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Attestation for MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony MPC Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremony
Hey, I'm nhymxu-535617 and I have contributed to the MACI v2 Trusted Setup Ceremony.
The following are my contribution signatures:
Circuit # 1 (processmessages_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 27
Contribution Hash: 72f46d0b 9040f4d1 74812ac5 a318a675
629d7179 d6f15732 51ecf62d 82079e5c
b0d24e5d c39febb2 ecc9f5cf 44bf0fed
6111caac 5a617d7c b8d3b2c6 b98b1454
Circuit # 2 (processmessagesnonqv_14-9-2-3)
Contributor # 26
Contribution Hash: 57cac3a4 147d56ba 97ab6ab4 d55fa7cc
ab88b339 96709d6c 44241822 29f91809
18d6510a 08dd97be 3151b991 4698c47d
f77adfbb c0ec0180 ff5c0dbc 572cab4c
Circuit # 3 (tallyvotes_14-5-3)
Contributor # 25
Contribution Hash: 3a1609b2 5281c323 1c4b487e e2486b80
e6841e91 26c1896f e4c34a33 588fed30
661f6c41 941276d9 537a8905 1b912c3c
f45ec7ad 9eebd9aa 75539ab1 ff6b5f1e
Circuit # 4 (tallyvotesnonqv_14-5-3)
Contributor # 23
Contribution Hash: e445a896 360e714e cf8c2f79 a3d1ecaf
23b5994d 259a1a97 a36e98a7 9c5c68b6
6fd3b94e 650aaced a3e16333 1e75c4cd
9ddf0c44 54e19276 3cc01aa8 0d9118da
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