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Created December 22, 2024 05:07
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# Two functions for reading multiple variables out of a json stream with a single `jq` execution
# One reads them to an associated array and one to named vars
# Extract certain fields from json (STDIN) to a bash associated array
# Args:
# - out (nameref assoc-array) where results are written to.
# - rest is pairs of jq expressions to aa keys (to index into "out").
# The jq expressions must result in leaf-values that can be printed.
function json2aa {
if [[ "$(declare -p "${1}")" != "declare -A"* ]]; then
echo "json2aa: passed nameref (${1}) is not of an associated array" >&2
return 1
local -n out="${1}"; shift
local -a keys=()
local jq_expr='['
if [ $(( ${#} % 2 )) -ne 0 ]; then
echo "json2aa: not en even number of remaining args" >&2
return 1
while [ ${#} -ge 2 ]; do
jq_expr+="${1}"; shift
keys+=( "${1}" ); shift
[ ${#} -gt 1 ] && jq_expr+=','
jq_expr+='] | join("\n")'
# now jq_expr should be an array of expressions that is then 'join'ed with newlines
local -i idx=0
local value
while read -r value; do
(( idx++ ))
done < <(jq -r "${jq_expr}")
return 0
# Extract certain fields from json (STDIN) to a bash associated array
# Args are pairs of jq expressions and variable namerefs.
# The jq expressions must result in leaf-values that can be printed.
# The variables are expected to exist in caller's scope
function read_json {
local -a names=()
local jq_expr='['
if [ $(( ${#} % 2 )) -ne 0 ]; then
echo "json2aa: not en even number of remaining args" >&2
return 1
while [ ${#} -ge 2 ]; do
names+=( "${1}" ); shift
jq_expr+="${1}"; shift
[ ${#} -gt 1 ] && jq_expr+=','
jq_expr+='] | join("\n")'
# now jq_expr should be an array of expressions that is then 'join'ed with newlines
local -i idx=0
local value
while read -r value; do
local -n var="${names[idx]}"
(( idx++ ))
done < <(jq -r "${jq_expr}")
return 0
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