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Created February 5, 2022 22:13
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* Kalman Filters
* Uses a series of measurements observed over time, containing
* statistical noise and other inaccuracies, and produces a more
* accurate estimate.
function radians(angle) {
return angle * (Math.PI / 180);
const calculateGreatCircleDistance = (locationA, locationZ) => {
const lat1 = locationA.latitude;
const lon1 = locationA.longitude;
const lat2 = locationZ.latitude;
const lon2 = locationZ.longitude;
const p1 = radians(lat1);
const p2 = radians(lat2);
const deltagamma = radians(lon2 - lon1);
const R = 6371e3; // gives d in metres
const d =
Math.sin(p1) * Math.sin(p2) +
Math.cos(p1) * Math.cos(p2) * Math.cos(deltagamma)
) * R;
return isNaN(d) ? 0 : d;
const KALMAN_CONST = 500;
function kalmanIteration(lastLocation, location) {
const accuracy = Math.max(location.accuracy, 1);
const result = Object.assign({}, location, lastLocation);
if (!lastLocation) {
result.variance = Math.pow(accuracy, 2);
} else {
const timestampInc = location.timestamp - lastLocation.timestamp;
if (timestampInc > 0) {
// We can tune the velocity and particularly the coefficient at the end
const velocity =
(calculateGreatCircleDistance(location, lastLocation) / timestampInc) *
result.variance += (timestampInc * velocity * velocity) / 1000;
const k = result.variance / (result.variance + accuracy * accuracy);
result.latitude += k * (location.latitude - lastLocation.latitude);
result.longitude += k * (location.longitude - lastLocation.longitude);
result.variance = (1 - k) * result.variance;
return Object.assign({}, location, result);
export function kalmanFilter(rawData) {
return rawData.reduce(kalmanIteration, null);
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