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Last active June 8, 2022 04:17
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i18n extract
"use strict";
const fs = require('fs');
const _ = require('lodash');
const path = require('path');
const readdirp = require('readdirp');
const Parser = require('i18next-scanner').Parser;
const WebpackPreBuildPlugin = require('pre-build-webpack');
const {i18nextToPo, i18nextToPot} = require('i18next-conv');
const charsMap = {
'a': 'ààà', 'b': 'ƀ', 'c': 'ç', 'd': 'ð', 'e': 'ééé', 'f': 'ƒ', 'g': 'ĝ', 'h': 'ĥ', 'i': 'îîî', 'l': 'ļ', 'k': 'ķ', 'j': 'ĵ', 'm': 'ɱ',
'n': 'ñ', 'o': 'ôôô', 'p': 'þ', 'q': 'ǫ', 'r': 'ŕ', 's': 'š', 't': 'ţ', 'u': 'ûûû', 'v': 'ṽ', 'w': 'ŵ', 'x': 'ẋ', 'y': 'ý', 'z': 'ž',
'A': 'ÀÀÀ', 'B': 'Ɓ', 'C': 'Ç', 'D': 'Ð', 'E': 'ÉÉÉ', 'F': 'Ƒ', 'G': 'Ĝ', 'H': 'Ĥ', 'I': 'ÎÎÎ', 'L': 'Ļ', 'K': 'Ķ', 'J': 'Ĵ', 'M': 'Ṁ',
'N': 'Ñ', 'O': 'ÔÔÔ', 'P': 'Þ', 'Q': 'Ǫ', 'R': 'Ŕ', 'S': 'Š', 'T': 'Ţ', 'U': 'ÛÛÛ', 'V': 'Ṽ', 'W': 'Ŵ', 'X': 'Ẋ', 'Y': 'Ý', 'Z': 'Ž'
module.exports = function(options) {
options = _.defaults(options, {
src: 'src', // Root folder to search for files to extract
dest: 'translations', // Folder to write extracted POT file
language: 'en', // Lanugage of templates and js files
ns: 'translation', // Namespace for created translation file
pseudo: null, // Set to a language code (qps-PLOC) to generate pseudo translation file,
filename: '{{ns}}.{{language}}.{{ext}}', // Output file name format
attr: ['t'], // Template file attributes to detect source text
func: ['i18next.t', 'i18n.t'], // JS method to detect source text
project: null, // Project name for POT file header
roots: [], // Property names to nest generated pseudo json file
count: "{{count}}", // Count value used for plurals
let parser = new Parser({
attr: {
list: options.attr
func: {
list: options.func
nsSeparator: false,
keySeparator: false,
defaultNs: options.ns,
root: options.src,
entryType: 'files'
}, function(file) {
let fullPath = file.fullPath;
let extension = path.extname(fullPath).toLowerCase();
switch (extension) {
case '.html':
case '.htm':
let template = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf-8');
case '.js':
case '.ts':
let script = fs.readFileSync(fullPath, 'utf-8');
}, function() {
let translations = parser.get()[options.language][options.ns];
delete translations[''];
let potPath = path.join(
.replace('{{ns}}', options.ns)
.replace('{{language}}', options.language)
.replace('{{ext}}', 'pot'));
let potDir = path.dirname(potPath);
if (!fs.existsSync(potDir))
// Converts JSON to POT
let convertOpts = {
language: options.language,
project: options.project,
i18nextToPot(options.language, JSON.stringify(translations), convertOpts)
.then(function(result) {
fs.writeFileSync(potPath, result);
if (!options.pseudo)
// Pseudo translation
let pseudoPath = path.join(
.replace('{{ns}}', options.ns)
.replace('{{language}}', options.pseudo)
.replace('{{ext}}', 'json'));
let pseudoDir = path.dirname(pseudoPath);
if (!fs.existsSync(pseudoDir))
// Create pseudo translations
let countHolder = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000).toString();
Object.keys(translations).forEach(function(key) {
let translated = '';
let msgid = key.replace(options.count, countHolder);
for (let i = 0; i < msgid.length; i++) {
let alternatives = charsMap[msgid[i]];
if (!alternatives) {
translated += msgid[i];
translated += alternatives[i % alternatives.length];
translations[key] = translated
.replace(countHolder, options.count);
// Nest translations in requested roots
if (options.roots) {
for (let i = options.roots.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
let temp = translations;
translations = {};
translations[options.roots[i]] = temp;
// Write to file
JSON.stringify(translations, null, 2));
const I18nextExtractor = require('./I18nextExtractor');
const baseConfig = {
// Webpack config here
plugins: [
new WebpackPreBuildPlugin(function() {
// Your options here
// Other webpack plugins, if needed here
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how can add this for extract into my REACT app?

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