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Last active January 2, 2016 11:09
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warts and all deis install on precise NOTE there is an error in documentation around the berks install and I got confused about paths etc based on 3 docs and one messy issue https:/…
# deis install
sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server avahi-daemon
sudo mv /var/run/avahi-daemon /var/run/avahi-daemon_bak
sudo apt-get remove --purge openssh-server avahi-daemon
sudo apt-get install fail2ban python-software-properties curl apt-transport-https -y
sudo reboot now
cd /home/niccolox/Projects/deis/deisvagrant
cd deis
export DEIS_DIR=`pwd`
sudo nano /etc/csf/csf.conf
cd cd $DEIS_DIR/contrib/vagrant/chef-server
cd $DEIS_DIR/contrib/vagrant/chef-server
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
gem server
ln -s $DEIS_DIR/contrib/vagrant/knife-config $DEIS_DIR/.chef
vagrant up
vagrant ssh -c 'sudo cat /etc/chef-server/admin.pem' > $DEIS_DIR/.chef/admin.pem
vagrant ssh -c 'sudo cat /etc/chef-server/chef-validator.pem' > $DEIS_DIR/.chef/chef-validator.pem
echo '{"ssl":{"verify": false }}' > ~/.berkshelf/config.json
knife client list
gem install bundler
bundle install
berks install
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis
berks install
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis/contrib/vagrant/chef-server
berks upload
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis/contrib/vagrant/chef-server
berks install
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis
berks install
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis/contrib/vagrant/chef-server
berks upload
cd ~/Projects/deis/deisvagrant/deis
berks upload
sudo apt-get install openssh-server avahi-daemon
cd $DEIS_DIR/contrib/vagrant
knife bootstrap deis-controller.local --bootstrap-version 11.6.2 --ssh-user vagrant --ssh-port 22 --identity-file /home/niccolox/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key --node-name deis-controller --run-list 'recipe[deis::controller]' --sudo
knife client edit deis-controller
export EDITOR=$(which nano)
knife client edit deis-controller
sudo nano /etc/hosts
deis register http://deis-controller.local
deis providers:discover
deis keys:add
deis formations:create dev --flavor=vagrant-512
deis nodes:scale dev runtime=1
history | cut -c 8-
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