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Last active December 3, 2019 14:58
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Global npm tools/packages that I use

Version control

  • git-run - A tool for managing multiple git repositories
  • git-open - Type git open to open the repo website (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) in your browser.
  • git-recent - List recent git branches, formatted so fancy

JavaScript development

  • eslint - ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
  • jake - the JavaScript build tool for Node.js
  • uglify-js - JavaScript parser, mangler/compressor and beautifier toolkit
  • webpack-cli - CLI for webpack & friends
  • jay-repl - Supercharged NodeJS REPL
  • create-react-app - Create React apps with no build configuration.
  • npkill - List any node_modules directories in your system, as well as the space they take up. You can then select which ones you want to erase to free up space.


  • clean-mark - Convert an article into a clean Markdown
  • hget - Render websites in plain text from your terminal

Diff utilities

  • diff-so-fancy - Good-lookin' diffs with diff-highlight and more
  • diff2html-cli - Diff to Html generates pretty HTML diffs from unified and git diff output in your terminal

Web utilities

  • viewport-list-cli - Return a list of devices and their viewports
  • pageres-cli - Capture screenshots of websites in various resolutions.
  • is-up-cli - Check whether a website is up or down using the API
  • http-server - A simple, zero-configuration command-line http server.
  • serve - Static file serving and directory listing
  • yo - CLI tool for running Yeoman generators

Language utilities

  • yaml-cli - A simple CLI for querying and updating YAML files
  • fx - Command-line JSON viewer

Static site generators

  • hexo-cli - Command line interface for Hexo
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