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Last active June 16, 2021 15:34
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My personal assistant
// UI comp
const startBtn = document.createElement("button");
startBtn.innerHTML = "Start listening";
const result = document.createElement("div");
const processing = document.createElement("p");
document.write("<body><h1>My Siri</h1><p>Give it a try with 'hello', 'how are you', 'what's your name', 'what time is it', 'stop', ... </p></body>");
// speech to text
const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition;
let toggleBtn = null;
if (typeof SpeechRecognition === "undefined") {
result.innerHTML = "<b>Browser does not support Speech API. Please download latest chrome.<b>";
} else {
const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();
recognition.continuous = true;
recognition.interimResults = true;
recognition.onresult = event => {
const last = event.results.length - 1;
const res = event.results[last];
const text = res[0].transcript;
if (res.isFinal) {
processing.innerHTML = "processing ....";
const response = process(text);
const p = document.createElement("p");
p.innerHTML = `You said: ${text} </br>Siri said: ${response}`;
processing.innerHTML = "";
// text to speech
speechSynthesis.speak(new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(response));
} else {
processing.innerHTML = `listening: ${text}`;
let listening = false;
toggleBtn = () => {
if (listening) {
startBtn.textContent = "Start listening";
} else {
startBtn.textContent = "Stop listening";
listening = !listening;
startBtn.addEventListener("click", toggleBtn);
// processor
function process(rawText) {
let text = rawText.replace(/\s/g, "");
text = text.toLowerCase();
let response = null;
switch(text) {
case "hello":
response = "hi, how are you doing?"; break;
case "what'syourname":
response = "My name's Siri."; break;
case "howareyou":
response = "I'm good."; break;
case "whattimeisit":
response = new Date().toLocaleTimeString(); break;
case "stop":
response = "Bye!!";
if (!response) {`${rawText.replace("search", "")}`, "_blank");
return `I found some information for ${rawText}`;
return response;
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Does it work on vs code?

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