;
&:last-child {
&.soft-highlight-horizontally {
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg;
&.soft-select-horizontally {
box-shadow: inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorSelectedBg;
&.selected {
background: $colorSelectedBg;
td, th {
min-width: 2rem;
padding: 0.25rem;
text-align: center;
input {
width: 2rem;
text-align: center;
border: none;
background: none;
tfoot {
color: #808080;
td.soft-highlight-vertically {
color: #333;
box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorIndirectHoverBg;
td.soft-select-vertically {
color: #333;
box-shadow: inset 2px 0 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset -2px 0 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset 0 2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg, inset 0 -2px 0 0 $colorSelectedBg;
#caleydo-heat-map {
display: block;
float: left;
margin: 1rem;
border: 1px solid $colorIndirectHoverBg;
#caleydo-heat-map {
margin-left: 0;
padding: 0.25rem;
svg {
vertical-align: top;
.select-selected {
fill: $colorSelectedBg;
// Remove useless arrows
input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
-moz-appearance: none;
appearance: none;
margin: 0;
<div id="app" ng-app="matrixApp" ng-controller="matrixAppCtrl as app">
<table id="table" ng-mouseleave="app.leaveTableBody()">
ng-if="app.matrix.columnIds || app.matrix.rowIds"
ng-class="{ 'soft-highlight': app.hoveringColumn === $index, 'selected': app.columnSelected($index) }"
ng-repeat="id in app.matrix.columnIds track by $index" class="ids">{{ app.matrix.columnHeader($index) }}</th>
<tr ng-repeat="row in app.matrix.rowIds track by $index">
ng-class="{ 'soft-highlight': app.hoveringRow === $parent.$index, 'selected': app.rowSelected($parent.$index) }"
ng-click="app.selectRow($index)">{{ app.matrix.rowHeader($index) }}</td>
'soft-highlight-horizontally': app.hoveringRow === $parent.$index,
'soft-highlight-vertically': app.hoveringColumn === $index,
'selected': app.cellSelected($index, $parent.$index)
ng-repeat="cell in app.matrix.columnIds track by $index"
ng-mouseenter="app.enterCell($parent.$index, $index)"
ng-click="app.selectCell($index, $parent.$index)">
ng-model="app.matrix.cell($index, $parent.$index)"
ng-model-options="{ getterSetter: true }" />
<td ng-mouseenter="app.leaveTableBody()">Sum</td>
'soft-highlight-vertically': app.hoveringColumn === $index,
'soft-select-vertically': app.columnSelected($index)
ng-repeat="sum in app.matrix.columnSums track by $index">{{ sum }}</td>
<heat-map matrix="app.matrix"></heat-map>
// Matrix selection service
var matrixSelectionService = function (stampit, eventStamp, matrixSelectionStamp) {
// App-wide selection service is initialized only once.
var selections = stampit.compose(eventStamp, matrixSelectionStamp)();
return selections;
// App controller wrapper
var matrixAppCtrl = (function () {
// Private
// Default dummy data
var _data = [['ID','a','b','c','d','e'],
['1', 10, 9.14, 1, 2, 4],
['2', 8, 8.14, 1, 2, 4],
['3', 13, 8.74, 1, 2, 4],
['4', 9, 8.77, 1, 2, 4],
['5', 11, 9.26, 1, 2, 4],
['6', 14, 8.1, 1, 2, 4],
['7', 6, 6.13, 1, 2, 4],
['8', 4, 3.1, 1, 2, 4],
['9', 12, 9.13, 1, 2, 4],
['10', 7, 7.26, 1, 2, 4],
['11', 5, 4.74, 1, 2, 4]];
// App controller
function matrixApp (_matrix_, _matrixSelection_) {
MATRIX = _matrix_;
MATRIX_SELECTION = _matrixSelection_; = _data;
this.matrix = MATRIX(null,, true, true);
// Set dimensionality.
