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Nic Jansma nicjansma

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nicjansma / boomerang-dimensionstickyplugin.js
Created July 15, 2024 20:29
Boomerang DimensionStickyPlugin
* The Boomerang DimensionStickyPlugin plugin will make a Custom Dimension "sticky" --
* if it is ever set (has a value), it will be always sent on subsequent beacons,
* even if the page doesn't set it.
* This plugin will utilize sessionStorage to do this.
(function(w) {
// TODO: Configure which mPulse Dimension to make sticky
nicjansma / boomerang-disableunload-plugin.js
Created May 25, 2022 15:02
Boomerang DisableUnloadBeacon plugin
* The Boomerang DisableUnloadBeacon plugin disables sending of the Unload beacon.
* The Unload beacon can be used to understand Session Duration (seconds on the page), but may not be needed in all cases.
(function() {
window.BOOMR = window.BOOMR || {};
window.BOOMR.plugins = window.BOOMR.plugins || {};
window.BOOMR.plugins.DisableUnloadBeacon = {
nicjansma / boomerang-cwv-plugin.js
Last active April 22, 2022 17:00
Boomerang CWV plugin that sends an additional Exit beacon before unload with FID (if it didn't happen by page load) and the SUM of CLS
* The Boomerang CWV plugin assists in sending Core Web Vitals metrics First Input Delay (FID) and
* Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) at the end of the page session. It does this by sending
* an additional "Page Exit" beacon prior to unload.
* The main changes in behavior over the EventTiming plugin (which sends FID) and Continuity
* plugin (which sends CLS) are:
* * If FID was _not_ on the Page Load beacon, this plugin sends FID on the Page Exit beacon.
* If FID was on the Page Load beacon, it is _not_ repeated on the Page Exit beacon.
nicjansma / boomerang-wait-after-onload-plugin.js
Last active April 21, 2024 13:21
The WaitAfterOnload Boomerang plugin waits for the specified number of seconds after * onload before a beacon is sent.
* The `WaitAfterOnload` Boomerang plugin waits for the specified number of seconds after
* onload before a beacon is sent.
* It does not affect the Page Load time (`t_done`) -- it just delays a beacon
* for the specified number of seconds. This allows the beacon to contain additional
* ResourceTiming data and other metrics/timers that might happen after page load.
* NOTE: Any plugin like this that delays a beacon from being sent after onload
* will have an effect on total number of beacons captured (due to the visitor
nicjansma / fiddler-boomerang-helpers.js
Last active January 17, 2021 07:15
Fiddler FiddlerScript helpers for Boomerang
// Helper Functions
// Gets a parameter from the URL
static function extractGetParameter(name, query) {
return decodeURIComponent((new RegExp('[?|&]' + name + '=' + '([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)').exec(query) || [,""])[1].replace(/\+/g, '%20')) || null;
// Gets a POST or GET parameter
nicjansma / boomerang-beaconrepeater.js
Last active April 20, 2022 13:19
Boomerang plugin to repeat all beacons to a second URL.
* Repeats all beacons to a second URL.
* To configure, update BEACON_URL.
* This code repeats some code from Boomerang. If you only need to send
* XHR beacons, or only image beacons, or not sendBeacon(), it could be trimmed down.
* @class BOOMR.plugins.BeaconRepeater
nicjansma / resourcetiming-iframe.js
Last active May 30, 2020 21:23
ResourceTiming leak to parent frames
// Placed in any cross-origin IFRAMEs
if (window !== {
if (typeof window.PerformanceObserver !== "function") {
// Listen for all ResourceTimings, repeating them to the parent window
var observer = new PerformanceObserver(function(entries) {
nicjansma / resourcetiming-crawl.js
Last active July 23, 2018 15:27
Naive ResourceTiming crawl of all IFRAMEs
// Naive ResourceTiming crawl of all IFRAMEs.
// Based on
// which you should use to deal with all of the caveats (e.g. startTime adjusting)
function isFrameAccessible(frame) {
var dummy;
nicjansma / boomerang-duplicate-custom-timers-to-beacon.js
Last active April 20, 2022 13:20
Boomerang plugin that duplicates any mPulse Custom Timers that are logged in the beacon's t_other parameter into distinct beacon parameters
* The `DuplicateTimersToBeacon` Boomerang plugin duplicates any mPulse Custom Timers
* that are logged in the beacon's `t_other` parameter into distinct beacon parameters.
* e.g:
* t_other=boomerang|17,boomr_fb|2516,boomr_ld|2351,boomr_lat|165,custom5|2112,custom0|27
* Will add two more beacon parameters:
nicjansma / boomerang-waitforjsvar-plugin.js
Last active April 20, 2022 13:20
Boomerang plugin that waits for the specified JavaScript variable to exist on the page before a beacon is sent.
* The `WaitForJsVar` Boomerang plugin waits for the specified JavaScript variable
* to exist on the page before a beacon is sent.
* It does not affect the Page Load time (`t_done`) -- it just delays a beacon
* until the variable exists. This allows the beacon to contain additional
* ResourceTiming data and other metrics/timers that might happen after page load.
* NOTE: Any plugin like this that delays a beacon from being sent after onload
* will have an effect on total number of beacons captured (due to the visitor