// ==UserScript== |
// @name BTTVChatHistory4FFZ |
// @namespace http://nicholastay.github.io/ |
// @homepage https://gist.github.com/nicholastay/fad3889c30b963aa2f2a4a8529792212 |
// @version 0.1.1 |
// @description Chat history for FFZ, BTTV-style. |
// @author Nicholas Tay (Nexerq / n2468txd) <[email protected]> |
// @license Zlib/libpng |
// @match *://twitch.tv/* |
// @match *://www.twitch.tv/* |
// @grant none |
// @updateURL https://gist.github.com/nicholastay/fad3889c30b963aa2f2a4a8529792212/raw/BTTVChatHistory4FFZ.user.js |
// ==/UserScript== |
;(function() { |
function waitForFFZ() { |
var attempts = 0; |
var interv = setInterval(function() { |
if (window.FrankerFaceZ) { |
clearInterval(interv); |
console.log("[BTTVChatHistory4FFZ] Found FFZ, injecting."); |
inject(); |
return; |
} |
if (attempts > 10) { |
clearInterval(interv); |
console.log("[BTTVChatHistory4FFZ] Could not find FFZ."); |
return; |
} |
++attempts; |
}, 750); |
} |
var FFZ, api, inUse = false; |
function inject() { |
FFZ = window.FrankerFaceZ.get(); |
api = FFZ.api("BTTVChatHistory4FFZ"); |
api.log("Able to use FFZ api."); |
setupSettings(); |
attachCallbacks(); |
} |
function setupSettings() { |
window.FrankerFaceZ.settings_info.bttv_chat_history = { |
type: "boolean", |
value: true, |
category: "[Deprecated] BTTVChatHistory4FFZ", |
name: "Enabled", |
help: "Enable chat history to be pulled from BTTV servers on room join.", |
no_bttv: true, |
on_update: function(enabled) { |
inUse = !!enabled; |
} |
}; |
inUse = ffz.settings.get("bttv_chat_history"); |
} |
function attachCallbacks() { |
api.register_on_room_callback(onRoomJoin); |
} |
function onRoomJoin(roomId) { |
if (!inUse || FFZ.has_bttv || roomId[0] === "_") // _ seems to be metadata channel |
return; |
api.log("Grabbing past message history for channel: " + roomId); |
$.getJSON("https://api.betterttv.net/2/channels/" + roomId + "/history") |
.done(function(data) { |
if (!data.messages.length) |
return api.log("There was no past message history to add for channel '" + roomId + "'."); // no data |
api.log("Got " + data.messages.length + " past messages for channel '" + roomId + "', adding."); |
data.messages.forEach(function(message) { |
// ffz-ify the bttv data |
FFZ.rooms[roomId].room.addMessage({ |
color: message.user.color, |
date: new Date(jsifyDate(message.date)), |
from: message.user.name, |
message: message.message, |
style: undefined, |
tags: { |
"display-name": message.user.displayName, |
emotes: message.parsedEmotes |
} |
}); |
}); |
FFZ.room_message(FFZ.rooms[roomId], "BTTVChatHistory4FFZ: End of chat history from BTTV."); |
}) |
.fail(function() { |
api.log("Failed to get BTTV chat history for channel '" + roomId + "'."); |
}); |
} |
function jsifyDate(str) { |
// stupid js. |
return str.replace("T", " ").substring(0, str.indexOf(".")) + " UTC"; |
} |
waitForFFZ(); |
})(); |