MATRIX_SELECTION.dimensions = this.matrix.getDimensionality();
// Link matrix selection methods.
this.selectCell = MATRIX_SELECTION.selectCell;
this.selectColumn = MATRIX_SELECTION.selectColumn;
this.selectRow = MATRIX_SELECTION.selectRow;
this.cellSelected = MATRIX_SELECTION.cellSelected;
this.columnSelected = MATRIX_SELECTION.columnSelected;
this.rowSelected = MATRIX_SELECTION.rowSelected;
// When mouse leaves the table element.
matrixApp.prototype.leaveTableBody = function () {
this.hoveringRow = null;
this.hoveringColumn = null;
// When mouse enters a column.
matrixApp.prototype.enterColumn = function (id) {
this.hoveringRow = null;
this.hoveringColumn = id;
// When mouse enters a row.
matrixApp.prototype.enterRow = function (id) {
this.hoveringRow = id;
this.hoveringColumn = null;
// When mouse enters a cell.
matrixApp.prototype.enterCell = function (rowId, columnId) {
this.hoveringRow = rowId;
this.hoveringColumn = columnId;
return matrixApp;
// Heat-map directive controller wrapper
var heatMapCtrl = (function () {
// Private data
var OPTIONS = {
color: ['#f0f2f4', '#cc79a7'],
initialScale: 20
var _caleydoMatrix;
var _caleydoHeatMap;
// heat-map controller
function heatMap (_element_, _caleydo_, _matrixSelection_) {
// Set "constant" values.
CALEYDO = _caleydo_;
ELEMENT = _element_;
MATRIX_SELECTION = _matrixSelection_;
// Listen to Caleydo's selection events.
_caleydoMatrix.on('select', function(event, type, selection) {
var rowIds = selection.dim(0).asList();
var columnIds = selection.dim(1).asList();
console.log(type, columnIds, rowIds);
// Listen to Angular's cell selection events.
MATRIX_SELECTION.on('cellSelected', function (selection) {
// [[selection.column],[selection.row]],
// selection.selected ? 1 : 2
// Listen to Angular's column selection events.
MATRIX_SELECTION.on('columnSelected', function (selection) {
// Trigger a Caleydo range selection.
// SelectionOperation:
// 1 === ADD
// 2 === REMOVE
selection.selected ? 1 : 2
// Listen to Angular's row selection events.
MATRIX_SELECTION.on('rowSelected', function (selection) {
// Trigger a Caleydo range selection.
// SelectionOperation:
// 1 === ADD
// 2 === REMOVE
selection.selected ? 1 : 2
// Refresh heat-map when data changes
this.matrix.on('dataChanged', this.refresh.bind(this));
// Draw heat-map
heatMap.prototype.parseMatrix = function () {
// Deep cloning is necessary due to
_caleydoMatrix = CALEYDO.d3.parser.parseMatrix(_.cloneDeep(this.matrix.getRawData()));
// Draw heat-map
heatMap.prototype.draw = function () {
_caleydoHeatMap = CALEYDO.vis.heatmap.create(_caleydoMatrix, ELEMENT[0], OPTIONS);
// Redraw heat-map
heatMap.prototype.refresh = function () {
// Remove all heat-map related DOM elements
heatMap.prototype.clear = function () {
return heatMap;
// Heat-map directive definition
var heatMapDirective = function () {
return {
bindToController: {
matrix: '='
controller: 'heatMapCtrl',
controllerAs: 'heatMap',
restrict: 'E',
replace: true,
scope: {
matrix: '='
template: '<div id="caleydo-heat-map"><div>'
/* ---------- Angular Linking ---------- */
.module('matrixApp', [])
.constant('caleydo', window.Caleydo)
.constant('stampit', window.stampit)
.constant('eventStamp', eventStamp)
.constant('matrixStamp', matrixStamp)
.constant('matrixSelectionStamp', matrixSelectionStamp)
.factory('matrix', ['stampit', 'eventStamp', 'matrixStamp', matrixFactory])
.service('matrixSelection', ['stampit', 'eventStamp', 'matrixSelectionStamp', matrixSelectionService])
.controller('matrixAppCtrl', ['matrix', 'matrixSelection', matrixAppCtrl])
.controller('heatMapCtrl', ['$element', 'caleydo', 'matrixSelection', heatMapCtrl])
.directive('heatMap', [heatMapDirective]);
name: Caleydo Web Tutorial - AngularJS integration
description: A simple demo on how to integrate Caleydo Web's matrix vis into an AngularJS app.
