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Forked from dialtone/
Created August 23, 2013 20:51
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Save ngehlenborg/6323872 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import re
import sys
import csv
import json
import urllib2
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict as dd
DATE_FORMAT = "%m-%d-%Y"
NOTE_FORMAT = re.compile(r"(.*) \((.*) - (.*)\)", re.DOTALL)
P_NUMBER_FORMAT = re.compile(r"\[P#:(\d+)\]")
MONTHS = {'Jan': 1,
'Feb': 2,
'Mar': 3,
'Apr': 4,
'May': 5,
'Jun': 6,
'Jul': 7,
'Aug': 8,
'Sep': 9,
'Oct': 10,
'Nov': 11,
'Dec': 12}
def todatetime(s):
# Using %b to change the month is harder than expected
# so I'm doing this the manual way.
fields = s.split()
month = MONTHS[fields[0]]
day = int(fields[1].strip(', '))
year = int(fields[2])
return datetime(year, month, day)
def today():
# can't compare date and datetime so I'm gonna simulate them
return, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
def buildauthormap(f):
d = {}
for line in open(f, 'rb'):
if not line.strip(): continue
aliases, credentials = line.strip().split(":")
for alias in aliases.split(","):
alias = alias.strip()
if alias in d:
raise Exception("%s alias appears in different accounts" % (alias,))
username, password = credentials.strip().split(",")
d[alias] = dict(username=username.strip(), password=password.strip())
d[''] = dict(username="", password="") # set a default for non assigned tickets
return d
def togithubissue(d, authormap):
body = "Pivotal Issue: %s\n\n%s" % (d['URL'][0], d['Description'][0])
return {'title': "[P#:%s] %s" % (d['Id'], d['Story'][0]),
'body': body,
'assignee': authormap[d['Owned By'][0]]['username'],
'labels': d['Labels']}
def togithubcomment(d):
body = "%s\n\n%s" % (d['date'].strftime(DATE_FORMAT), d['Note'])
return {"body": body}
def main(o):
I run the show.
* Build a dictionary of PT issues from the csv file.
* Removes issues that are finished
* Creates an issue map with the issues already in the github project
* Creates issues or comments depending on what you picked through arguments
It doesn't keep track of which comments were created so that one should run
fine immediately.
Problem: You either get the passwords of all your users or you'll have to
agree with them to run the file one by one first on all the issues and then
on all the comments one by one, or you'll need to change this script to use
OAuth2. In case you don't have OAuth2 you'll also have issues in comment
ordering. This is why we leave a date in the comment body.
heads = None
issues = {}
authormap = buildauthormap(o.authormap)
for i, line in enumerate(csv.reader(open(o.pivotal_file, 'rb'))):
if not i:
heads = line
d = dd(lambda : [])
for head, field in zip(heads, line):
if head == "Note":
if not field:
body, author, created_date = NOTE_FORMAT.match(field).groups()
field = {'Note': body,
'author': author,
'date': todatetime(created_date)}
issues[d['Id'][0]] = d
# Take out closed issues, you can't really created closed issues in github and
# pivotal tracker doesn't really change the status of tickets that were already
# done in an iteration except that they have iteration end set.
issues = dict((id, issue)
for id, issue in issues.iteritems()
if (not issue['Iteration End'][0] or
todatetime(issue['Iteration End'][0]) > today()))
# Issues are created to have the pivotal tracker id in the title so that we can map
# created ones to already to be created ones and avoid re-creating them.
issuesmap = get_issues_map(o.base_url, authormap, o.github_username)
if o.do_comments:
for i, (issue_id, issue) in enumerate(issues.iteritems()):
for note in issue['Note']:
github_comment = togithubcomment(note)
if not note['author']:
raise Exception("Unknown author of comment: %s" % (note,))
credentials = authormap[note['author']]
if credentials['password'] == "password":
print "Skipping comment to issue %s from user %s" % (
issue_id, note['author'])
github_issue_id = issuesmap[issue_id]
sendcomment(o.base_url, github_comment, credentials, github_issue_id)
for i, (issue_id, issue) in enumerate(issues.iteritems()):
if issue_id in issuesmap:
github_issue = togithubissue(issue, authormap)
if not issue['Requested By'][0]:
raise Exception("Unknown author of issue: %s" % (github_issue,))
credentials = authormap[issue['Requested By'][0]]
if credentials['password'] == "password":
print "Skipping issue %s from user %s" % (
issue_id, issue['Requested By'][0])
sendissue(o.base_url, github_issue, credentials)
def sendissue(base_url, github_issue, credentials):
data = json.dumps(github_issue)
indata = get_page("POST", base_url, credentials, data)
print "Created issue", json.loads(indata)[number]
except Exception, e:
print e
return None
def sendcomment(base_url, github_comment, credentials, github_issue_id):
data = json.dumps(github_comment)
indata = get_page("POST", "%s/%s/comments" % (
base_url, github_issue_id), credentials, data)
except Exception, e:
print e
return None
def get_page(method, url, credentials, data=None, and_response=False):
import httplib
import base64
base64string = base64.encodestring('%(username)s:%(password)s' % credentials)[:-1]
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic %s" % base64string}
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request(method, url, data, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
data =
if response.status != 200:
raise Exception("Couldn't fetch %s with status %s, response %s" % (
url, response.status, data))
if and_response:
return response, data
return data
def get_issues_map(base_url, authormap, github_username):
# find credentials for this query
for credentials in authormap.values():
if credentials['username'] == github_username:
raise Exception("%s is not in the authormap, can't determine github password" % (
issues = []
current_page = 1
while True:
response, data = get_page("GET", base_url + "?page=%s" % (current_page,),
credentials, and_response=True)
link_header = response.getheader("Link", None)
# It appears that github puts the 'last' link unless you're in the last page
if '; link="last"' not in link_header:
current_page += 1
d = {}
for issue in issues:
old_ticket = P_NUMBER_FORMAT.match(issue['title'])
if not old_ticket:
d[old_ticket.groups()[0]] = issue['number']
return d
if __name__ == "__main__":
from argparse import ArgumentParser
parser = ArgumentParser(prog="")
aa = parser.add_argument
aa("--authormap", action="store", dest="authormap", required=True,
help=("Map of authors with corresponding username/password for GitHub "
"Formatted one per line as: 'PT_user_label:gh_username,gh_password' "
"gh_password should be 'password' if you want to skip the user"))
aa("--pivotal-file", action="store", dest="pivotal_file",
help="csv of exported pivotal data", required=True)
aa("--base-github-url", action="store", dest="base_url", required=True,
help="Base url for the github repo, such as /repos/:user/:repo/issues")
aa("--do-comments-instead", action="store_true", dest="do_comments",
help="import comments from pivotal to github")
aa("--github-username", action="store", dest="github_username", required=True,
help="Your GitHub username to fetch issues list for a project")
args = parser.parse_args()
print main(args)
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