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Last active November 10, 2022 23:54
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Deploying NGINX Plus as an API Gateway, Part 3: Publishing gRPC Services
# Standard HTTP-to-gRPC status code mappings
# Ref:
error_page 400 = @grpc_internal;
error_page 401 = @grpc_unauthenticated;
error_page 403 = @grpc_permission_denied;
error_page 404 = @grpc_unimplemented;
error_page 429 = @grpc_unavailable;
error_page 502 = @grpc_unavailable;
error_page 503 = @grpc_unavailable;
error_page 504 = @grpc_unavailable;
# NGINX-to-gRPC status code mappings
# Ref:
error_page 405 = @grpc_internal; # Method not allowed
error_page 408 = @grpc_deadline_exceeded; # Request timeout
error_page 413 = @grpc_resource_exhausted; # Payload too large
error_page 414 = @grpc_resource_exhausted; # Request URI too large
error_page 415 = @grpc_internal; # Unsupported media type;
error_page 426 = @grpc_internal; # HTTP request was sent to HTTPS port
error_page 495 = @grpc_unauthenticated; # Client certificate authentication error
error_page 496 = @grpc_unauthenticated; # Client certificate not presented
error_page 497 = @grpc_internal; # HTTP request was sent to mutual TLS port
error_page 500 = @grpc_internal; # Server error
error_page 501 = @grpc_internal; # Not implemented
# gRPC error responses
# Ref:
location @grpc_deadline_exceeded {
add_header grpc-status 4;
add_header grpc-message 'deadline exceeded';
return 204;
location @grpc_permission_denied {
add_header grpc-status 7;
add_header grpc-message 'permission denied';
return 204;
location @grpc_resource_exhausted {
add_header grpc-status 8;
add_header grpc-message 'resource exhausted';
return 204;
location @grpc_unimplemented {
add_header grpc-status 12;
add_header grpc-message unimplemented;
return 204;
location @grpc_internal {
add_header grpc-status 13;
add_header grpc-message 'internal error';
return 204;
location @grpc_unavailable {
add_header grpc-status 14;
add_header grpc-message unavailable;
return 204;
location @grpc_unauthenticated {
add_header grpc-status 16;
add_header grpc-message unauthenticated;
return 204;
# vim: syntax=nginx
location /routeguide. {
auth_jwt realm=routeguide token=$http_auth_token;
auth_jwt_key_file my_idp.jwk;
grpc_pass grpc://routeguide_service;
# vim: syntax=nginx
log_format grpc_json escape=json '{"timestamp":"$time_iso8601",'
map $upstream_trailer_grpc_status $grpc_status {
default $upstream_trailer_grpc_status; # grpc-status is usually a trailer
'' $sent_http_grpc_status; # Else use the header, whatever its source
server {
listen 50051 http2; # In production, comment out to disable plaintext port
listen 443 http2 ssl;
access_log /var/log/nginx/grpc_log.json grpc_json;
# TLS config
ssl_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/ssl/private/;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_session_timeout 5m;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
# Routing
location /routeguide. {
grpc_pass grpc://routeguide_service;
location /helloworld. {
grpc_pass grpc://helloworld_service;
# Error responses
include conf.d/errors.grpc_conf; # gRPC-compliant error responses
default_type application/grpc; # Ensure gRPC for all error responses
# Backend gRPC servers
upstream routeguide_service {
zone routeguide_service 64k;
upstream helloworld_service {
zone helloworld_service 64k;
# vim: syntax=nginx
log_format grpc_json escape=json '{"timestamp":"$time_iso8601",'
map $upstream_trailer_grpc_status $grpc_status {
default $upstream_trailer_grpc_status; # grpc-status is usually a trailer
'' $sent_http_grpc_status; # Else use the header, whatever its source
server {
listen 50051 http2; # Plaintext
# Routing
location /routeguide. {
grpc_pass grpc://routeguide_service;
health_check type=grpc grpc_status=12; # 12=unimplemented
location /helloworld. {
grpc_pass grpc://helloworld_service;
health_check type=grpc grpc_status=12; # 12=unimplemented
# Backend gRPC servers
upstream routeguide_service {
zone routeguide_service 64k;
upstream helloworld_service {
zone helloworld_service 64k;
# vim: syntax=nginx
# Service-level routing
location /routeguide.RouteGuide/ {
grpc_pass grpc://routeguide_service_default;
# Method-level routing
location = /routeguide.RouteGuide/RouteChat {
grpc_pass grpc://routeguide_service_streaming;
# vim: syntax=nginx
# This Dockerfile runs the helloworld server from
FROM golang
RUN go get -u
EXPOSE 50051
CMD ["go", "run", "greeter_server/main.go"]
# This Dockerfile runs the RouteGuide server from
FROM python
RUN pip install grpcio-tools
RUN git clone -b v1.14.x
WORKDIR grpc/examples/python/route_guide
EXPOSE 50051
CMD ["python", ""]
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coryvirok commented Oct 13, 2020

I recently tried out this config with a request streaming gRPC service and found that the client was erroring out consistently after a certain number, (~400 - 1000) of requests were streamed to the server. The error was RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED but the gRPC server showed no such error.

After much hair pulling, I remembered that was was proxying everything through NGINX using the above config. Once I directly connected to the gRPC server, bypassing NGINX, the error went away.

There appears to be at least 1 other person who ran into this, but I haven't been able to find mention of this behavior anywhere else. So I thought I'd comment here to provide another search engine hit for the RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED search term.

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tobq commented Jan 20, 2021

@coryvirok did you ever find a solution to the exhausted error?

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Unfortunately no. I didn't revisit using NGINX after switching to directly connecting to the gRPC server.

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Hey guys, I solved it finally by just increasing the request body size but not sure how efficient that solution is...

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@nitheshkumar2000, I ran into the same situation. Can you please share the what parameter value you changed in order to fix this? Thanks

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@nitheshkumar2000, I ran into the same situation. Can you please share the what parameter value you changed in order to fix this? Thanks
See if this can help!

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I still wouldn't suggest if we're using for grpc streaming because it acts as a middleman so the streaming capability of the grpc is affected, there's a lot of latency with this approach!

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