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cube explorer with picker
Proof of concept class for making interactive plot object which allow the addition
of navigation buttons.
Created on Jul 3, 2013
@author: nrobin
import as mpl_cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
import numpy as np
import iris
from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError
import iris.plot as iplt
import iris.quickplot as qplt
class ButtonSetup(object):
Convenience class to store setup for Cube
Explorer buttons.
* col_margin:
Value for setting the amount of space
on the right of the plot for displaying
* initial_but_a_pos:
Positions of button a axis
in slot one.
* initial_but_b_pos:
Positions of button b axis
in slot one.
* slot_diff:
The vertical offset between sets
of buttons.
def __init__(self,
col_margin = 0.85,
initial_but_a_pos = [0.875, 0.85, 0.11, 0.05],
initial_but_b_pos = [0.875, 0.79, 0.11, 0.05],
slot_diff = 0.15):
self.col_margin = col_margin
self.initial_but_a_pos = initial_but_a_pos
self.initial_but_b_pos = initial_but_b_pos
self.slot_diff = slot_diff
class CubeExplorer(object):
def __init__(self, cube, plot_func, current_slice, *args, **kwargs):
* cube:
Cube of data to plot.
* plot_func:
Pointer to a plotting function
which is compatible with the slice defined
by current_slice.
* current_slice:
Index tuple which gives a slice of cube
which is compatible with plot_func.
self.cube = cube
self.plot_func = plot_func
self.current_slice = current_slice
self.axes_hook = kwargs.pop('axes_hook', None)
self.button_setup = kwargs.pop('button_setup',
# self._ax is set when the plot is made
self._ax = None
self._plot_args = args
self._plot_kwargs = kwargs
# _butts and _butt_fns are added to with
# various class methods
self._butts = {}
self._butt_fns = {}
def show(self):
def add_nav_buttons(self, dim, names_tup, slot=0, circular=False):
Adds a set of two buttons to the plot window which allow incrementing
or decrementing over the specified dimension
* dim:
Dimension number or name to traverse.
* names_tup:
Tuple of two strings to be the names of the
increment and decrement buttons respectively.
* slot:
Level of the plot to display this button set.
* circular:
Boolean - to loop round when limit is reached or not.
if type(dim) is str:
dim, = self.cube.coord_dims(self.cube.coord(dim))
if type(self.current_slice[dim]) is slice:
raise TypeError("Cannot iterate over a displayed dimension")
but_pos_a = self.button_setup.initial_but_a_pos
but_pos_a[1] -= slot*self.button_setup.slot_diff
self._butts[names_tup[0]] = Button(plt.axes(but_pos_a), names_tup[0])
self._butt_fns[names_tup[0]] = self._get_nav_fn(dim, 'inc', circular)
but_pos_b = self.button_setup.initial_but_b_pos
but_pos_b[1] -= slot*self.button_setup.slot_diff
self._butts[names_tup[1]] = Button(plt.axes(but_pos_b), names_tup[1])
self._butt_fns[names_tup[1]] = self._get_nav_fn(dim, 'dec', circular)
# set axis back to plot
def add_animate_buttons(self, dim, names_tup, slot=0, refresh_rate=0.2):
Adds a set of two buttons to start/stop cycling through a dimension
of a cube.
* dim:
Dimension number/name to traverse.
* names_tup:
Tuple of two strings to be the names of the
play and stop buttons respectively.
* slot:
Level of the plot to display this button set.
* refresh_rate:
Number of seconds to wait between each frame.
if type(dim) is str:
dim, = self.cube.coord_dims(self.cube.coord(dim))
self._butts[names_tup[0]] = Button(plt.axes([0.875, 0.85-(slot*0.15), 0.11, 0.05]), names_tup[0])
self._butts[names_tup[1]] = Button(plt.axes([0.875, 0.79-(slot*0.15), 0.11, 0.05]), names_tup[1])
play_fn, stop_fn = self._get_ani_fns(dim, refresh_rate)
self._butt_fns[names_tup[0]] = play_fn
self._butt_fns[names_tup[1]] = stop_fn
# set axis back to plot
def add_picker(self, plot_func, *args, **kwargs):
Adds picker functionality to a Cube Explorer object.
The user can then select points from which to display
data in one of the non-displayed dimension in a pop
up plot by clicking on the cube explorer plot.
* plot_func:
A plotting function that accepts a cube
consisting of all the non-displayed dimensions.
ax_hook = kwargs.pop('ax_hook', None)
# add picker option to plot
self._plot_kwargs['picker'] = kwargs.pop('picker', True)
def _on_pick(event):
if event.artist.get_axes() != self._ax:
s = [slice(None)] * len(self.cube.shape)
picker_plot_dims = [i for i, v in enumerate(self.current_slice) if type(v) is slice]
xpt = event.mouseevent.xdata
s[picker_plot_dims[0]] = int(xpt)
if len(picker_plot_dims) == 2:
ypt = event.mouseevent.ydata
s[picker_plot_dims[1]] = int(ypt)
plot_func(self.cube[tuple(s)], *args, **kwargs)
if ax_hook != None:
ax = plt.gca()
self._ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('pick_event', _on_pick)
def _make_plot(self):
Makes initial plot
self.fig = plt.figure(num=None)
# Make the initial plot. = self.plot_func(self.cube[tuple(self.current_slice)], *self._plot_args, **self._plot_kwargs)
self._ax = plt.gca()
if self.axes_hook is not None:
def _refresh_plot(self):
Refreshes the displayed plot to display the slice defined
by current_slice.
self.plot_func(self.cube[tuple(self.current_slice)], *self._plot_args, **self._plot_kwargs)
if self.axes_hook is not None:
def _get_nav_fn(self, dim, inc_or_dec, circular):
Returns increment and decrement button functions for a dimension.
if inc_or_dec is 'inc':
def fn(event):
if self.current_slice[dim] < self.cube.shape[dim]-1:
self.current_slice[dim] += 1
elif circular:
self.current_slice[dim] = 0
elif inc_or_dec is 'dec':
def fn(event):
if self.current_slice[dim] > 0:
self.current_slice[dim] -= 1
elif circular:
self.current_slice[dim] = self.cube.shape[dim]
return fn
def _get_ani_fns(self, dim, refresh_rate):
def play(event):
self.playing = True
while True:
if self.playing:
if self.current_slice[dim] < self.cube.shape[dim]-1:
self.current_slice[dim] += 1
self.current_slice[dim] = 0
def stop(event):
self.playing = False
return play, stop
if __name__ == '__main__':
cube = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('GloSea4', 'ensemble_001.pp'))
def axes_hook_main(ax):
ax.set_title('Depth slices')
def axes_hook_picker(ax):
ax.set_title('Time series')
ce = CubeExplorer(cube, iplt.pcolormesh, [0, slice(None), slice(None)], cmap=mpl_cm.get_cmap('brewer_OrRd_09'), axes_hook=axes_hook_main)
ce.add_nav_buttons('time', ("Up", "Down"), slot=0)
ce.add_animate_buttons(0, ("Play", "Stop"), slot=1)
ce.add_picker(qplt.pcolormesh, ax_hook=axes_hook_picker)
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