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nicerobot / Makefile
Last active February 22, 2021 13:02 — forked from teivah/pointer_test.go
Notice that the issue is with returning a pointer, not with passing a pointer. Passing the pointer is indeed faster than passing the value, as expected. This discrepancy is likely the effect of [having to escape the pointer's data to the heap](
go test -bench=. 2>&1 | tee bench.out
nicerobot /
Last active November 26, 2020 21:16
Simple demonstration of how nil pointers are not nil interfaces
nicerobot / .inputrc
Last active November 17, 2020 22:26
For systems that aren't respecting special characters during blackward-kill-word
# Respect extended word-boundaries
set bind-tty-special-chars off
Control-u: kill-whole-line
Control-w: backward-kill-word
# Enable Alt- <- -> for jumping by words
"\e[1;5D": backward-word
"\eOd": backward-word
"\e[1;5C": forward-word
"\eOc": forward-word
nicerobot / delete-activity.js
Last active June 6, 2022 16:39
JavaScript to Delete all (most) Facebook Activity as of 20201103
// 1. Navigate to your Activity Log
// 2. Paste this into the JavaScript Console
function clickDelete() {
document.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="Move to Trash"]')[0].click()
function clickMenu() {
setTimeout(clickDelete, 250);
nicerobot / Makefile
Created August 21, 2020 01:38
A Makefile for Terraform
.PRECIOUS: output.json terraform.tfplan terraform.tfstate
output.json: terraform.tfstate
terraform output -no-color -json | tee $@
plan: terraform.tfplan
terraform plan -out $@
# expects
# implements lots of
alias kgpos='kgpo --sort-by=.metadata.creationTimestamp'
alias kgpoy='kgpo -o yaml'
### config view
alias kcv='k config'
  • SC1000 $ is not used specially and should therefore be escaped.
  • SC1001 This \o will be a regular 'o' in this context.
  • SC1003 Want to escape a single quote? echo 'This is how it'\''s done'.
  • SC1004 This backslash+linefeed is literal. Break outside single quotes if you just want to break the line.
  • SC1007 Remove space after = if trying to assign a value (or for empty string, use var='' ... ).
  • SC1008 This shebang was unrecognized. ShellCheck only supports sh/bash/dash/ksh. Add a 'shell' directive to specify.
  • SC1009 The mentioned parser error was in ...
  • SC1010 Use semicolo
### Test scenario for "can"
variable "word-length" {
validation {
# The condition here identifies if the integer if greater than 1
condition = var.word-length > 1
error_message = "The variable is not greater than 5. Word length has to be at a minimum > 1."
variable "os" {
default = "linux"
validation {
# The condition here identifies if the variable contains the string "linxu" OR "windows".
condition = can(regex("linux|windows", var.os))
error_message = "ERROR: Operating System must be Windows OR Linux."
nicerobot /
Created May 29, 2020 15:28 — forked from karl-cardenas-coding/
Example of using try in Terraform
# Try example
data "http" "primary-server" {
url = ""
# Optional request headers
request_headers = {
Accept = "application/json"