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Last active August 29, 2015 14:26
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II.23.2.12 Type
Type ::=
BOOLEAN | CHAR | I1 | U1 | I2 | U2 | I4 | U4 | I8 | U8 | R4 | R8 | I | U
| ARRAY ModifiableType ArrayShape (general array, see §II.23.2.13)
| CLASS TypeDefOrRefOrSpecEncoded
| FNPTR MethodDefSig
| FNPTR MethodRefSig
| GENERICINST (CLASS | VALUETYPE) TypeDefOrRefOrSpecEncoded GenArgCount ModifiableType*
| MVAR number
| PTR ModfiableType
| PTR CustomMod* VOID
| SZARRAY ModifiableType (single dimensional, zero-based array i.e., vector)
| VALUETYPE TypeDefOrRefOrSpecEncoded | VAR number
ModifiableType ::=
CustomMod* Type
II.23.2.14 TypeSpec
TypeSpecBlob ::=
PTR CustomMod* VOID
| PTR ModifiableType
| FNPTR MethodDefSig
| FNPTR MethodRefSig
| ARRAY ModifiableType ArrayShape
| SZARRAY ModifiableType
| GENERICINST (CLASS | VALUETYPE) TypeDefOrRefOrSpecEncoded GenArgCount ModifiableType*
II.23.2.15 MethodSpec
MethodSpecBlob ::= GENRICINST GenArgCount ModifiableType ModifiableType*
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