- Fritz Lekschas
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
- //
normalize_css: yes
wrap: h
panel_js: 0
panel_css: 1
// Very simple event factory
var eventStamp = stampit.init(function() {
var stack = {};
this.on = function (event, callback) {
if (event in stack) {
} else {
stack[event] = [callback];
return this;
this.trigger = function (event, payload) {
if (event in stack) {
for (var i = stack[event].length; i--;) {
return this;
// Generic matrix factory function
var matrixStamp = stampit.init(function(stamp) {
var THAT = stamp.instance;
var data = stamp.args[0];
var columnIds = stamp.args[1];
var rowIds = stamp.args[2];
// Update the column sums
function updateColumnSums () {
var sums = [];
for (
var row = rowIds ? 1 : 0,
numRows = data.length;
row < numRows;
) {
for (
var column = columnIds ? 1 : 0,
numColumns = data[row].length;
column < numColumns;
) {
var realColumn = columnIds ? column - 1 : column;
sums[realColumn] = sums[realColumn] ? sums[realColumn] + data[row][column] : data[row][column];
THAT.columnSums = sums;
// Initialize column sums
// Generates an empty array of length # columns
// Note that this is barely a helper array to support _ngRepeat_.
this.columnIds = (function () {
return [].constructor(columnIds && data.length ? rowIds ? data[0].length - 1 : data[0].length : 0);
// Returns column header entry
this.columnHeader = function (column) {
return columnIds ? data[0][rowIds ? column + 1 : column] : undefined;
// Generates an empty array of length # rows
// Note that this is barely a helper array to support _ngRepeat_.
this.rowIds = (function () {
return [].constructor(rowIds && data.length ? columnIds ? data.length - 1 : data.length : 0);
// Returns row header entry
this.rowHeader = function (row) {
return rowIds ? data[columnIds ? row + 1 : row][0] : undefined;
// Proxy that returns a mapped getter / setter function
// This outer function will be called when Angular initialized the template.
this.cell = function (column, row) {
// The inner function will have have access to the specific _column_ and _row_ and returns a getter / setter ultimately used by Angular to link the model.
return function (value) {
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
return data[rowIds ? row + 1 : row][columnIds ? column + 1 : column];
} else {
data[rowIds ? row + 1 : row][columnIds ? column + 1 : column] = value;
THAT.trigger('dataChanged', {
rowId: row,
columnId: column,
value: value
return value;
// Returns the raw data object containing the column and row headers
this.getRawData = function () {
return data;
// Helper method to return the dimensionality
this.getDimensionality = function () {
return {
columns: this.columnIds.length,
rows: this.rowIds.length
// Final matrix factory function used by Angular
var matrixFactory = function (stampit, eventStamp, matrixStamp) {
// The final matrix object is composed of the object and matrix factory functions.
return stampit.compose(eventStamp, matrixStamp);
// Factory function for matrix selections
var matrixSelectionStamp = stampit.init(function (stamp) {
var THAT = stamp.instance;
var selectedCells = {};
var selectedColumns = {};
var selectedRows = {};
// Helper method to get index for a matrix cell.
function getIndex (column, row) {
return THAT.dimensions.columns * row + column;
// Select a single cell.
this.selectCell = function (column, row, forceSelect) {
var index = getIndex(column, row);
console.log('selectCell', column, row, index);
selectedCells[index] = selectedCells[index] && !forceSelect ? undefined : true;
THAT.trigger('cellSelected', {
row: row,
column: column,
selected: selectedCells[index]
// Select a complete column.
this.selectColumn = function (column, forceSelect) {
selectedColumns[column] = selectedColumns[column] && !forceSelect ? undefined : true;
THAT.trigger('columnSelected', {
column: column,
selected: selectedColumns[column]
if (!selectedColumns[column]) {
var rows = Object.keys(selectedCells);
for (
var i = column,
len = (THAT.dimensions.rows - 1) * (THAT.dimensions.columns) + i;
i < len;
i += THAT.dimensions.columns
) {
selectedCells[i] = undefined;
for (var i = rows.length; i--;) {
selectedCells[rows[i]][column] = undefined;
// Select a complete row.
this.selectRow = function (row, forceSelect) {
selectedRows[row] = selectedRows[row] && !forceSelect ? undefined : true;
THAT.trigger('rowSelected', {
row: row,
selected: selectedRows[row]
if (!selectedRows[row]) {
for (
var i = row * THAT.dimensions.columns,
len = i + THAT.dimensions.columns;
i < len;
) {
selectedCells[i] = undefined;
// Helper method to check whether a cell is selected or not.
this.cellSelected = function (column, row) {
return selectedCells[getIndex(column, row)] || THAT.columnSelected(column) || THAT.rowSelected(row);
// Helper method to check whether a column is selected or not.
this.columnSelected = function (column) {
return selectedColumns[column];
// Helper method to check whether a row is selected or not.
this.rowSelected = function (row) {
return selectedRows[row];
dimensions: {
columns: 1,
rows: 1
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